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Forum 10 years old 02/08/09

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Battlefront.com (Steves) profile shows a join date of 02-08-99


A. that Steve was the one who originally set up the forum

(Madmatt & Charles both have join dates months later)


B. the forum uses the MM/DD/YY version of dates

Then our very own 2nd home has its 10th Birthday this Sunday

Sometime it seems like some of us have spent the better part of those years

doing nothing but posting here

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Battlefront.com (Steves) profile shows a join date of 02-08-99


A. that Steve was the one who originally set up the forum

(Madmatt & Charles both have join dates months later)


B. the forum uses the MM/DD/YY version of dates

Then our very own 2nd home has its 10th Birthday this Sunday

Sometime it seems like some of us have spent the better part of those years

doing nothing but posting here

Amen to that brother. And we of the Peng Challenge Thread have been here pretty much the whole time ... quite something.

And we're still playing the game too, even more remarkable.


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I have been here, then, man and old man, 9 years before the mast.

I have run with heavy machine guns, and manned a bren tripod I did, as we chased the white whale o'er the waves. I have had Fionn tell me that he always knew I was his enemy, and go off into paranoid ravings, which is more than most of you lot have. I have liberally applied the baseball bat of reason to the head of Gaylord Focker, and called Benny Manieri a bigoted twit. I was there on the Night of Wonderment when Cabron66 abused Grog Dorosh for not being a 'good Canadian', and took him on as my own personal stalker.

I've been banned, and come back. I've been nearly banned twice again, and had to apologize, which I did with a right good will. I've ranted and postured and posted on the Political Forum, when there was one. I've been a fool, and a jester, and the very voice of sweet reason.

I exposed the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypso, the true and secret brethren that actually control the Battlefront.com forums, and I demanded that Battlefront do me the honour of allowing me to be the first person to buy CMBB, stepping before everyone else, simply because it was right and proper.

I exposed the fact that England is History's Greatest Monster, and that God Himself has turned his face away from the very existence of the Australians.

I was the first to Challenge Peng, and with Berli and MrPeng, I went on walkabout, forever advancing before the folk that came to make the Wasteland into the World of the Battlefront.com Forums.

I have known all the great posters and the great cranks and the interminable trolls.

I made a place where women could post on this Forum, and be treated well; or at least as well as could be expected from a gang of war-game playing bastards.

I've embarrassed myself and everyone else with my foolery.

I had a good time.

What? What do you mean, we've still got 2 minutes to fill? That's all I've got to say! Christ on a crutch, attempting semaphore.

Ummm...I've...I've played some games, me! Yes, I have! One time, I remember...uh, did I ever tell you that Steve Grammont and myself spent an entire weekend drunk in a brothel in Madrid? No? Well, I'm pretty sure that we did! I remember him saying to me 'Seanachai, this has been one hell of a weekend!', and I told him 'Yes, yes it has, Steve! Would you like some more absinthe?', and he told me, 'Well, normally I draw the line at it once the girls start looking like all the girls I went to High School with wearing sheep costumes, but what the hell, eh?', and I said 'Certainly, I can understand, but this is the last tot, so best to be hung with a sheep as a goat, eh?'

After that, it all became a bit...unclear.

Are we out of time, yet? We are? Well thank Christ, because otherwise I would have had to tell you about the ti--

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Dang it has been 10 years. Looking back, I believe I was the first person banned who wasnt spamming. Steve can prob tell ya that I wasnt even very nice to him in our emails that followed hehe. Guy must have the patience of a nun to deal with people like us on a daily basis.

And Fionn, while being pretty abrasive sure did make things interesting here, and 10 years ago there werent many cool places to go on the net, and still no where can compare to here.

Now I just wonder what 10 more years is going to bring for us.

BTW Meach, thats a lot of puppies :).

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Time for the veterans to show their colours…;)

When I first come across the forum there were 200 “posts”… when I returned three months later there were 400… I thought.. “Wow… this place is buzzing… I had better sign up”.

The first demo with the three Stugs was so much better than any other tactical wargame I almost fell off my chair…

Had a membership number of 400 odd but was culled out in the Great Crash of ’99…

Anyway… we are all very lucky to have CM… if you consider the quality of the position we really are lucky.. !

Still think it is just computerised Squad Leader.. but that is because I know it is..;)

All a lot of fun,

All the best,


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Amen to that brother. And we of the Peng Challenge Thread have been here pretty much the whole time ... quite something.

And we're still playing the game too, even more remarkable.


Isn't it time the Peng thread was subjugated to it's own minor forum in a dark corner, so we can be rid of this self indulgent, self righteous annoyance.


