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Use it or lose it question...

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You guys must live under rocks, or dont play anything else. I play another game called Perfect World. Has maybe 20-35% of the female gender playing. A few of the top players are actually female. I would guess that most of the women who play started to play with their boyfriends or husbands. I even tried to get mine involved too. She actually does like it and did pretty good when she started. But that was true when I taught her the basics of CMBO too. She did however do well in a tournament for Down in Flames and won her first match after only playing the game a few times previous. She even had the distinction of losing to the eventual champion. I was so proud!!! She wasnt very gracious in defeat tho hehe as she slammed the mouse down and vowed to never play again. That vow was kept unfortunately.

Would be nice for BFC to tap a more female market though. Maybe some of you modders can make the Tiger into a "Kitty" and rename the Chaffee to "Chanel". That would get my woman to look twice. :P

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You guys must live under rocks, or dont play anything else.

I, for one, play a bunch of other games (Crysis, Company of Heroes, Call of Duty, Falcon 4.0 Allied Force, Age of Empires 2, to name a few), but they're all games which are unlikely to appeal to girls/women.

I play another game called Perfect World.

But isn't Perfect World an MMORPG? It wouldn't be the only game of its type to have a significant number of female players. Women/girls are psychologically more oriented toward sociality and interpersonal interaction, so no wonder they play RPGs (especially MMORPGs) more than most other types of games, which are more soloistic and/or violence-oriented (even if they are really violent per se).

And not to put too fine a point on it, but how can one get one's wife girlfriend involved in game-playing when one has no wife or girlfriend (as is the case with me)? =P

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I got Mishga into the game by showing her the editor. Her creative juices started flowing and the rest is history. I appealed to her sense of creativity more than the blowing of things to kingdom come.

Once she created things then she moved onto blowing them up.

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Ok... I can understand the girls not liking war games and like social games more. Growing up there were not too many girls playing risk but a good majority played Monopoly. So there is a hidden desire to squash their opponent and take all of their money and hoard it but it can not be so evidently diplayed as in a war game. It has to be under the guise of Monopoly or Life or such things.

I don't think the average wargamer is ready for the advent of the female wargamer. I guess it is our last bastion of a refuge. Somewhere we can crawl into knowing that we will not be followed, our haven where we can drown out everything else and hope for the type of immersion that will give us a couple hours of happiness.


Your hope to find a gaming wife or girlfriend would hinge on you going to a Gen-Con or like gaming convention and see if there is any hope out there for you. Barring that, I'd say put the "mouse" down for a little bit and come out of the cave and venture forth among the "commoners" and see if you can find someone with those +2 attributes that makes every pixelmen's day...

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She's been kept busy with the kids etc etc but I know she sent a new scenario to Mark Ezra for a look and a tidy up but he's not got back to her.

I've been busy learning a new language (English)!!... and think I missed it. Please ask her to re-send and I'll Get into it...

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there is a hidden desire to squash their opponent and take all of their money and hoard it

Funny you should mention that.... I've come to the opinion that the wants of the sexes can (generally) be boiled down to this: men want sex; women want money. (Forgive me if that seems unduly cynical, and if any think it is, I understand.) Recent psychological studies have suggested that for males there is a link between warfare and sexuality, so in light of that, it's understandable that women generally could care less about wargames.

I don't think the average wargamer is ready for the advent of the female wargamer. I guess it is our last bastion of a refuge. Somewhere we can crawl into knowing that we will not be followed, our haven where we can drown out everything else and hope for the type of immersion that will give us a couple hours of happiness.

Anyone here read (or even heard of) Co-Ed Combat by Kingsley Browne? (It's nonfiction.)


Your hope to find a gaming wife or girlfriend would hinge on you going to a Gen-Con or like gaming convention and see if there is any hope out there for you. Barring that, I'd say put the "mouse" down for a little bit and come out of the cave and venture forth among the "commoners" and see if you can find someone with those +2 attributes that makes every pixelmen's day...

It is indeed a mouse. No quotation marks needed. :D

I freely admit: I too am a commoner; I just live in a ramshackle hut just over the hill from the village, a rather out-of-the-way place for a valkyrie or even a milkmaid to likely wander by. :-P

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I just live in a ramshackle hut just over the hill from the village...

I was beginning to feel sorry for you but I saw that you live in Northern California and maybe not as good as Southern Californai you are within spitting distance of at least watching some ladies on the beach or play some beach volleyball.

OK, pick up the laptop, get a wireless card, and head off to the beach. You have a great opportunity to put us all to shame....

You could be playing CM:SF on the beach with the waves lapping at your feet while said Valkries and Milkmaids play tauntingly in front of you. Now naturally this might mess up your CM:SF play but at least it might marginally solve the lack of mate issue....

