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How many of you are interested in "Cherry Pick" QB for CMSF?

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Right, old news for most of us. So can you re-re-re-confirm that the new QB system will never happen for CMSF? To quote myself from earlier in the thread:

I could see down the road like a CMSF:Gold Edition with maybe a few extra units tossed in along with the updated QB system, maybe a small campaign thrown in too. I think most would pay for that, normal module priced, I know I sure would.
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Seriously, I think this message must have been packed in larger doses of "even though the methodology won't be exactly the same". I don't think I'm alone in not realizing single item pick for CMx2:WW2 quickbattles will be there. Anyway, sorry.

No problem. The thing is we've already long since established that you guys want the ability to pick an individual unit (there was an example of mortar or MG in a previous post), so we're well aware that any system that comes up short in that department is going to go over like a Lead Zeppelin. Not a Led Zeppelin, mind you :D

Is there any chance for an import feature so that a shopping system can write something to disk that the game picks up?

Short term? No chance. This is a pretty specialized feature request which must be prioritized lower.

Well that would somewhat solve all of my issues for CMSF. Would this be something where both players can select their units independently before the battle, but after they are connected.. Similar to the CMx1 interface?

Yes. BTW, I don't think you were banned. I think what happened is you're connecting using an IP range that was black listed due to some troublemaker continually coming on under different user names. Who that is I don't know, but occasionally some innocents get caught in the drift net. Sorry about that.

Also, is there a time frame at all or just... "When it is done"?

It's going into Normandy, which we are still aiming to have out before the end of this year. As for CM:SF...

Right, old news for most of us. So can you re-re-re-confirm that the new QB system will never happen for CMSF? To quote myself from earlier in the thread:

We'll have to see how things pan out with the low level stuff. I definitely understand your point of view and am very sympathetic towards it. However, until the system is done for Normandy I don't want to make any promises.

Obviously, the new QB system will go into CM:SF2 and all other games going forward. So that's not an issue.


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It's going into Normandy, which we are still aiming to have out before the end of this year. As for CM:SF...



It would be awful nice if it could go into a patch sometime after Normandy or even in an expansion pack. I know that if you did release it my buddy would probably get Marines and UK (I already have) and we would both get an exapnsion which included it.

On a side note: Thank you much for bringing back the blue bar for WEGO.

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We'll have to see how things pan out with the low level stuff. I definitely understand your point of view and am very sympathetic towards it. However, until the system is done for Normandy I don't want to make any promises.

Obviously, the new QB system will go into CM:SF2 and all other games going forward. So that's not an issue.


YAY! A sliver of hope! Angry SS Werewolf approves!


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  • 5 months later...

Yes absolutely, buying units is one of the most fun things about CMx1 and leaving it out was a huge mistake.

Especially with all the awesome options, like random casualties, etc. Leaving it out was a huge mistake. Luckily I don't care too much about modern war anyways, just as long as they get it fine for CM2WW2 I'm happy.

And how have you guys not started coding yet? I don't see how we can be getting a release in a few months...

I'd rather you guys just come out and say it will be delayed if it's going to be delayed anyways.

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That would be about now, wouldn't it?

Yup :D More than 2 dozen testers have all seen the design and given the feature set an enthusiastic thumbs up, with one exception; the interaction with the budget system. The issues weren't a surprise to me, thankfully, but it did take a good rethink on how to fix the particular issues, which I have done. I haven't had time to write it up for them yet, but for sure it fixes the issues they raised. It's all pretty straight forward stuff.

Overall the QB system's goals were pretty easy to satisfy from the end user's standpoint. The trick was figuring out how to do certain things behind the scenes. The resulting system has 100% of the functionality of CMx1's QBs while still satisfying the organizational/C2 requirements of CMx2 and adding features that give the player even MORE options. Not to mention improvements to fix at least two *MAJOR* sources of complaint from the CMx1 system. As I've been saying for 2.5 years now... we have zero interest in simply redoing what has already been done because it's the lazy way forward. Never have been interested in sitting still, never will :D

I'll post some details soon.


And how have you guys not started coding yet? I don't see how we can be getting a release in a few months...

The new QB system was saved until the end because it doesn't impact the game itself, just how the forces are setup. Compare this to things like bridges which have major pathing implications, new terrain types which have LOS implications, tanks with bow MGs, etc. Cumulatively these things have taken us more than a year to code, while the QB system will probably only take a few weeks and then a few more to test. While that's going on all sorts of other things will be happening, like working on the campaign, individual scenarios, general testing, etc.


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I'll post some details soon.

Hey, no fair! That's what you said last time.

I knew you as a pretty noisy little fella, son. All of a sudden you get quiet. Lost your book of answers or are you just waiting for a lawyer?


And s a prize for the person who gets that one, I promise not to post a cowbell picture at you for a full year!!!

And remember, no googling, know your classics!

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I knew you as a pretty noisy little fella, son. All of a sudden you get quiet. Lost your book of answers or are you just waiting for a lawyer?

Nah, damned busy :) I've been working heavily on NATO this past week in particular. Once I make specific information public about the QB system then I have to show up A LOT to answer questions and address misconceptions. There's always plenty of both. So I'm trying to get some other stuff done first.


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The new QB system is really simple, honestly, and I don't understand why Steve didn't just explain it. So let me. You and your opponent are presented with the forces available for the battle, and then you go in turns picking the units that you like. The starter is chosen by tossing a coin, heads is Allies and tails means Axis starts. QB games are played in two 60-minute rounds, after one round the sides are swapped and if after 120 minutes there is a draw the game goes to overtime where one point gained by either side ends the game.

The down side to this is that PBEM Quick Battles may take a couple of weeks just to get started, although this can be helped by limiting the number of units to five or less. But the improved game balance should more than compensate for that! :)

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And don't forget the Penalties. For example, if you have too many King Tigers or Jumbos on the field at one time, you lose 200m of ground if attacking or ceded the initiative to the other side if defending. If you use Jeeps or Kübelwagens for recon, you will get a warning. Do it a second time and one platoon of your forces must exit the map along your friendly map edge. But don't worry. There are no penalties for unnecessary roughing the enemy, like hitting a bailed out tank crew with 3 rounds of direct fire 155mm. This is a game after all!


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Heh... that's the sort of confused terminology you get while I'm working on modern German forces and answering questions about WW2 Germans. I should have said 150mm :D


Nah-ah Steve, no takesies backsies. M12 GMC it is.

I wish I was entirely joking. Along the way we've seen a variety of pretty exotic vehicles but stuff like this that would nicely round out Allied forces never gets a shot. It's known this vehicle was used in the direct fire role late in the war. Instead we'll no doubt get the fecking Ostwind. Again.

Also, you should've said 15cm. :D

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