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Not Another AAR?! Tux Vs Mylgas 2: Double Or Quits

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Right, Tux, I don't really have time for a game......but I can dream.

But my dreams wouldn't be any better than this AAR....again and again, the tension is amazing. And, I doubt you would mind, I want to give some kudos to your opponent for being willing to "play along". Win or lose, it can be a bit unnerving to think about everyone watching, and commenting, on one's play.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi guys, sorry for the wait - I've been out of it for a little while in Real Life.

Turn 28

There seems to be some movement on Mylgas' part. In the centre a Grenadier section dares to advance towards a forward defensive position and is immediately made to pay for it by my central Sherman:


At the same time the flanking unit which has just had its cover reduced to rubble picks itself up and takes a few pot shots at my units. It will be permanently silenced in the next minute.


Unfortunately I am up against a bit of a brick wall here. I cannot bring myself to launch a full-scale infantry assault at close quarters because I am fearful of losing a great many points to SMG and MG armed Grenadiers. O, to be taking the orders, not dealing them out!

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Turn 29

Another quiet minute. I think Mylgas must think himself safe, points-wise. I am currently hoping that my units are close enough to the flag to dispute control of it.

The only item of note to occur was the setting-ablaze of Mylgas' flanking units' rubble-cover:


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Turn 30

Within 5 seconds of the restart my heart is in my mouth as three, yes, three Panzerschrecks open fire simultaneously. Each rocket round misses, but the next 30 seconds becomes a frantic death-race between Panzerschreck teams frantically reloading and loosing 88mm HC rounds at my tanks and the crews of the latter equally frantically spraying MG and HE rounds towards every likely-looking sound contact:


By outrageous good luck not a single Schreck round of the 8-9 fired finds its target, and two of the guilty teams are completely wiped out by return fire by the end of the minute.

As the minute ends I am stunned to find the endgame screen! I had completely forgotten (for the second time during this game...) that we had a 'solid' 30 minute time limit on this game! No wonder Mylgas launched such a furious, yet risky assault on my armour in the last minute!


So there it is. I'm a little disappointed actually. What this result screen says to me is that I was far, far too cautious. I bloodied Mylgas' nose in terms of casualties, but by letting him control the flag without a fight I handed him a way out of defeat. What do you all think? And you, Mylgas?

A quick look at the map shows what my forces were up against:


A reinforced Grenadier company which is more than capable of holding ground once allowed into defensible positions. The three platoons of men Mylgas had are circled in red above. The nearest is only 50m or so from my point forces and was completely undetected. All of a sudden I'm glad I didn't push any further forwards!

As it turns out the 'flanking force' on my far right was only Mylgas' heavy weapons platoon. He must have been planning to set it up on the hilltop.

Overall a great game to play though - sorry I couldn't bring you guys another swashbuckling victory! ;)

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Spectular AAR.

I still have the feeling, despite the even points, that you were fighting uphill against better quality troops the entire time--AFV for AFV, and particularly infantry. This is not to flatter you. If your opponent had not pushed the Tiger forward, or the Panzershrecks had hit on the final turn, I think you would have lost--and I don't see what you could have done differently. (His final defensive position looks impregnable--it would have been Pickett's charge if you would have tried to crack it.)

Perhaps it is just a function of the time-period?

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I know what you mean - I certainly felt in this game as though I had to play every move very cautiously so as not to suffer a hammer blow to any of my units. I think that was partly due to the bad weather, which meant that any blow I did receive could potentially be dealt by an unobserved unit at point-blank range.

I think in the end though that my heavy over-reliance on general-purpose armour cost me a great deal on a wet, muddy, foggy, hilly, built-up and extensively forested map. Combine that with my selection of an infantry type particularly ill-suited to combat at ~100m range and it always was going to feel like an uphill struggle.

In contrast Mylgas had very wisely selected an excellent infantry-type for everything except an extended rifle-battle. Two Tigers in support should have ensured that my AFVs suffered heavily for trying to support my men's advance but I get the feeling they were heavily hampered by the ground conditions. That said, I am still fairly proud to have avoided losing a single AFV whilst at the same time killing one of two Tigers. If I were to recommend for Mylgas to improve anything about his gameplay it would be his use and management of armoured units. In our first game he sold a succession of potent AFVs short by mis-managing them and allowing me to take unnopposed flank shots at them. In this game his two Tigers were almost entirely unable to impact on a 1000pt game despite being within 3-400m of the action for the majority of the battle - something has to be going wrong there.

Any ideas anybody?

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I thought the whole thing was really well done. The terrain did not allow for sweeping grand maneuvers, and the weather was miserable - mainly Seattle in the fall, which gave me the heebee geebees. It was going to be a cautious set piece battle, with a lot of give and take, along with some deception and careful planning. I'd say you both took stock of the conditions and played out a careful game of chess.

Having a set number of turns does allow for the "mad flag rush" at the end, a somewhat un-realistic maneuver, but having set that, both of you could have rushed the flag at the end, with a mad minute of bloodbath for your audience - it would have been glorious, ha ha. Tux, I am sure you lost track of the time, expecting the battle to go a few more turns past the 30 turn mark. I've been caught myself when I didn't read the scenario designer's rules closely enough.

It was interesting to see what both of you purchased for the battle. Having the prospect of a clash of titans - IS-2 versus Tiger - was an attention getter and kept your audience watching in case it happened. The quick flurry of the armor battle resulting in the loss of Mylgas' Tiger had me holding my breath to see what happened. Seeing him bog his other Tiger twice and escape from the clutches of the mud was just as amazing.

I, for one, just enjoy watching the action. Neither of you have anything to prove, win or lose. You are both excellent players, and I applaud you both for putting yourself out for all to see, criticize, or second-guess. I find myself thinking about how I'd move the forces available, and can always learn from what others add to the discussion. I think that Mylgas is catching up to you now, because he fought you to a draw this time. Playing quality people always improves ones game.

As to the game itself, I would probably have moved more recklessly up the middle, feeling out for his troops, and likely getting spanked mightily for it. His Tigers would have been reluctant to move up if there was the chance I'd tag one with AT weapons, or draw him into a flank shot from the AT gun. And, I would have forgotten about the fixed turn limit and found myself planning another move when the end game screen came up...ooops.

I enjoyed both of your actions. Thanks again for the neat battle.


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Oops...I am going back to your initial post. For some reason, I thought you had 2 IS-2, instead of just one.

In retrospect...the Sherman platoon had to be expensive...and was not, I think decisive (you are fortunate not to have lost one).....instead of Sherman's, what could you have purchased instead?

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SMG troops. Alternatively I'd have given my right arm (or a platoon of Shermans) for a heavy FO. Think of the havoc I could have caused with a few flights of 122mm or 152mm HE. Failing that an OT-34 or two may have been fun as well...

Any better ideas?

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