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Losing the will to wait

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@SFHAND, nicely put. Dont want to say anything except: the person in charge of the invasion in Iraq (supposed to be Mr. Bush) has lost the confidence of the majority of the voters of his country, partly because of it. Guess what the rest of the world thinks of him/his 'team'... Perhaps the best thing the invasion of Iraq produced is the first black president ;)

However I do have ethics. If you dont have m, perhaps invading Iraq was strategically best for USA to do if it is to keep its powerful status around the globe in the future. Who knows China/Russia and Iraq would be trading zillions of dollars atm, without allowing USA any share of it!! The stingy bastards!!


Ontopic; BF.C take as long as you need! :D Personally I have taken a little break in playing CMSF because of waiting for the british and the endless posts about CMx2 WWII got me bored a little. I think a little break is always good to refresh appetite!

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In this case there are different people doing different things, at varying times. Modellers and designers needn't wait on Charles to finish product A before starting the work on product B's vehicles.

That's it in a nutshell :D The old CMx1 code was so horrible for Charles to work with that he really couldn't handle doing more than one game at a time, and even then that was pretty damned difficult to do! The new code allows him to maintain several projects simultaneously with few problems. And when a problem crops up it usually applies to other projects so delaying Project A to get in Feature X might delay Projects B and C at the moment, but eventually B and C would have to be delayed for Feature X.

Now, having said that... would we all like to do one game at a time from the standpoint of mental energy being focused on one thing and not another? You bet. However, we've never had that even when we were doing a single game at a time :) There was always something else butting in, like support of the previous product, planning out marketing for a game we're not even finished with yet, or doing a website overhaul.

Having to choose between the 2 year gaps between new sources of revenue we had with CMx1 and the more consistent revenue stream we have with CMx2... no question about which is better for us. Go a couple of years without a steady paycheck a couple of times and I think you'd come to the same conclusion :D Makes long term business planning kinda difficult with such big gaps in income.

Now, if we were a ruthless publisher we'd have lots of revenue coming into Battlefront's coffers from our 3rd party products. But we pass through almost all of it to the developers because they deserve it since they made the products. In that sense, we're one of the dumbest publishers out there since we're purposefully not getting rich off of other people's hard work :D


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Foreplay is NOT Microwaved...and that's where we are here. Just lie back and enjoy the exquisite tension... ;)


In all honesty, and I know this sounds kinda pussy-like, but seeing the blokes in the desert again will be kinda strange....even if they are pixeltruppen.

So for me this digital foreplay is agony and ecstasy all wrapped up in one. I want it so bad I can taste it but I know it's gonna be bad for me. Just like a microwave burrito.

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Now, if we were a ruthless publisher we'd have lots of revenue coming into Battlefront's coffers from our 3rd party products. But we pass through almost all of it to the developers because they deserve it since they made the products. In that sense, we're one of the dumbest publishers out there since we're purposefully not getting rich off of other people's hard work :D


Exhibit A: Electronic Arts

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I do have a small suggestion if you're getting restless waiting for the Brits. Play the Army! Play the Marines! Play Red vs Red! See if you can construct a convincing 2km x 2km size all infantry night scenario then post it on Repository for the rest of us to enjoy. As the old saying goes, a module in the hand is worth two in the bush. ;)

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I'll never understand why some people, CinC, CEO, or gamer, would ever think it's okay to drop bombs on innocent people.

Clearly you expect people to behave in a rational manner. Once, long ago, I did too. So I can appreciate whatever amount of pain you view the world situation with; it still makes my heart ache.

But one thing I discovered about the way we work is that there is some small chunk of tissue among that glop of ganglia that sits atop the spinal column and serves in place of a brain for most folks that has a specific and overriding function. And that is, once it has identified some entity—whether singular or plural—as an 'enemy', it turns the organism in which it rides into a single-minded killing machine. Anyone host to such a mechanism, and that means nearly all of us if presented with the right circumstances, will devote every ounce of our energies to destroying that 'enemy'. It will do so even at the cost of destroying much else in the process, even one's own co-nationals, even one's own kin. Nothing must stop the destruction of the 'enemy'.

Okay, I am exaggerating for effect. Most people will not in fact go so totally off the deep end as that, but then they will never be pushed that far either. But we all have that capacity, and especially when the killing is easy and the blood and gore remains out of sight, we can go pretty far.

Keep that in mind. How do we end the madness? Well, one way might be for our species to become extinct. That is a distinct possibility. And it's not that other species lack that same killing ferocity, it's there for a very good evolutionary reason. It's just that we have so vastly expanded our abilities to kill, maim, and destroy, especially in the last century or so. Another way might be to put some brakes on the haste with which we label each other as 'enemies', but that is a delicate process that might take a lot of time to make work effectively. After all, there can be genuine enemies and we need to retain an ability to deal with them as well. So that's a balancing act and balancing acts are skills that are hard to master. I'm not sure we have any alternative though...except for the going extinct thing. And I don't know about you, but that one does not greatly appeal to me.


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I'll never understand why some people, CinC, CEO, or gamer, would ever think it's okay to drop bombs on innocent people. Sure, they call it collateral damage, and by doing so they think they excuse it, but the fact is they know innocents are going to die by the thousands and they proceed none the less which means it's premeditated. As a human being, I just don't see how that can possibly serve anyone's interests or enhance anyone's security.

No one thinks it is okay, except the people who deliberately set bombs in civilian centers with the intention of killing civilians.

In every single war ever waged, civilians have died. It happens, isn't nice, but is inevitable. The fact that we take great pains to avoid it, while the enemy doesn't, is ignored and I've never understood why.

Also, a good deal of us over there thought the policies were screwed up, but there isn't much we can do at the strategic or political level, and we just did our best at the tactical level. When Petraeus was in charge, things were a lot better, but I think the whole thing is a waste considering Iran controls Maliki and his buddies anyways.

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No one thinks it is okay, except the people who deliberately set bombs in civilian centers with the intention of killing civilians.

In every single war ever waged, civilians have died. It happens, isn't nice, but is inevitable. The fact that we take great pains to avoid it, while the enemy doesn't, is ignored and I've never understood why.

For the same reason it's better for you to have a dirty floor and be in the process of sweeping it when the sergeant/chief walks in then have a clean floor but be seen with your hands in your pockets. Also, personally I think movies and games have shown the American people an unrealistic level of SA. I pretty sure that volumes have been written on just how confusing and chaotic real combat is but people (even well-read ones) still just don't get it on a gut level.

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