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CM: Normandy Synopsis & Posts

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Isnt the original release plan with "module every 3-4 month" , "new big title every 12 month" just fantasy now? Normandy game already delayed according to the original plan?....please sticky this now.

Dude, it's been just fantasy for a while (at least temporarily). The thing is that now that BFC has gotten a lot of things with the original title ironed out, they should hopefully get more and more on-schedule with each release. :) Pure conjecture is that the NATO module should take way less time than the Brits did (because the external team now knows what to do from the very start), the first Normandy module should theoretically take even less time unless there are massive bugs with Normandy (which I wouldn't expect, seeing as it's building off of CMSF base code), etc., etc. :)

And yes, sticky this, please!

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I'm glad to hear there will be a Mac version as well. I'm also glad to read that QB's are being prioritized, they were the secret of CMx1's success.

I agree this thread should be stickied, I don't stop by much anymore (according to the 'last visit' thingy it's been over a year! Hard to believe...) and it was a treat to find all the info on Normandy in one place. I was only vaguely aware that CM: Normandy was even in the works for the relatively near future.

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I agree, CMN forum would be nice, or even a couple of model renderings like we've seen for CMSF and the various modules. Last i've heard was that all the models for Normandy were pretty much done and work had even started on models for the first Normandy module, right?

In any case, i am full of anticipation for CMN and hope to see some news starting to arrive soon, now that pretty much the last module (bar NATO) had been released for CMSF it would be great to have a dedicated place where i can drool reading about a WW2 version of my favourite game :) Oh, and we need an official name, finally :P

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Since it has become extremely silent around CMN, i guess that's a very positive sign: to avoid inflicting the sales of the the recent CMSF-modules, because everyone would start talking about CMN, the forum would be flooded and CMSF would be hurt.

Therefore i expect big surprises with CMN.

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oh,please don't give me false hopes...!!! As about Normandy hurting the British...I guess that everyone who wants them all will sooner or later buy them all.But I doubted the ww2 fans bought all modules for CMSF.I,for exemple,bought only the base title just to see how the new engine worked and I do not intend to buy any module at all ever.On the other hand I will buy every little piece of the ww2 modules.

Isn't it funny...I'd rather play ww2 games even if we lost that war,but I am not very attracted by the modern war where "our side" won. I suspect some kind of masochistic behavior here.LOL

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Let's not forget that it is summertime; people are want to take vacations, show significant others that yes, the rumors of their demise were patently false... you get the idea.

I am sure that, like the new school year closing fast, with all it's new smells and excitement, we will soon witness a breaking of the "don't ask, don't tell" clause surrounding the CM WW2 release.

Too over-the-top? Meh... I'm bored.

Ja nah!

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I know the official mantra for releases has been "when it's ready"....

But has anyone noticed that so far the release schedule has followed a very close semester pattern?

CMSF Base Game - Late July (the 27th I believe)

CMSF Marines - Late December

CMSF British Forces - Late July again

And now we have heard that CM Normandy is slated before "the end of the year".

Well, what's the latest one can push back the release and still fall in this year?

Late December.

Earlier would be good, too, BFC....... :)

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I don't think BFC really has a release schedule like that. As we all know, they release it when it was done. I'd bet the planned release date on BFCs white board was a long time ago. CMSF took longer than expected, and developing the modules took longer than expected. Now that most of the kinks have been worked out new releases will come along at a quicker pace.

Now that the CMx2 engine is functional, most of the work for Normandy is adding new features, such as the revamped QB system, and things like water, bridges, AT guns and mortars. I believe they've already started coding the last two. The QB system will probably take the most amount of work.

I think Steve also said they don't worry about sales of one game/module affecting the sales of others. People who like modern will buy that and people who like WWII will buy that, and those who like both will eventually buy everything they want.

One thing I was thinking about the other day is how casualties are shown in open top vehicles. Until the Brits, I don't think we had any open top vehicles in CMSF. It's kind of weird to see soldiers just instantly disappear when they are hit. There are going to be a lot of open top vehicles in WWII and it would be nice to be able to see the casualties and have an opportunity to give them buddy aid.

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One thing I was thinking about the other day is how casualties are shown in open top vehicles. Until the Brits, I don't think we had any open top vehicles in CMSF. It's kind of weird to see soldiers just instantly disappear when they are hit. There are going to be a lot of open top vehicles in WWII and it would be nice to be able to see the casualties and have an opportunity to give them buddy aid.

Good point. Would like to see that as well - especially since I had a vehicle full of men got taken out in my last CMSF battle without the possibility to at least salvage the weapons (what use is the second man in an AT team when the guy with the AT wepaon gets wounded inside teh vehicle?) - but it might just be too complicated to code, although I agree that it makes much more sense given the abundancy of lightly armored vehicles in WW2...

