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Joe Shaw will so be upset when he sees I started a new Peng Challenge thread

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Don't worry little Boo, we are a benevolent people and will rule kindly over you goobernationals............at first............then there might be a few 'detentions'..........for the 'good of the people' of course...........then perhaps a 'disappearance' or two..........there might be the odd goober with some intellectual ability and they might have to go away to ensure 'political stability'...........next you will have to ride in the back of buses and trains..........then will be barred from public transport altogether.........you may find it difficult to get jobs in the public sector and we may have to nationalise your private sector 'for the good of the country'...........I think it best if we hang onto your passports for awhile so you can't go sneaking off to goober terrorist training camps..........and while we have the passports it'll be a perfect time to check on your goober ancestry for 'Aussie Racial Purity' which none of you will possess........certainly not you, Boo anyway...........for you and others of your ilk we have these 'camps' set up in the outback.........'Arbeit Macht Frei' is Aussie for 'all beers are free' so don't worry about that..........and there you have it........'Utopia'!

See what top blokes and sheilas we Aussies are?

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Yet another sign of the Apocalypso? Seanachai is the designated driver.

That bugger Papa Khann only had two margaritas, no beer. And I didn't drive him home, I booted him towards his car and went off to have burgers and a beer with a friend of mine.

The thing about people like Papa is, they can drink enough liquor to remain under the legal limit, and still behave like goofballs. I don't know whether to admire him, or pity him.

Now, myself, I need to drink a very great amount of liquor to act like a goofball. Of course, when I do, I only briefly visit the 'goofball' stage, before moving on to the 'get the tazer, crucifix and stake!' stage. If Papa Khann was to attempt to dance in step with me, we would need to have a priest on hand, either for an exorcism, or the last rites.

Lars needn't be smug, either, as the result of the whole thing was we're going to his house on Sunday, the 9th. At least, that seems to be the gist of what Papa was telling me. He also called up Dalem to tell him the same thing, but by that point the strange bar we were in was doing their Karaoke Night, and it was difficult, at best, to make him understand what Papa was gibbering about while a 65 year old woman in the background was singing 'Mr. Sandman'.

I do not recommend it.

A friend of mine, also from northern Ohio, once told me 'I figure Karaoke is Japan's revenge on us for Hiroshima and Nagasaki.'

Which makes me wonder about Anime. I mean, what could we possibly have done since then to justify it? It's simply possible that we didn't bomb them enough...

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Now, myself, I need to drink a very great amount of liquor to act like a goofball.

Then I assume you must down a keg of hard liquor every day.

A friend of mine, also from northern Ohio, once told me 'I figure Karaoke is Japan's revenge on us for Hiroshima and Nagasaki.'

Interesting observation. Truly vicious and vindictive people those Japanese.

Which makes me wonder about Anime. I mean, what could we possibly have done since then to justify it? It's simply possible that we didn't bomb them enough...

It's possible that exposure to the combination of denim blue jeans and hillbilly music permanently deranged them. How else to explain all those Mothra movies from the '50s?


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Then I assume you must down a keg of hard liquor every day.

Interesting observation. Truly vicious and vindictive people those Japanese.

It's possible that exposure to the combination of denim blue jeans and hillbilly music permanently deranged them. How else to explain all those Mothra movies from the '50s?


First, he must be a secret AZN. It takes much less than a keg depending upon geneology.

Second, karaoke is actually the revenge of overweight redheads upon society. Not wanting to draw any more negative attention to themselves, they decided to put up a cover campaign to make it appear as though asians were responsible. However, they did not anticipate the virus like effect it would have upon asian culture (much like beer in vending machines) and we have been witnessing the epidemic spread of the disease continuously over the last 30 odd years.

Third, anime is what you do when national acting talent is restricted to animated media due to not looking nearly as bad ass as the characters you are portraying (mostly due, however, to a misconception that a hero must look like Butch McManhood or some crappy teenage vampire from 'Twilight'). I cannot explain the cases of anime where the heroes look like young asian boys... perhaps those cartoons are just hentai pornography with the good bits cut out.

