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Billy Bob Thorton is a ____

JP Jones

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No, but I did rather enjoy his performance in that film in which he played a guy.

Is this (Youtube) the interview you are referencing? Being difficult in an interview or acting the petulant child seems like a fantastic way to gain some quick publicity for a new'ish gig.

I didn't know that video cameras were part of a radio show. The host seems to handle the hostility well enough.

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Seems to me that the video in question could have been edited to make Thorton look like an idiot. There are several parts in which Thorton's lips aren't moving in accord with what he's saying (even taking into account how the audio and video are a bit out of sync). Also, he may have been on drugs at the time. And he may not give a flying burrito if what he says during an interview makes any sense.

On a parallel note, I think "Boxmasters" as a band name is a combination of (somewhat) stupid and pretentious. Masters of a/the box? What is the box of which they are masters? Is "box" supposed to mean TV? There's no instrument in the band which could be likened to a box, so what's the band's name all about? (Then again, I've long been of the opinion that all the good band names are already taken.)

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I heard that when it aired on the radio here in Canada. I couldn't believe what I was hearing at first since I didn't catch it right at the beginning. Thought BBT was high at first cause everything was "i don't know", stuff like that. Then billy bob freaked out and the interviewer did a really good job keeping calm.

ahh well .. they can't all be good ones.. and with it being Billy Bob Thorton what do ya expect :)

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I take it you've never heard of a bandbox, the enclosure within which a stage band sits?

I believe I have heard of and seen what you're referring to, though I hadn't heard it referred to as a "bandbox". Are you referring to the plexiglass enclosure often set up around a drumkit so as to minimize its volume? And when you say "stage band", are you referring to a band of the sort that typically plays on a stage or a band of the sort that typically plays in what is commonly known as an "orchestra pit"?

He was married to Angelina Jolie. We, as far as I'm aware, were not.


(As far as y'all know, I might have been married to Angelina Jolie. But "of course" I in fact wasn't.)

BBT > us.

I disagree.

Thorton may be able to strum a guitar and "sing" and be the lead guy in a non-power trio and star in Oscar-nominated/Oscar-winning movies, but I would bet a month's worth of my income that he couldn't defeat the "least" of us here in a round of CM.

In my opinion, having been married to the Western world's avatar of hotness does not equal greatness in any sense of the word.

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Thorton may be able to strum a guitar and "sing" and be the lead guy in a non-power trio and star in Oscar-nominated/Oscar-winning movies, but I would bet a month's worth of my income that he couldn't defeat the "least" of us here in a round of CM.

Wow, I wonder how the guy sleeps nights with such a glaring lack of accomplishment in his life. Oh, you forgot to mention that he has written, directed and produced movies as well as acted in them. Of course that still doesn't make him a Combat Mission player now does it? In spite of this wasted and futile life he bravely goes on. Poor miserable Billy Bob. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

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Wow, I wonder how the guy sleeps nights with such a glaring lack of accomplishment in his life. Oh, you forgot to mention that he has written, directed and produced movies as well as acted in them. Of course that still doesn't make him a Combat Mission player now does it? In spite of this wasted and futile life he bravely goes on. Poor miserable Billy Bob. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

That's just the point... he may not be able to continue 'bravely going on.' It's obviously eating him up inside to the point where he sounds like he's high on something and it shows up in his anger and his resentment of Tom Petty. His lack of CM ability is slowly killing him from the inside out. He is doomed to a lifetime of RTS mediocrity.

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If you go back and watch old Hollywood films about Glenn Miller, Artie Shaw, Duke Ellington and similar, the band box is the enclosure in which the Big Bands sat. Typically, it had the band's name prominently emblazoned on the front and housed instruments, chairs, music stands, and sometimes lights for the musicians and the band leader. Never heard of the Plexiglas drum enclosure.


John Kettler

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