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The simultaneous turn-based model is GOD!


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I'm totally ecstatic about Empires of Steel! I've been searching for YEARS for a game using the simultaneous turn-based model, but sadly only a handfull of games use this model. The old game Stars! did, as does the Dominions series, Combat Mission and Laser Squad Nemesis. For the record, Civ4's simultaneous movement mode is NOT simultaneous turn-based.

Many people don't realise the perfection of the real simultaneous turn-based model used by Empires of Steel, when it comes to multiplayer. It's cheat-free (players can't just reload), fair (noone "goes first") and fastest turnbased multiplayer model around (no waiting for "next player").

I really think this should be stressed/explained - it's THE major selling point for this game, yet few people here seem to notice.

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Amen brother! I can tell you are a kindred soul. I love simultaneous turn games for so many reasons. Beyond improving turn speed, it makes turns so much more tense. If there is enough hidden information, surprise attacks, feints and bluffs make for a much deeper experience. It is a balancing act though. If there is too much hidden info, then luck can be too important. I'll be interested to see how its implemented here

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