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Impressions of the campaign?

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I'm at the start of the third mission now. The maps are really well done, they seem like real world territory (as the screen above proves, they actually are).

The two missions I played through I scored major victories, but took a few losses each time. They seemed well thought out, and I didn't feel that I was on a suicide mission. The missions were both paced out in a fashion that seemed correct for what they simulated- a recon force in the opening stages of an offensive against a relatively unprepared enemy. I foresee a stiffening defense soon.

I'm really not very interested in modern combat, nor desert fighting so the fact I actually enjoy this game says a lot about the good work that the testers, scenario designers and BFC have done. I started out buying CMSF primarily as a way to support the efforts until the WWII games came along, but I found myself really liking the way the new engine works, regardless of the theatre. Well done all around.

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I've just completed the first mission of the campaign, it was an interesting experience. Very nice to see the heavier-armoured infantry vehicles, Bulldogs and a Warrior. One of the Bulldogs took an RPG in the side (from about a hundred yards or so) and was unscathed; unfortunately one of the gunners in another was killed by gunfire, I think from in front of the gun shield; but still, nice vehicles to use.

(edit) And no, it certainly didn't feel like a suicide mission (took 3KIA / 3WIA "tactical victory" only as it turned out, the Bulldog gunner and one of my squads was ambushed while I was trying to secure the main buildings). I suspect if I'd not played the demo mission a few times I'd've been reckless with the Scimitars and lost several, but as it was I just held them back and emptied their cannons into anything that looked like trouble. Not sure how much use those AP rounds are against buildings but they probably keep the bad guys' heads down.

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First campaing mission is over. Map was VERY NICE looking and mission felt just right. After first mission I had to test Scenario Editor and check Brits forces more carefully...

It's 1:24 A.M. now and only few hours until work. It seems Combat Mission series had done it again... It's so addicting! Biritis module feels great, can't wait to play more.

Thanks guys!

/I will activate sleeping mode now. Over and out!

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Anyone tried it yet? vehicles? maps? tactics? Youre impressions so far? Im at work and cant play :(

My last campaign ended in shame: "Major Defeat, campaign ended".

I lasted until maybe 10th scenario. There you need to defend againt armored thrutst. I dont know how to defend. I lost all my vehicles, all squads. Only few crews and FO survived. Can't find any decent cover for my troops and T-72 TURMS will kill all my challengers before I can say "BUM!.

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I am on the 5th mission now and I have to say I am very impressed. To be honest, this campaign has grabbed my interest far more than the others partly because of the excellent maps, partly because I feel more vulnerable than the Americans and partly because I have family connections to the 9th/12th Lancers :D

I really appreciate being able to follow the campaign on google earth - it feels very real. Well done to all involved!

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I made it to the end, and even won, but I took pretty horrendous casualties along the way. 140KIA, 91WIA, 5 CR2s, dozens of other vehicles (some of those casualties weren't exactly under my control ("Police Station") but lots were :(.) I got smashed on the mission De Savage mentioned above, worse than "Pooh" because you're defending, and on a later one too (an ambush sorta thing, entirely my misjudgement), but did well enough all round to make it to the finish.

I'm replaying the TF Thunder campaign with 1.20, then I'll go through Semper Fi Syria, then back to the British one and try for a different route. Very good! :)

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I've played through six missions in the campaign so far, and I found them very varied, thoughtfully-designed and for the most part extremely tough. The new Brits equipment is great (I particularly love the Jackals) and does take some adjusting to after the awesome firepower of the Marines, and 1.2 has so many improvements.

An excellent addition to the Shock Force base game.

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I'm of a completely different opinion.

I agree that having maps based on real-world locations is a real plus, but that's about as far as it goes. The troops to tasks assigned in the campaign are totally at odds with any sort of military good sense - at least in the first few missions.

I have a very detailed AAR I'm working out on my head to discuss this, and will start a new thread once it is ready.


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The troops to tasks assigned in the campaign are totally at odds with any sort of military good sense - at least in the first few missions.

