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Manchuko clarification

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I'm playing my first game as Japan and was wondering if someone could clarify the Manchuko occupation / Russian activation rules for me. I keep getting messages that Stalin notices too few units in Manchuko but I'm not entirely clear on what enough units is.

Do I need to have every city in Manchuko occupied? Or is there more to it than that?

Does it matter what units are there? I'd like to throw some AA or AT units in some of those cities to free up some inf and armor if possible.

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Lampcord, on your first turn and in a subsequent turn in 1944 there are POPUPS that tell you pretty much which cities/areas to cover.

Any unit type will do and for a quick reference these popups can be viewed out of game if you navigate to the Campaign subfolder under Media. The filed are 'japanese_communication_1941.bmp' and 'japanese_communication_1944.bmp'

Hope this helps,


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"LampCord!",...Somewhere??? in the Main-Discussion-Forum for 'SC-Pacific Theater',...is a listing of the cities that need to be garrisoned to delay Russian Intervention [3-4?_Cities].

I wish that a BULLETIN would be displayed turn by turn for the JAPANESE-PLAYER...until the BULLETIN requirement's are fullfilled...indicating exactly what action need's to be taken!, such as to what particular CITIES need TO-BE-OCCUPIED!,...to thus assist in alleviating this Conondrum!.

Of course!, this is all taking place,...when...'JAPAN' can 'Ill-Afford' to release any troop's at all for such action in the face of 'OverWhelming-Crises' everywhere else!.

I Blindly-Garrisoned only 3-Cities in "Manchuko",...and was still 'massively invaded' by endless RUSSIAN-HORDES in early 1943!.

Someone-Else can take it further from here!.

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Lampcord, on your first turn and in a subsequent turn in 1944 there are POPUPS that tell you pretty much which cities/areas to cover.

Any unit type will do and for a quick reference these popups can be viewed out of game if you navigate to the Campaign subfolder under Media. The filed are 'japanese_communication_1941.bmp' and 'japanese_communication_1944.bmp'

Hope this helps,


Thanks Hubert!

Yeah, I saw that popup at the start and didn't take careful enough note. Guess I'm starting this one over since I pretty much evacuated all of those cities and operated the units to the front to get a jump on China.


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1 - watch the diplomacy for Russia carefully

2 - use your engineer to build fortifications

3 - fill them as best you can over time. Hopefully get experienced units there by rotating out inexperienced ones along the way that get to chop up on the crappy Chinese for awhile getting nice XP

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Doesn't the manual tell you where to garrison?

"Be aware that there are event scripts to encourage Japan to keep garrison forces in

Manchukuo or else USSR's Activation Level may increase, so keep a unit in each of the

following: Harbin, Kiamusze, Manchouli, Tsitsihar and Yenki. Any other Japanese units

in Manchukuo can be moved to take part in operations elsewhere."

This is on page 89 of my electronic copy of the manual.

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The garrison requirements to avoid Russian increased prep for war are really not clear for 1944. The 1941 requirements list 5 cities, and putting units directly in those five cities does seem to work. The 1944 message is NOT as clear, as it identifies two cities - one of which is Russian - that need "additional garrison forces near them". Sounds simple, but of course it is not. The Russian city is Blagovyschensk (Blag), and it is five squares from Tsitsihar (Tsi) by road. So where should the garrison go? Is adjacent to Tsi good enough? Probably not, based on results in my PBEM game so far. I guess I have to march the unit there up the road to...where? Directly south of Blag? SW? Do you need to be adjacent or is within two squares good enough?

These may seem like ridiculous questions, but in SC2 WaW update ? it took a LONG time to learn that Italian prep for war was now affected not only by garrisons along the Med but Cairo as well. The point here is that forcing players to go through a trial and error process to figure out what is meant by a vague and ambiguous directive is not really a great idea, but seems to happen in these games. So PLEASE post precise garrison directions, and do NOT use vague directions like "near" when it is not at all clear what is precisely required to be "near".

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The garrison requirements to avoid Russian increased prep for war are really not clear for 1944. The 1941 requirements list 5 cities, and putting units directly in those five cities does seem to work. The 1944 message is NOT as clear, as it identifies two cities - one of which is Russian - that need "additional garrison forces near them". Sounds simple, but of course it is not. The Russian city is Blagovyschensk (Blag), and it is five squares from Tsitsihar (Tsi) by road. So where should the garrison go? Is adjacent to Tsi good enough? Probably not, based on results in my PBEM game so far. I guess I have to march the unit there up the road to...where? Directly south of Blag? SW? Do you need to be adjacent or is within two squares good enough?

These may seem like ridiculous questions, but in SC2 WaW update ? it took a LONG time to learn that Italian prep for war was now affected not only by garrisons along the Med but Cairo as well. The point here is that forcing players to go through a trial and error process to figure out what is meant by a vague and ambiguous directive is not really a great idea, but seems to happen in these games. So PLEASE post precise garrison directions, and do NOT use vague directions like "near" when it is not at all clear what is precisely required to be "near".

I can't believe I suggested you post here in the forums..... sheesh. Now you'll get the answer you want and the Russians won't come to my rescue!!!

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