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Campaign - Night Stalkers

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Eventually treated myself to a Paradox CMSF patched to to 1.11 on a crappy Acer pc laptop running Vista.

Happily progressing through the campaigns till battle 12 - Night Stalker - but it continually seizes on loading at 5% frown.gifconfused.gif

Any suggestions apart from replaying battle 11 and seeing what happens??

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The problem at the end of Night Stalkers is well documented here - and the subject of a number of threads and many posts.

The only way I have managed to open the next battle in the campaign - and believe me I've tried everything in desperation - is to surrender. I know, it's a bit galling to surrender a battle when you're winning, but as a Commander you have to think about the whole Campaign, not just a battle...:rolleyes: Others seemed to have got past the point by reinstalling and other means (but didn't work for me). Let us know how you get on..

I know how frustrating it is having got so far in the Campaign and I hope BF gets around to fixing this, but, having moved on, I have concluded that it's a minor irritation in what is otherwise a great game and the only one I play.

I'm looking forward to the Brit module and hope that the Campaign there won't stick..:o


Knotso - frustrated

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Thanks Knotso - Feel such a newb ( :o ) starting CMSF so late after everyone - Did a search and these came up from ye olde 2007 :eek: Otherwise very happy with the gameplay that held me back from diving in at the beginning.

This is a strange one, but we have a couple of files to check out and it should be a quick fix that can get into v1.02.

Figures... I think we testers haven't seen a save file crash in about 4 months, and now there is one in the final code!




I'm pretty sure this has been identified and fixed for v1.05. We're trying to finish it up and get it out to you guys soon!



Still a problem with 1.08

Just wanted to add my name to the list of people experiences "out of memory" crashes after completing Night Stalkers. I've got 2GB of RAM, so the error message is a little dubious. I'm running the 1.08 patch for the Paradox game version.


Went back a mission - ceasefired - played a rescue mission and the next mission kept seizing/crashing in the same style

Presumably still a bug setting off in a certain mission that hasn't been fixed through to 1.11 - Battlefront: Please fix or sumfink

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  • 6 months later...

I hate to reawaken this thread, but I'm loving this game and its frustrating me to no end that I'm stuck here.

I understand the solution to surrender, but I can't even get that far. The game stops after loading 7% and I get a Microsoft error and the game closes out on me.

I would be happy to surrender if I could get that far along in the process.

I have downloaded and installed the most current patch I could find and still have the issue, 1.20 I think it is.

I'd take any help or advice. Just a heads up I am very computer illiterate, so the more simple the better.

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There is no way to make the savegame made after completing Night Stalkers work.

What people are referring to in regards to ceasefiring (or surrendering) is that you do so while that mission is still in progress. If you have no savegame made during the Night Stalkers mission you are pretty much stuffed.

Any word on this one BFC?

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Yep, it's Night Stalkers, I've beat Objective Normandy, then as it loads Night Stalkers, it stops at 7% till it boots me completely out of the game with a Windows Error, every time. I even deleted the game, re-installed it, re-patched it and then beat all missions to that point again. Same thing.

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I had to surrender during Night Stalkers mission, then mission "dagger fight" loads, I an play it normally, but have to surrender again, because when I load the next one, it has the same bug. And when I surrender during Dagger fight, it shows me a summary screen of the campaign - some vitory, major or tactical, can't remember. Is it supposed to do so? That's the end of the game?

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