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Hmmm, reminds me of the fact that I signed up here not too long after CMBO first came out (I also purchased CMBO after playing the demo, which i spied in a "best demo of the month" section in an old Game Informer magazine, and for some reason it took 6 goddamned weeks to get here!!!). Fortunately i was banned and didn't came back till 05', a much better time for me :-)

It was under a different name, of course, one i won't give away.

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Hmmm, reminds me of the fact that I signed up here not too long after CMBO first came out (I also purchased CMBO after playing the demo, which i spied in a "best demo of the month" section in an old Game Informer magazine, and for some reason it took 6 goddamned weeks to get here!!!). Fortunately i was banned and didn't came back till 05', a much better time for me :-)

It was under a different name, of course, one i won't give away.


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Maybe BF can confirm the date but if so congrats from a long timer. Had the CMBO demo a few months before release. A person I was email gaming Age of Rifles with pointed me to BF. I was so blown away I ended up helping with BB and AK. Turned 40 in the beginning now 50 on the 22nd. Where did the freaking time go?

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That first CMBO demo . . . many fond memories of playing it, first against the pc, several times, then even more with a friend online. It was an ideal time, with the Close Combat games, which had been a revelation, beginning to reveal their limitations as well as their over-reliance on big names to keep them afloat.

Then there was a long wait - I didn't have great hopes for Shock Force, and hadn't planned to buy it, but something made me think again. That was when I first became a regular member of this forum, although I'd been an on-and-off lurker for some years.

And now here we are, with a superb and deeply engrossing simulation of modern warfare, a new module about to be added, World War 2 and further modern titles just around the corner . . .

I've devoted a significant portion of my time on this planet to this company's products, and to the community spirit here, and I certainly have no regrets. So congratulations, Battlefront, on sticking with your dream.

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I have been here, then, man and old man, 9 years before the mast.

Tosh. You are a mere newbie compared to my exalted self. I was here even before this board came into existence. I was here even before BFC came into existence. Yes, I go all the way back to the BTS days, and let me tell you, that was a grand time to be alive. The future possibilities lay wide open, limitless. We were moving into a bright new world of wargaming, full of promise and hope. With our virtual rifles on our shoulders, marching almost in step, singing the brave songs of brave warriors we went forward to vanquish evil wherever it was encountered. Yes, those were good days of comradeship and victory.

Now where's the champagne!


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Wow, almost 10 years. :) Well, it's been a great run for BTS. They made CM, a WWII 3D tactical combat computer wargame like no other made before (or since), several sequels on different fronts, and now we have the new mighty CMII engine, with which we will soon have the ultimate WWII tactical computer wargames made. Hats off to Steve and Charles, two of the best computer wargame makers ever! :)

Time flies when you're having fun, and it doesn't seem quite that long, but I guess it is. And I'm happy to say I was among the first members. :) I remember the first Alpha AAR game results from CM that were put on the public forum, Fionn, who is a very interesting fellow to talk with and was a lot of fun to have around (and one of the best CM players), playing the CM demo battle over and over again, being amazed at how real the tracer fire looked and how cool the artillery was, I remember all that stuff. :)

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Dang it has been 10 years. Looking back, I believe I was the first person banned who wasnt spamming. Steve can prob tell ya that I wasnt even very nice to him in our emails that followed hehe. Guy must have the patience of a nun to deal with people like us on a daily basis.

And Fionn, while being pretty abrasive sure did make things interesting here, and 10 years ago there werent many cool places to go on the net, and still no where can compare to here.

Now I just wonder what 10 more years is going to bring for us.

BTW Meach, thats a lot of puppies :).

I am not much of a human being in regards to actually being likeable but I have compassion if anything.

I took in a stray that was trying to cross the road outside and he left my dog with a little gift. Several of them to be precise. I eventually found his owners. So I ended up birthing them as my Sasha was not the most motherly of bitches. Got them all homes and then my favourite was turfed out of her home and came back. I have her still. Sadly her mum died of cancer a while back. I am way to soft.

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Hey, the forum software doesn't display our member numbers anymore!

Doesn't matter since the the numbers got shuffled in one of the Great Crashes. I think I was originally #36 or something close to that, but got reassigned to #300-something. Better not to have numbers at all than to have wrong ones.


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Isn't it time the Peng thread was subjugated to it's own minor forum in a dark corner, so we can be rid of this self indulgent, self righteous annoyance.


Of course the Peng thread should be subjugated to it's own minor forum in a dark corner, preferrably at the bottom of Hell itself or even Australia. Just not for the reason you have given.

The real self indulgent, self righteous annoyance left the forum a few years ago. His name was MasterGoodale :mad::mad: and he made the MBT regulars look like the meekest and mildest of forum posters. Actually I think his rantings were beginning to give Seanachai an inferiority complex because MasterGoodale :mad::mad: never even pretended to make the slightest bit of sense.

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