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Isn't it cute how we used to have to end Peng Challenge threads before the 300th post

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Anybody with half a brain knows there never has been, and never will be, anything cute about the MBT. Something that stinks this badly and attracts the kinds of miscreants we see here on a regular basis conjures up different images. Images that are now, thanks to various environmental regulations, only seen in real life in places like third world countries and New Jersey. And if any of you Jersey guys want to make a fuss about it, tell me what exit number you live off of and I'll use Google Earth to prove my point. And if I can't, then I'll just swap in a pic taken from Slumdog Millionaire and fake my case just like the Warren Commission did. And if Oliver Stone wants to make a fast paced, but still dull, film about it... he's welcome to it.


Bah! I wave my hand at you...

If we hadn't existed, you buggers would have had to create us. Good Game, Bad Game, love, hate, idjits, fan-boys, wisemen, fools, Fionn, women, arseholes, banning, neo-nazis, and the Whole Goddamn Universe: WE HAVE STOMPED UPON THE TERRA!

YOU lot post in here, the Other Lot post in here, the Wafflers, and every half-fecked waterhead on this Board posts in here, at one time or another.

There's damn few, no matter how capable, that haven't at least stuck their head in long enough to shake it and say 'what the hell?!'

We've seen more catfights than a hyper-competitive whorehouse in Tijuana that caters to the tourist crowd, and we've self-regulated for what amounts to our entire history.

If we aren't what we once were, well, what the hell is?!

We're still great. It's the games and the posters that got small...

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Why else? Oh, well let's see... because some of you threatened to show up on my doorstep with cheap beer and wine coolers and not leave until I let the MBT return? My nearest neighbors might be 1/4 mile away, but I am confident that the carrying on which would result from such a caustic combination of elements would most definitely be heard. And if heard, result in various calls to law enforcement officials. I'd hate to use up all my favors with the Chief over THAT ruckus. Then again, I could call the police and tell them to use maximum force. They've got gallons of pepper spray and fully charged tazers which have never been used, so I'm sure they would jump at the chance.

Once again, apologies in advance. Elvis starting the thread has thrown me off my normal joyous mood regarding the MBT, therefore it is his fault.


Feck. If you EVER apologize again, I will by all the gods show up on your doorstep with a 3 liter jug of cheap red wine, and I will spin a Bob Dylan CD on one finger while I sing all the songs on it at the top of my voice, and I am here to tell you that pepper-spray just adds the necessary element of flavour to the wine. Haven't gone up against tazers, yet. I imagine it will be bad. But not as bad as me lying in your front yard screaming 'ATTICA! ATTICA!' and asking your wife to wash my underwear and write a letter home for me.

The day is going to come, Grammont, when I'm going to have the time and the money, and then the fact that you live in Baja Quebec will no longer be isolation enough...

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Oh I think stirring the pot would liven things up! Gawd knows it's been a tad slow 'at the office' of late.

But not in the next 7 days. I'm off to Queensland for a holiday over the next 7 days.

**gives everyone a big group hug**

Holiday? That would be more Aussie slang for 'lock-up', right? Generally speaking, anyone who goes to County here for 7 days got into a tussle with the arresting officers. The Court tends to frown upon that sort of spirited response to being both criminal and stupid.

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Poverty is not for the weak or the faint of heart.


Tell it, brother. Thank all the gods for friends and family. The poor, benighted bastards.

If reincarnation turns out to be on the up and up, I'll have to do something nice for them in the next life. At this point, doing anything worthwhile in this life is looking dicey.

Although I imagine the whole 'karmic burden' thing will see to their reward. And mine.

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Cheer up Seanachai, you morbid old bastage....i'll spare a thought for you as I meander my way through the Jewish cemetery in Prague next week.

Not that I expect any of your ancestors are rightfully interred there of course...sure there must be one or two who were beaten to death by an angry mob whilst caught in the act of grave robbing and were stuffed into a corner somewhere but regardless, i'll spare a thought for you....

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But not as bad as me lying in your front yard screaming 'ATTICA! ATTICA!' and asking your wife to wash my underwear...

Stop tapping into the recurring nightmare which causes me to jerk awake each night, my body clammy with cold sweat and my hands shaking as I reach under the bed for my shotgun.

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Holiday? That would be more Aussie slang for 'lock-up', right? Generally speaking, anyone who goes to County here for 7 days got into a tussle with the arresting officers. The Court tends to frown upon that sort of spirited response to being both criminal and stupid.

I remember one glorious New Year's Eve (I think that's what it was; in any event it was an excuse to be drunk...not that one was needed, you understand) when Mace wandered into the Cheery Waffle Thread and broke all their furniture. I was laughing so hard, I could hardly breathe. He's been rather restrained since, more's the pity, but it's good that he had at least one good rave-off in him.

"This was one in whom the elements were so mixed that all nature might stand up and declare, 'This was an Aussie!'"


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Help me.

Seanachai and Papa Khann are here, and I dinna have Lars here to balance them out.

It hurts.

Right, I've got just the ticket lad, here's what you do. Get a large kettle and fill it nearly full of water, cut up four onions, three lemons and an entire clove of garlic. Dump it all in the water and bring it to a brisk boil, then quickly dunk your entire head and breathe deeply.

I don't know that Seanachai and Papa Khann will leave after that but by Gawd they'll respect you ... or fear you which is pretty much the same and much better than your current status.

And I know the lads here on the MBT would find it amusing.


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Help me.

Seanachai and Papa Khann are here, and I dinna have Lars here to balance them out.

It hurts.

Ye're a Big Girrrl's Blouse, are ye noo? Ah saint ye a stankin' setoop, an' thas as tha response! Tae bae expected fraim a glistenin' dribble o' cods-whallop such as yersailf! Tuck ye gingam skirt aintae ye gym knickers an' attaind tae business, laddie!

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Dalem can't even maintain a decent facebook profile so I wouldn't be expecting a return file anytime soon.

The request for a setup was merely a cry for help......one which should be spurned accordingly.

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Ye're a Big Girrrl's Blouse, are ye noo? Ah saint ye a stankin' setoop, an' thas as tha response! Tae bae expected fraim a glistenin' dribble o' cods-whallop such as yersailf! Tuck ye gingam skirt aintae ye gym knickers an' attaind tae business, laddie!
Quite right OGSF ... uh ... he's definately ... uh ... well, what you said ... I think.

It was certainly ... interesting ... seeing you again. Regretably my stupid cellphone camera didn't save all the photos but I'll post the ones I have soon so the rest of the MBT can be on the lookou ... uh ... recognize you should the opportunity arise.


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