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YES! I am just plain happy to see a WW2 title comin around that looks like Shock Force.

Its what Ive dreamed of for a while. I love WW2, and I dont really care so much about the Shock Force time area. I think that the tanks and vehicles and rifles from WW2 look more like tanks and vehicles and rifles than the new modern stuff, even if the new stuff works better than the ones from WW2 except for the Rifles of course. I think M16 and

M4 sucks. M1 Garand, BAR, M14, and Thompson rules!(even though M14 wasnt WW2 I still like it)

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OST FRONT: Coming to a German near you

What I can tell you is eventually we will have at least four "Families" of Eastern Front products. Once we get started on them they will follow one after the other fairly quickly. It will never match CMBB in terms of sheer content, though, since we have no plans to cover all of the Axis Minors we had in CMBB. Based on our experiences they won't be missed by many (I'll miss 'em!).

The four planned Eastern Front Familes are:

Summer 41 - Winter 41/42

Spring 42 - Winter 42/43

Spring 43 - Winter 43/44

Spring 44 - Spring 45

As luck would have it, the major TO&E and equipment changes were generally made during the Winter and rolled out Spring/Summer. This allows us to logically break things up so that we don't have too much to do for any one release compared to another.

Each Family, no matter what it portrays, is its own standalone game with between 3 and 4 Modules. This means we have roughly 12-16 Eastern Front releases planned. Families can never be combined with each other. Yes, that means you can't have something like a BT-5 swarms in 1945, nor a bunch of Pak37s trying to take on ISU-152s. You weren't supposed to do that in CMBB either, but we didn't explicitly prevent "cheating" in the Editor to achieve such non-historical matchups. Therefore, in theory CMx2's Eastern Front games will not be any different than what CMBB was supposed to be.

As for the order of release, we're starting with the last one (Spring 44 through Spring 45) and working backwards chronologically. From a marketing and development standpoint that makes the most amount of sense for us.

Pegasus Bridge

We currently have no plans to put [bridge blowing] in. It isn't as simple to add as people like to think it is, but that's pretty much the norm We've had plenty of debates about the realism of bridge blowing in the past, and in fact I found several long threads in the Archives covering the topic when I was double checking some stuff for my Blog entry.

The truth is that of the thousands and thousands of bridges crossed during the course of a tactical battle, an extremely small number of them were blown (or even attempted to be blown) during the tactical battle itself. I'd guess less than 0.01%. As most of you know, our philosophy since the very beginning is to not focus our attention on extreme "outliers" and instead focus our attention on core tactical situations. Because of this bridge blowing is a very low priority for us from a realism standpoint.

That being said, we do understand the fun of this from a "gamey" standpoint. At least a little. We do think that after a few battles where the guy on the other side blows the bridge in the first minute of the battle, thus denying you the bridge as if it never existed in the first place, will get old pretty quick. Still, sometimes people want something more for the concept of having it than for the actual use it will likely get. And that does matter to us, believe it or not.

However, considering all the things you guys want in the game, and where bridge blowing fits in the overall priority of user requests, it's very clear to us that bridge blowing is very far down that list. Therefore, we have no plans on putting it into CMx2 any time soon.

No, the bridges will not have their carrying capacity degraded due to damage or demolitions.

Nomandy --> Bulge

CM: Normandy will extend no further than about September (including Market Garden). There will be at least three expansions for Normandy to make this happen. CM: Bulge will take the war from October through to the end.

So, WHEN can we splash our moolah on it?

As for release we've decided we're not going to rush things to get it out by Christmas [2009] as originally planned. We would rather enjoy the Holidays. Our goal, however, is to have it mostly done before taking some time off at the end of the year.

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Nomandy --> Bulge

CM: Normandy will extend no further than about September (including Market Garden). There will be at least three expansions for Normandy to make this happen.

How does that work? 4 modules total (base game + 3 modules) Normandy to Market garden?

  • US Normandy
  • Brit Normandy
  • Falaise pocket
  • Market Garden

Does that sound right? Quite the modularization.

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Thanks for the update WineCape :D


Base game is US Normandy. First Module is Commonwealth Forces. Second is Arnhem. We're staying mum on the other one or two (we will see how things go) expansions. I can say, however, that I have already hinted that we're considering a Module containing oddball stuff. We are still considering it :D

And don't forget that just because the Module might say "Arnhem" doesn't mean that you can't do anything other than that. You can do Schledt, for example, or the early battles of the Lorraine Campaign. There's a ton of different things to cover from June through September that the game will support.


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