...Oh by the way when they walk over to see what you are doing, maybe ALT-TAB over to something more interesting.....

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I have no laptop. :D

I live 3/4 of an hour's drive from the beach. But the beaches up here tend to be rocky, and the water is cold enough (even in the summer) that a wetsuit is advisable, and it tends to be windy. These factors mitigate against seeing milkmaids and/or valkyries on the beach, even if dressed for the weather. The beaches up here are suited, not so much for bikini-clad frolicking, but more for bundling up in rollneck sweaters and making smores round a bonfire.

And no wi-fi at the beach, as far as I know. But I tend to play single-player real-time anyway.

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I feel really sorry for you now. Once some of the scenario's have been playtested a bit I will mail them out to you! Until then X X :)

Falcon and Handi,

Thanks for the feedback. Sent out a new one medium sized meeting engagement. Watch out, it's brutal!


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I feel really sorry for you now. Once some of the scenario's have been playtested a bit I will mail them out to you! Until then X X :)

*blushes and swoons* Thanks, Mishga. You've made my day. :) (Both the scenarios as well as the X's.)

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You know there are women that look very good in Northern California too. :) But as I also lived in SoCal I will admit its better south hehe.

And, yes it is true, women like MMO's more than anyother game type. But Perfect World does also have fashions you can purchase (as most MMO's do now) and I have seen guys fight over that crap too.

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That was the kiss of death for your relationship...

See as referense the previous equation discussed where:

Time with Girlfriend-Time playing games=Quality time with girlfriend


years * gifts * quality time= probability of girlfriend becoming wife


((Money spent on gaming and hardware)/(Salary + Savings))*(Salary and Savings)=gifts

So maybe she thought that gifts would increase but what she did not realize was that quality time dropped to zero which took the probability of a future next to zero.

Had she understood these basic terms things would be different. But hey, you were able to reap the rewards. The only bad thing is that you can't play CM on a playstation....yet...

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You most recent one where both a armies are moving to the small town in the middle was pretty fun. Had a total victory within 12 minutes or so. I was a little taken back when I saw the open terrain, massive amounts of fire power and a relatively small objective. I was relatively cautious moving out and kept my units on the initial firing range until I felt comfortable that I ahd attained superior firepower.


Normally some don't like starting a game in line of sight with the opposition but i like the slugfest in the beginning. Also there was the hail of arty falling into the village that was put out there like a big ol' bear trap. So I hunkered back and looked at the timer with 1 hr ticking away. I was thinking, well I have Cobras but no line of sight but with the area fire I can creep the target close enough to the enemy plus it takes all day for them to get here anyway.

So called in the cobras figuring they would map up what I missed. In the meantimes I split the M1s into 4 groups. On the right flank took 2 groups and moved the line forward into line of sight and finished the armor to the right. I had another group in the middle that supported right and eventually swung with the right flank to seal off the left flank forming a reverse "L". I had enough eyes on target to call in the arty with non-spotters but I figured what the heck, I have an hour and am in no rush as my armor was pounding them.

I think a second wave came to the middle of the map but was quickly punished and sent smouldering. At about this time my Cobras and Arty were doing their trick and my M1s were just having fun picking off troops. I was raining 40mm all over the place as well.

This thread is called "Use it or Lose it" so I made sure to at least try and spend all my resources.

The enemy folded far too quickly on this one... 12 minutes in for a Total Victory.

Maybe a larger middle objective is needed or several small towns. As is after the initial slugfest it is just mopping up the streets.

Definitely a good "Beer and Pretzels" because it made me happy and wanting more....

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I will pass on the comments to the Scenario editor in chief. I played the same scenario and the AI does fold after about 15-20mins for me. I doubt this was the intention from Mishga but you must have kicked them around some to get a fold in under 12mins.

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I had a similar experience to Falconander. A fast and very furious battle from the off. I took a lot of punishment, but held my tanks back while charging infantry with javs to occupy the village. Two squad and their Brads got toasted but others got in safely.

Several of my M1s were destroyed, but they took out a hell of a lot more of the enemy vehicles. Artillery and copters did a lot of enemy damage and I got an enemy surrender after about fourteen-fifteen minutes.

I agree with Falconander - the central village could be larger and/or more villages added around the map, and while it's a great opening with some major action everywhere, it needs more of a challenge later to justify the longer time limit.

It's good enough for me to want to try it again, though. Don't know how many AI attack plans you have, but I'd like to see what happens with another enemy attack.

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Mish is really busy putting the kids to bed so I will field the reply for her.

"I think that particular battle has at least two AI plans for each side. So, with all of her work it's QB map capable and scenario play. Not so good for H2H play as it's a blastfest."

I like to field the Syrians for a stiffer challenge but that's just me. She said it's cool to crack it open in the editor and poke about it's guts. Pass it on to friends etc etc.

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