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Ambush at Dusk - Marine Corps Gazette

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...but ai scripting I have only a little experience with.

You do realize the only way to become more experienced at AI scripting is to do more AI scripting. Asking someone else to do your AI is like asking someone else to parallel park you car. :D

This advice from a guy who STRUGGLED the first year with the AI. Ohmygod that was a steep learning curve. You can't possibly be any worse at the AI than I was back then. :(:o

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A.I scripts are not an easy task, specially if you have to follow a scriptboard. The main difficulty I have found is setting the right experience level for Blue and Red in order to have the A.I behave the way you want it. You have to play the battle and see how it unfold on the Red side, if you play the Blue and reset it to another level, if the red do not fight the way you want them to. You might have to raise the Red level and lower the Blue one, till you get the right thing, or the contrary.

The result depends of the forces ground setting and of their ability to fight eventually at dusk (or night). The red aren't too good at it. They don't have NVG. In a night battle for the El Derjine campaign, that I am finalizing, the Reds were always wiped out, despite good fire fields. The management of different experience setting and play testing, made them fight better. The A.I plan was always the same.

Another annoying fact, is that the timing of the A.I plan start at the beginning of the setup. If you want a squad to move out 10 minutes after it has been engaged in a firefight, you can't order it. You have to imagine that they will be engaged at xx:xx time and that they will disengaged 10 minutes after. No way to define the time at which they will be engaged. It is a guessing game, till you play test the A.I and find out a more or less a good time setting. if the Blues come another way, the A.I script crumble down. More, the A.I has only 8 groups, that is not enough in some Company firefight, when you make different plan for the platoons and some support units. However, the number of orders are sufficients.

Despite, these problems, I think that the actual A.I is sufficient for the majority of the A.I plans. Not everything is perfect for sure, but we will sometimes have to adapt the script to take in account the way the A.I can play. Unfortunatelly, that will not be at the exact location on the ground map and at the exact time setting, we wish it should.


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The addition of a "shoot and scoot" AI command would make this much easier. As it is, they tend to stay in one location until they've been pummeled by firepower.

For sure, an ambush set with such a command will enabled the scenario maker to duplicate an AAR of a real one, taking in account a precise time schedule of the move being done after the the first shots.

No more boring numerous test play.


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The addition of a "shoot and scoot" AI command would make this much easier. As it is, they tend to stay in one location until they've been pummeled by firepower.

For sure, an ambush set with such a command will enabled the scenario maker to duplicate an AAR of a real one, taking in account a precise time schedule of the move being done after the the first shots.

I would have made a Blue-versus-Red-AI Humvee-patrol-ambushed-in-Sadr-City scenario already (or, for that matter, any scenario involving an insurgent ambush), except that I couldn't figure out how to make the Uncons fire for all they're worth for only 20-30 seconds and then displace disappearingly.

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  • 2 weeks later...
The addition of a "shoot and scoot" AI command would make this much easier. As it is, they tend to stay in one location until they've been pummeled by firepower.

Considering the whole idea behind uncon fighting strategy is shoot and scoot it makes the Uncon AI a bit too stupid for its own good. Not enough options for an already too easy to decimate army. Uncons should be able to stay in a position for X amount of time and then retreat to another location. It is clear from BF though that they are NOT interested in changing the scenario editor, AI scripting, or the general uselessness of uncons. My advice is jack up their experience and hope they can hold out.

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