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Apache rocket attack....wicked sniper of the gods

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Reincarnation does exist ;)

Did anyone recently try Hydras?

Recently I run a few tests, boy did they bring pain! I area targeted some tanks (4 total) and they were blown up one piece at a time (T-55's/T-54's). Two rockets missed I guess, but all targets were destroyed. :)

Another thing, now that I remember. I saw FOUR ammo bars for the Apache's. According to the manual it can only use 1. Chaingun, 2. Hydra's and 3. Hellfire II's.

Anyone any idea what weapon that 4th ammo bar represents?

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The ubiquity of the 40mm icons being used for EVERY piece of air-to-ground ordnance has been something I've posted on (complained about?) in the past. Hey, I even tossed out suggestions to improve it. Like, oh, pictures of the actual ordance with numbers instead of bars to show how many they've got.

At this point, I can only hope (fervently) that the NEXT game (not module) gets a rewrite in this area.


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But did you notice there are 4 ammo bars (of 40mm ammo ;) ) ? Who has been able to unlock the mighty 'fourth' weapon? Or perhaps thats the Drunken shotgun of the gods added by BF.C? :D

I hope anyone can clarify this.


This is the first time I tried to use the rocket attack since 1.06 orso, I guess.

Out of 1 rocket attack, 6 rockets were fired, 4 tanks destroyed. Thats not a shotgun IMAO ;) However, ill test a lil more to see what will happen. Perhaps it depends on experience as well?

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Out of 1 rocket attack, 6 rockets were fired, 4 tanks destroyed. Thats not a shotgun IMAO ;) However, ill test a lil more to see what will happen. Perhaps it depends on experience as well?

No, I think is more a case of 'range exercise' verses a scenario. It appears you setup for optimal conditions for positioning the tanks, most likely flat terrain and you got the result you did (you made it sound like this was a test, not a scenario, but if it was a scenario, let me know the circumstances).

I was playing Operation Clean Sweep last night. Numerous BMPs dispersed and trying to avail themselves of cover by hugging treelines and between buildings. Apaches were not using Hellfires (not sure why) and either did gun or rocket attacks. Even on Point Target, the Apaches' rockets would hammer a large area and miss the target, needing to 'go around' once or twice more to take out the target. The beaten zone of the rockets are huge on 'point attack' even and my pixeltruppen were not impressed with the rocket that nearly hit them, despite being some 175 meters from the BMP being attacked.

That is not sniper accuracy. That is a shotgun. Stagger and disperse your tanks in the test and try again. Let me know your results.

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First ammo bar is HEI (well more explodey ammo that doesn't bounce off armor), second is HEDP (less explodey and bounces off armor), third is HellfireII and last is the hydras.

Whether you can actually switch the ammo on a M230 is unknown to me.

Little tooltips on these bars like on the infantry weapons would be most appreciated.

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Ok so there are 2 ammo bars for chain gun ammo. Ill try to use it now :D

@Blackmoria, it was indeed a test map made by Normal Dude, and I was using a JTAC team to spot for the Helo's, on the roof of a 4 story building on top of a steep hill :D

I did use area target though, and they fired one rocket at a time. Ill post back if I get any combat results.

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@Blackmoria, it was indeed a test map made by Normal Dude, and I was using a JTAC team to spot for the Helo's, on the roof of a 4 story building on top of a steep hill :D

I did use area target though, and they fired one rocket at a time. Ill post back if I get any combat results.

One rocket at at time? Are you sure it isn't hellfires then? I've only played the game since just before Xmas but my experience is that rockets are fired in salvos. I could be wrong on that but a single rocket seems like a hellfire attack to me.

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That is not my experience based on the current game I am playing. It is taking an average of 2 rocket attacks to kill one BMP for the Apaches. Sniper....hardly. Still shotgun IMO.

I agree. Taking out bunker or lone BMP is like throwing dice with bad odds. Under my latest experience i'd more willingly would send SMAW-squad to hunt it down rather than wait even 10 minutes while chopper arrives, fires few volleys and departs without much effect on vehicle (crew still alive and manning vehicle).

Cannon is much worse that i expected. Vahicle can (or atleast seems to) take even tens of hits while still remaining functional. I dont' know about damages in optics, targetting or tracks and such, those might be more or less functional after all those hits.

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Cannon is much worse that i expected. Vahicle can (or atleast seems to) take even tens of hits while still remaining functional. I dont' know about damages in optics, targetting or tracks and such, those might be more or less functional after all those hits.

+1 on that.

Strange that a BMP can get killed with a short burst from a 25mm gun from a LAV but I have not seen a cannon kill on an armored vehicle yet from an Apache despite playing dozens of scenarios.

During the current scenario, I saw an Apache do three passes on a BMP and spray scores of rounds on each pass and seemly zero effect, despite watching richochets in all directions, implying the vehicle was hit.

Unimpressed with the 30 mm on the Apache.

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MMMMM, got me doubting now. The reason I thought it were rockets (hydra's) was because the explosin impacts seemed much smaller then with the heavy (hellfire) attack. However, they weren't fired in salvos. Ill do some test runs again.

About cannons; In my tests I managed to take out a bmp1 using the cannon. Also in the Pooh mission I used the Cobra's chaingun to take out a BMP3. It took a few runs though.

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