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Campaign for the future...

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Geez! That Brit campaign mission with the swarm of T-72's coming in Vs 1 Challenger and no long range anti-tank weapons is a BIATCH! Should be called Kobiashi Maru!

A suggestion for those creating campaigns. Ok - I admit I'm not too good at this game, but still generally enjoy it. That being said though, some missions in campaigns become more of an exercise in frustration (Pooh comes to mind!), which is not much fun. For us admittedly mediocre players - could there be a way to stack the forces a bit based on victory (or not victory :o) levels as the campaign progresses? I don't want to take any fun away from those playing "iron", but for us wimps (and I'm sure I'm not the only one, just the only one willing to admit it! ;)) some easier way through the campaigns would be very appreciated.

I'd love to see a full movie of how some get through the hard missions. I know I'm doing something wrong, but I have no idea what. I almost wish there were cheat codes (but I'm not THAT bad off).

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Geez! That Brit campaign mission with the swarm of T-72's coming in Vs 1 Challenger and no long range anti-tank weapons is a BIATCH! Should be called Kobiashi Maru!

an exercise in frustration (Pooh comes to mind)

I'd love to see a full movie of how some get through the hard missions. I know I'm doing something wrong, but I have no idea what. I almost wish there were cheat codes (but I'm not THAT bad off).

Atago, just ask and do it yourself! You don't need cheats or movies. There's a great commander in you somewhere.

I had A LOT of trouble with the British swarm of T72's also.





Leave your tank in that little area during setup. Face him to the right and wait patiently for the enemy flanking maneuver to drive into your sights and take them out one by one. In the mean time, hide all of your troops (pre-equipped) and your hide all vehicles behind buildings with the front and right flank totally covered safe. After you take out the enemies on the right, move a few dozen meters in the up/left direction (don't remember directions in that map) and wait to ambush the enemies hitting your left flank. While waiting for the left attack, it might be a good idea to pound the buildings near the road where the red dismount with artillery. Wait and ambush. Hide troops unless you have to fight. Soon enough, a second Challenger tank will come to help you out. But don't get to ballsy, be as slow and careful as you can and take out red vehicles one by one. Finally, move up to the objectives with troops only when you've completely massacred them.

Hope that helps!

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I won the "swarm" mission, but in general found the Marine campaign almost as frustrating at times as it was fun. With the British I am encountering similar frustration. I'd like a few more... something to help me out.

I find it hard to learn what I'm doing wrong, and have been on the forums for some time. I'm better than I was, but still not particularly good at this game!

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Here are some general rules to follow:

1. Your 'armored' vehicles don't last long under any type of anti armor fire, so protect them.

2. Play as if you were there... very carefully.

3. Use smoke to cover movements or to bug out. You can use artillery smoke on the enemy to blind them, or pop smoke and follow it down wind, or rush an apc up to a building and pop smoke while your guys unload. It's all up to you, but it's very useful.

4. Move from cover to cover, with guys in position and ready to give covering fire. This is "bounding overwatch".

5. Shoot first, ask questions later. Sometimes it pays to light up a likely enemy position, even if you don't know if they are there or not.

6. Use your artillery and air assets. They will devastate the enemy.

7. Take it slow. Sometimes you can win by just keeping a strong position. If they surrender, you win regardless of what objectives you have captured.

8. Dismount infantry to peek over hills rather than your vehicles. If the coast is clear, then peek over with vehicles to utilize their optics.

There's plenty more tips for you, but these are the basics. I hope that helps.

Btw, these scenarios are designed to be tough. It's not like there's are tons of people who can win with no problem every time, so don't feel bad. ;)

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Atago, I really understand you (i'm also not a hard player, but BTW I can solve that mission with carefull). But the good news is there is a way/method to create difficulty level in the campaigns, but it's a duble work for the designer. If in the first mission the player lost or not win a total victory, could the campaign follow on an easier way.

I like to create campaign, and maybe I will create one with this method.

Don't worry! ;)

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Actually, I am getting closer to the point of abandoning the campaign at this scenario with every failed attempt to keep my units alive.

I mean, it is okay to give the attacker overwhelming forces, but, please, give me at least a place to hide where I do not need to check LOS through rows of several buildings to keep my tanks alive. It is not funny!

Best regards,


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Wait! All that moaning and you end up giving them a complete trashing?

How could I know that at the time when I was moaning?

True, you needed a lot of saving and loading, but I'm beginning to wonder how much trouble you were really in.

I lost so many vehicles in so many different ways that I cannot recall them all! Syrian army under-powered, my a$$! I was in trouble and constantly so. The score is a result of obsessive micro-management, and as such not representative of what I went through ...

Sub-optimal results are a result too, you know? :)

This result clearly is sub-optimal. I could have saved the FO Warrior, but I could not be bothered to, just as I could have prevented some of the casualties by changing slightly the order of attacks on a BMP. There was no way I could save the truck (I tried), because there was no place to hide (the cupola stands out above low buildings).

I am happy that it is over!!

Best regards,


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