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I return from the wilds of Warrnambool, home of the Dirty Angel, a high proportion of amazing looking sheilas and Fat Yak, a goodly beer. There also I have feasted upon the carcass of a halfwit, his bragging of sacking people so offending me. There's nothing like the public execution of a paid lecturer to enliven a day, let one feel that all is well with the world.

I fed the fish, one pipi at a time. Didn't catch anything but a cold - the little buggers have the stealing of bait down to a fine art. My hot pink rod good for little more than a weak double entendre.

Noba, how many times have you been booked so far? Come to think, I drove past an abandoned rex on the freeway this morning. Nabbed under the hoon laws, were we?

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I believe the language is called English M'Lady. However there is a group of English speakers called "Australians"...who have their own unique brand of the tongue. It is quite unintelligble to those who speak the language properly, namely Americans and....and, well I cant think of any other groups right now.

Its best to let them jabber among themselves, and not really attempt to decipher what it is they are saying. In most cases it's nonsense anyway.

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First, he must be a secret AZN. It takes much less than a keg depending upon geneology.

Second, karaoke is actually the revenge of overweight redheads upon society. Not wanting to draw any more negative attention to themselves, they decided to put up a cover campaign to make it appear as though asians were responsible. However, they did not anticipate the virus like effect it would have upon asian culture (much like beer in vending machines) and we have been witnessing the epidemic spread of the disease continuously over the last 30 odd years.

Third, anime is what you do when national acting talent is restricted to animated media due to not looking nearly as bad ass as the characters you are portraying (mostly due, however, to a misconception that a hero must look like Butch McManhood or some crappy teenage vampire from 'Twilight'). I cannot explain the cases of anime where the heroes look like young asian boys... perhaps those cartoons are just hentai pornography with the good bits cut out.

Yes, yes, whatever ... the fact is that you have no general location nor, indeed, ANY information of note in your profile and we therefore wish you a warm and cordial ... SOD OFF!

We have rules here lad, obviously none that require a quarter of a wit to post ... witness the last few for example, but nonetheless rules. And a rule is a rule and nothing less than that ...

What's that you say? You didn't SEE any rules ... not my fault lad nor may you use that as an excuse because ignorance of the law is NO excuse ... I'm pretty sure I read that someplace.

With slight regard I remain ...

Sir Joe Shaw, Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread.

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Noba, how many times have you been booked so far? Come to think, I drove past an abandoned rex on the freeway this morning. Nabbed under the hoon laws, were we?


Five years ago.

Constable Kodak - bastard.

It's sweet when you line up some poor unsuspecting bugger to be your latest victim... All they hear is the growl, and the turbo spooling up as you flash past.

There is a heirarchy to Rex owners. Old cashed up BB's like me buy the new ones and thrash the bejeesus out of them. We sell them to poor unsuspection young rev-heads who then go on to get their poor wrecks impounded.



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And a rule is a rule and nothing less than that ...

But there are rules, and then there are rules...

When rules are allowed to be carelessly propagated by such null-wits as yourself, then all respect for the rule of law is diminished. Rules such as those which you have tried to impose for the major part of the last decade eliminate that respect entirely, as we have seen. Yes, you have nowhere to search but in your own flaccid and verminous excuse for a soul for a place to lodge all blame and derision. Take heed, old fool, and don't make it necessary to cancel your ticket to Disneyland.


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Ho hum, I suppose it will soon be time for one or another of the Oddstralians to check in and commit some fresh crime against the English language or other form of civilized behavior. That is, if they can work out which button to push to start their computers.


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Tomorrow I leave for my rendezvous with destiny: Paddling the lake that is the headwater of North America's longest and largest river.

Unless, of course, you're one of those heretics that wants to point out that, looked at from another angle, it would make almost as much sense to trace the Mississippi back up to the headwaters of what we consider to be the Missouri River, which is huge, and runs even further West and at least as far North.