I have a very detailed AAR I'm working out on my head to discuss this, and will start a new thread once it is ready.

I look forward to reading your conclusions on immersion, challenge, playability, and variety.

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The troops to tasks assigned in the campaign are totally at odds with any sort of military good sense - at least in the first few missions.

Whilst waiting for your detailed post, let's look at those first few missions shall we? The first probably has fewer infantry than one would like. The second seems perfectly reasonable to me. The third is maybe a bit dense on armour at the start.

However, I don't see how you can say that these things couldn't happen in real life. I'm currently in the middle of reading "3 Para" about the British in Helmand province in 2006, and at one point the Para's elite "Pathfinder Platoon" - a highly mobile recce unit in MWMIKs - is ordered to hold the town of Musa Qaleh. They expect to be there only a day or so but end up being stuck there for weeks. As is pointed out in the book, these guys are supposed to be on 200 mile patrols out in the desert, not acting as a garrison.

The point I'm making is that sometimes commanders in the field have to "make do" with what they've got.

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I made it to the end, and even won, but I took pretty horrendous casualties along the way. 140KIA, 91WIA, 5 CR2s, dozens of other vehicles (some of those casualties weren't exactly under my control ("Police Station") but lots were :(.) I got smashed on the mission De Savage mentioned above, worse than "Pooh" because you're defending, and on a later one too (an ambush sorta thing, entirely my misjudgement), but did well enough all round to make it to the finish.

I'm replaying the TF Thunder campaign with 1.20, then I'll go through Semper Fi Syria, then back to the British one and try for a different route. Very good! :)

Which route did you take? I'm curious to compare to my results during beta testing, especially because there have been subtle changes to certain missions.

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My last campaign ended in shame: "Major Defeat, campaign ended".

I lasted until maybe 10th scenario. There you need to defend againt armored thrutst. I dont know how to defend. I lost all my vehicles, all squads. Only few crews and FO survived. Can't find any decent cover for my troops and T-72 TURMS will kill all my challengers before I can say "BUM!.

Took me a few tries to get past that scenario, got two campaign ending "Major Defeats" and then on the 3rd save game load I got a Syrian surrender :D

Of course it helps that after 3 tries I knew the composition/location of the Syrian forces...but we'll not dwell on that ;)

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After playing Bashar in our hearts the campaign ended for me in a Tactical victory.

I got

122 KIA

93 WIA

3 Missing

3 Challys lost

29 Armoured vehicles lost

1 other vehicle lost (think thats a FOO vehicle)

Enemy got:


560 WIA

482 Missing

60 tanks lost

107 armoured vehicles lost

60 other vehicles lost.

so on KIA+MIA+Missing I got a 10 enemys on 1 of my soldiers, pretty pleased with that. on tanks its 20 to 1... :)

Overall I loved this campaign, There where plenty of time that I cursed the creators because they done such a great jobb, and theres plenty of time I was stuned by the beutiful maps!

the ONLY thing that got me pissed was that I was forced to work with US Army! if im playing a british campaign I dont want to control stykers, I had to live with the army fools in the Marines campaign, not wanting them in the british as well!

so overall I give 9.5/10 points to the campagne, and that 0.5 is for the US forces I got ;)


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the ONLY thing that got me pissed was that I was forced to work with US Army! if im playing a british campaign I dont want to control stykers, I had to live with the army fools in the Marines campaign, not wanting them in the british as well!

so overall I give 9.5/10 points to the campagne, and that 0.5 is for the US forces I got ;)

Dude, good thing you took the non-Damascus route--I believe every Damascus route mission involves US Army forces, although personally I was thankful for them! My core force was taking a beating by that point.

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Well, dont know if you did but I didnt restart a single scenario so even if I or the AI ****ed up badly I swallowed and moved on. If I would replay/restart the scenarios I would certainly get fewer casualtys.

Could also be that you have been playing with the british forces longer then us, so you know more how to deal with them, we had to discover that with the demo and during the campaigns advancement... I changed tactics as I went along because I noticed certain tactics that works with US gets you killed with UKs.

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