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Gaza Strip

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By the way, you didn't see any conclusion about what should happen for this conflict. Unfortunately I don't see any peacefull solution myself.

However what stings me like being stung by a wasp is that in most western media, Hamas attacks are being translated into terror attacks and Israeli attacks are translated as 'reactions to the violence'. Hell in Dutch it even sounds worse, like Hamas are the barbaric fighters and that the very civilised Israelis just try to protect their citizens. Well; numbers do count. How can you explain 1200 deaths (civilised) vs 20 (barbarians)?

This is wrong and seriously wrong. And it is not the first time. Thats a lot of sons who lost their mothers. Israel is to expect a lot more fighters that are willing to give their life just to take an(y) Israeli life.

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Lets see Hamas launches hundreds or thousands of rockets over the past few years into Israel each with the intent to kill as many israelis as they can.. Just because most of them missed, doesn't mean we should be somehow more forgiving of them than of Israel.


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Lets see Hamas launches hundreds or thousands of rockets over the past few years into Israel each with the intent to kill as many israelis as they can.. Just because most of them missed, doesn't mean we should be somehow more forgiving of them than of Israel.


Why do we have to be forgiving of either? :confused: If they both behave like arses, then let's be honest about it. Israel just happens to be the arse that can make a bigger stink when she wants so, while Hamas is the arse that keeps leaking on a constant basis.

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Israel just happens to be the arse that can make a bigger stink when she wants so, while Hamas is the arse that keeps leaking on a constant basis.

Nicely put hehe

I blame Israel more because they are supposed to be the organized civilised state with a powerfull and organized government having a very large media budget. They also have the means to dictate what happens. Hamas actually can do little more then launch those sad rockets that won't cause major damage even if they were launched en masse. Hamas doesn't have Hezbollah's arsenal, besides, even Hezbollah did relatively little damage to Israel infrastucture / citizens. IRC that was another 100 vs 1200 casualties type of war.

The physical damage caused by those rockets is not the reason they are put into action, in my opinion. As long as the majority of Palestinians in Gaza support Hamas it is unwise for Israel to conduct large scale operations against Hamas because they will fight not against Hamas but against the Palestinian people. The Palestinians have decades of experience conducting asymetrical warfare against Israel. How would a large scale bombing on a densely populated area, creating atrocious results, be something that will bring the palestinians to peace?

I totally missed that.

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Sergei - you are a poet.

Lethaface - I'm reminded of a US Marine commander who took over a unit suffering from poor morale. He introduced a system of flogging one man in ten on a regular basis and told the unit that the floggings would continue until morale improved: I suspect that the latest round of "disproportionate response" in what used to be Palestine is tailored along the same psychological lines. Whether it will have any useful result remains to be seen.

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Sergei - you are a poet.

Lethaface - I'm reminded of a US Marine commander who took over a unit suffering from poor morale. He introduced a system of flogging one man in ten on a regular basis and told the unit that the floggings would continue until morale improved: I suspect that the latest round of "disproportionate response" in what used to be Palestine is tailored along the same psychological lines. Whether it will have any useful result remains to be seen.

Of course, that's just saying that Israel tried using terror tactics to make the Palestinian more "pliable".

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Lethaface - I'm reminded of a US Marine commander who took over a unit suffering from poor morale. He introduced a system of flogging one man in ten on a regular basis and told the unit that the floggings would continue until morale improved

I didn't know the USMC was so much into BDSM, but I suppose it explains everything now. Heck, there's even S&M in the middle of USMC now that I look!

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I think it would be a bettter punishment for those who fire rockets to be flogged once, instead of having their parents house rolled down by a bulldozer and his baby brother killed by a 2000lb JDAM.

One other thing that clearly indicates the amount of force used by the Israelis; the total amount of casualties on all sides combined during the Russian - Georgian conflict was probably lower then the total Palestinian casualties.

Now these conflicts can't really be compared. However it is a good indication of the amount of force used by Israel in the densely populated Gaza strip.

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I have never hated any palistinian, I actually love to talk to them and listen to there opnian and how there relgion works, I am only mad at Hamas. I am mad at them for being so...stubern (Not sure I spelt that correctly) and for trieng to make us as angry as possibal. I do wish that we can live with palisitains together and mixed, but it seems that there is so much hatred between us...its like we are both 2 people, both trieing to build there homes in the middle of an highway and each time, there house gets knocked over.

It just seems that they arent ready for anything but us compltely out of Israel. That is anothering thing, Israel has been our home for thousands of years, and each time we are kicked out of it, and we arent ready for that again. There are so many things going on that it isnt just as simple as Israel stop acting immature and get the hell out of Gaza.

If we do that we start to suffer, if we stay then the people in Gaza start to suffer....its a never ending circle and there isnt much to do about other then talk to one each other in a proper meeting...but no one is ready.

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Wow. This is kind of turned into a political brew haha.

Shut up! Can't you see that we're on to something important here? Anytime now this forum may come up with a solution to all the problems and conflicts in the Middle East, and that rash in your genital area that you got the last time you were out drinking with Bill which you remember nothing about. Just give it a few hours!

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Teach Peace. Continue to Teach Peace. Everyone

Well said. Every time I see one of those bumper stickers that spells out the world "coexistence" with paleoreligious symbols, I think: "Coexistence is passive and is thus insufficient. Love is active and is thus the only effective solution."

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