But, of course, anyone who would even pause to consider the 'alternative geography' of regarding the Missouri as the source of the Mississippi is one the lowest and vilest forms of life on this or any other planet. I invite you all to spit upon such a person, repeatedly, until they are covered with spittle. And then put the boot in.

The Mississippi, as all right thinking people know, begins at Lake Itasca in Northern Minnesota. Where I will be by Sunday, paddle in hand.

It will be my long awaited return to this spot. I was first there when I was in Junior High, with my family. I did the obligatory act of 'walking across the Mississippi' on the stepping stones, awash in the stream that flows out of Lake Itasca, marking the 'official' beginning of the Mississippi River. It isn't, of course. The dam and stepping stones bit was put in in the 1930s. The actual beginning of the river is in the swampy land nearby, where the actual outlet from the lake begins. But image is everything.

When I was last at Itasca State Park, some 40 years ago, I bought a hinged pinewood box/gameboard, probably 6" by 6", the upper surface of which was the traditional checkerboard, with holes drilled in each square. Inside, there was storage space for plastic game pieces, both checkers and chess, with plastic pegs that fit into the holes in the gameboard.

It was a treasured possession of many years; a travel game set that officially came from 'Itasca State Park', the beginning of the Mississippi. And back then, it may actually have been made in Northern Minnesota, rather than some Totalitarian Dictatorship, Massive Human Rights Violator, Unrepentant Communist Holdout, Most Favoured Nation Trading Partner like China.

It's all very odd. Cuba is still under embargo, even though they're as poor as dirt and less of a threat than an aging prize-fighter with alzheimers and diabetes, simply because they're a Communist Nation. But China, a brutal totalitarian dictatorship, unrepentantly Communist, and vile in the extreme, has been granted every concession and free pass in the books.

Does that seem right to you?

I guess the whole 'Ideology' bit only matters if you're not a huge market for Western goods. But I digress.

The charming 'Travel Checkers/Chess' set has, like youth, beauty and good health, long since passed from my life. Pieces were lost, pegs were snapped-off, the clasp was lost, the game itself...faded into memory.

When I return, this visit, I plan to go to the 'Gift Shop'. And there I will purchase a new keepsake for my declining years. But now, grown to manhood, yay, verily, even descending into dotage, I no longer play checkers, or chess. I have put childish things behind me. But there is no question in my mind that, somewhere within the Itasca State Park Gift Shop, I will be able to purchase an official 'Itasca State Park' cribbage board. And, as the gods will no doubt will it, it will be a folding, 'travel' cribbage board. Possibly with an interior storage place for a deck of cards.

And the circle will be complete.

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It's all very odd. Cuba is still under embargo, even though they're as poor as dirt and less of a threat than an aging prize-fighter with alzheimers and diabetes, simply because they're a Communist Nation. But China, a brutal totalitarian dictatorship, unrepentantly Communist, and vile in the extreme, has been granted every concession and free pass in the books.

Does that seem right to you?


You forgot to mention that China, with its apparent total disregard for the value of human life is trying to poison off consumers of their products, including Westerners. Then I get cranky thinking about how I expect more from my own government in terms of protecting its citizens from these sorts of happenings.

I guess the whole 'Ideology' bit only matters if you're not a huge market for Western goods. But I digress.

I know, right? It pisses me off.

Then I remember I'm Canadian, so I shrug it all off, put down my coffee and head to work thinking about how nice my stay in Cuba was.

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I guess the whole 'Ideology' bit only matters if you're not a huge market for Western goods.

Even more, they have become the source—or should we say 'outsource'—of cheap(er), and discouraging often crummy, manufactured goods that we non-wealthy westerners have available to purchase. It also deserves mention that the Chinese virtually own the US Treasury now. Without their massive investment in the American economy, we would no longer be able to purchase those cheap and often crummy goods. And I hear that they are none too happy about the way we have been handling their investment.

But I digress.



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