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More Pie in the sky questions about CM2:Normandy

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What I'd like to see is provision for having numbered versions of vehicle skins in the same way random faces and uniforms work currently. The basegame will only need to supply one vehicle skin of course, leave it to modders to to provide the numered multiples. :)

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too bad I refuse to read 20 pages of this thread to understand what he means by "oldie but good"

No worries, I'll just quote the best post in the thread for you. :D

Then comes the third family, the mother of all fronts, the dreaded Eastern Front.


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The first Module for Normandy will definitely be Commonwealth Forces. We're already pretty far along in making the models for them. As I said in another thread, this is one of the beautiful things about CMx2... we can now do things in parallel.

Unlike CM:SF, there will be significant German stuff added in each Module. That's because the Germans have an ungodly HUGE amount of stuff to simulate. This means that the Commonwealth Module will have quite a bit of new German TO&E and vehicles. The best example of this is the "Royal Tiger" (as the Brits called it) with Porsche turret. Since they were the only force in the world to go up against those beasties, it makes perfect sense to have it go along with the Commonwealth Module. Still, the focus of each Module will be on the Commonwealth forces since that stuff will be brand new while the German stuff will be adding to German forces which already exist.


I found the above quote from Steve in March 2009 particularly interesting. If the models for the Commonwealth forces were "pretty far along" in March 2009 (well over a year ago) and this is for the first module and not even the base game where it would be safe to assume would be even further advanced, then what has been the reason for the incredibly long delay to release the base game? Then only a few posts later there's mention by Steve how much easier it is to work with the CMx2 code compared with CMx1 so one would assume that there should be even less hurdles to get over for the release of CM Normandy.

Link here: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=86583&page=2

Something isn't adding up here and I don't like where it's heading.




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Reichmann, I wouldn't set much store by something that Steve says about the progress of base games/modules. He usually says that this thing we are talking about is already in a very progressive state, close to release, 80% finished etc, as well as he said that they will release 1-2 base games and double so much modules per year, since the CMx2 engine is so fantastic in regards or programming and development.

I guess this is just kind of this US-american excessive optimistic thinking and speaking. 'We are the best', 'Yes we can' and such :D

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If the models for the Commonwealth forces were "pretty far along" in March 2009

With the limited insight I have, I presume that Steve is talking about the 3D (polygon) portion of the models and not the 2D (textures) aspect.

Either way, I can assure you that the quality of the ready models in CM:N is insane (in the good sense).

Something isn't adding up here and I don't like where it's heading.

I am sure that BFC is not happy about the delays either, but there is no reason to worry: progress is steady.

Best regards,


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With the limited insight I have, I presume that Steve is talking about the 3D (polygon) portion of the models and not the 2D (textures) aspect.

Either way, I can assure you that the quality of the ready models in CM:N is insane (in the good sense).

I am sure that BFC is not happy about the delays either, but there is no reason to worry: progress is steady.

Best regards,


Fair enough. But how long can one remain faithful to the mantra that CM.N will be ready when it's ready if there's absolutely zilch released about it that's tangible for what... almost 6 months now since the previous visual bone? It just seems bizarre to the uninitiated!



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The fact that 3 things are nearing release, more or less, is the main reason, but my .02 is that getting the new QB system worked out is the stickiest single item.

To really blow your mind, I believe coding on that hadn't started as late as March 2010.

Which does make me wonder what other additional features we are going to see. I just cannot imagine merely re-jigging CMSF for WW2 would be quite as problematic as to take this long. One can only hope it was adding the penetration decals, kill stats and tracer bounce that has been holding up the release. :D

And I can well imagine that BFC have held an intervention to stop Steve making further statements as to the ETA of products, his ability to do so being as useful as a cocaine addiction.

What I'm slightly irked about, and increasingly so as time goes by, is that we are now kept largely in the dark. Given the expectations kindled in us customers earlier, that's somewhat unfair. As the gap between the current date and the last ETA grows increasingly wider and no update is give as to what's going on, a certain concern and annoyance amongst customers is only to be expected.

Had BFC stuck to the "when it's done" I wouldn't have minded near as much about the long delay.

Still, CMN is better off done right then done right now, as CMSF quite clearly taught us.

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That is unspeakably disgusting.


Obviously not, since you just spoke about it being "unspeakably disgusting". :D

Ahh, yes, more grumblings from the natives, but I like this one:

And I can well imagine that BFC have held an intervention to stop Steve making further statements as to the ETA of products, his ability to do so being as useful as a cocaine addiction.

All this wouldn't be happening if we got more updates or what I like to call a "mini-bone". I can take a few shots of CMSF and post them here in less than 5 mins. Why not for CMN? I recall Steve saying it would get a reaction for a ton of questions, but I say so what, let them go. I see lots of questions go unanswered already.

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