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How unlucky is this guy


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In my understanding, the Japanese have a much more highly developed sense of shame than people from other regions (i.e., the West). In the case of Mr. Yamaguchi, I reckon it was a matter, not of ignoring him out of disdain or carelessness, but rather of the implicit shame. Being so roundly defeated -- how can one hope to prevail against an opponent that can destroy an entire city (or most of it) with a single bomb? -- would, I suppose, make them disclined to recognize reminders of that defeat.

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Well, don't go starting wars then, eh?

So they are not shamed by the Rape of Nanking, destruction of Manila and treatment of prisoners, but just by their own defeat? Nice.

(Said with a grain of salt given, er, certain unfortunate events of the past 8 years in the US of A.)

I did not mean "the Japanese have a highly developed sense of shame because they started the PTO half of WW2". I meant that an acute sense of shame in intrinsic to their culture, and evidence of it can be found throughout their existence as a people. Ever wondered why Japanese have a reputation for suicide? (And no, I'm not referring to kamikaze-type attacks.) If an American high-school got Ds and Cs, he probably wouldn't sweat it. If a Japanese high-school student got Ds and Cs, he would be so overwhelmed with shame that he would quite possibly kill himself. Also, I did not mean to imply that the Japanese feel shame only about being defeated.

But now that you mention it, what particular "unfortunate events of the past 8 years in the US of A" were you referring to?

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I did not mean "the Japanese have a highly developed sense of shame because they started the PTO half of WW2". I meant that an acute sense of shame in intrinsic to their culture, and evidence of it can be found throughout their existence as a people. Ever wondered why Japanese have a reputation for suicide? (And no, I'm not referring to kamikaze-type attacks.) If an American high-school got Ds and Cs, he probably wouldn't sweat it. If a Japanese high-school student got Ds and Cs, he would be so overwhelmed with shame that he would quite possibly kill himself. Also, I did not mean to imply that the Japanese feel shame only about being defeated.

But now that you mention it, what particular "unfortunate events of the past 8 years in the US of A" were you referring to?

Oh, say, the demonization and totally unnecessary invasion of Iraq, for one.

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You mean this man survived both bombings, I mean he was present in Nagasaki AND Hiroshima when the actual bombs were dropped or only in one of them (which doesn't make it any better for him nevertheless...)?

He was on a business trip in Nagasaki when the first bomb fell. He received severe burns, but was able to make it back to Hiroshima in time for the second.

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Or, possibly, Blucher's memory isn't that hot & you could just read the article to check out what happened...??

Tsutomu Yamaguchi was in Hiroshima on a business trip on 6 August 1945 when a US plane dropped the first atomic bomb.

He suffered serious burns and spent a night there before returning to his home city of Nagasaki just before it was bombed on 9 August.

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God d*** my memory. I'm not even old! This can't be happening to me! :(

My (bad) excuse is that whenever I'm reading/watching anything about the PTO I lose a lot of my interest after the last land actions. A-bombing isn't particularly interesting to me: one plane flies in and drops a single bomb. Boom, down goes city, plane flies back. Horrifying and extremely tragic, but militarily uninteresting.

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God d*** my memory. I'm not even old! This can't be happening to me! :(

You need to look up "galloping senility". That is, if you can remember a two word phrase long enough to enter it into Google.

My (bad) excuse is that whenever I'm reading/watching anything about the PTO I lose a lot of my interest after the last land actions. A-bombing isn't particularly interesting to me: one plane flies in and drops a single bomb. Boom, down goes city, plane flies back. Horrifying and extremely tragic, but militarily uninteresting.

But scientifically it is fascinating. If you haven't yet read Richard Rhodes' The Making of the Atomic Bomb or its sequel Dark Sun: The Making of the Hydrogen Bomb, you should do so. Great reads, both books.


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But scientifically it is fascinating. If you haven't yet read Richard Rhodes' The Making of the Atomic Bomb or its sequel Dark Sun: The Making of the Hydrogen Bomb, you should do so. Great reads, both books.


Agreed, the science is quite interesting.

I don't remember that other stuff you were saying. Something about horses? Oh well.

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Speaking of horses, why is it that the movies always depict a cavalry charge as a headlong gallop that goes on for several minutes, long after real horses would be blown? To answer my own question, because the makers of action movies believe it is more cinematically exciting and the ignoramuses who make up the bulk of the movie going audience don't know any better anyway. And in that they are most likely correct. But it galls, galls I tell you, the cognoscenti!


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Movies aren't the only medium in which cavalry charges are (over)dramatized. Nineteenth-century paintings of battle scenes, for one, typically depicted cavalry charging too fast and heading directly at the 'square' they're attacking (rather than 'lapping' around the edges of the enemy formation and circling around to attack again).

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