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Out of Memory error

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So no fix for a well known problem.And no clear indication that this is being actively looked into.

I must be honest when i say that even although I immensely enjoy the base game i cannot at this stage with good consience part with $50 to buy the two available modules. I have been wanting to buy the modules for the last 6 weeks or so but have purposefully been holding back, hoping to see what 1.21 would hold.

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The issue discussed earlier in this thread about Armoured Assault should be fixed with the new patch 1.21.

That is certainly encouraging news. :):)

Can anybody that experienced the issue with the Armoured Assault mission verify that the issue has been fixed ?

And secondly, is it possible that the fix mentioned by George MC might also work for the problems in the mission after Night Stalkers ?

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That is certainly encouraging news. :):)

Can anybody that experienced the issue with the Armoured Assault mission verify that the issue has been fixed ?

And secondly, is it possible that the fix mentioned by George MC might also work for the problems in the mission after Night Stalkers ?

Errm the issue was not with the scenario per se - it was a PBEM related issue with file sizes and an inability to plot moves on the nest turn. Armoured Assault works fine for me in 1.21 - no memory issues. :)

If you've not already done so it might be worth just taking a quick scan through the comments in this thread as there are a couple of differant issues discussed - it can be a bit confusing to get a handle on what's what.

Cheers fur noo


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Well, I just had this morning the "OUT OF MEMORY ERROR". I tried to shut and restart the computer (CMSF Marines played on a XP Pro 2 mo Ram) everything works fine but the save file from "second storm". The patch is 1.21

I have had, before played that scenario two times and had 6 time saved the progress. in the first hour, the second and even in the last half hour. I have had no problem restarting the first five of them (either this morning). But the sixth one gets the "Out of Memory Error" and the crash of CMSF without even loading the file.

I have loaded that file in my laptop (2 moRam and Vista Premium) it started and got stuck at the 29% mark of the loading.I touched the keyboard and CMSF crashed.

Why, the saving worked earlier with that file and doesn't anymore ? My analysis is that it has something to do with the game and not with the RAM, the graphic card and or the computer. The default has something to do with the saving process of the file and the allocated memory while doing it. Why it doesn't do it, nearly at the same game time period of the saving that I don't know. I have noticed that the Ko of the faulty file was of only 2150 ko, while for the 5 others it went from 11472 ko up to 11536 ko (11472 X 2, 11476 X 2 and 11536 ko). It seems that the file did not saved what was necessary to restart the game normally. Hence, the crash.

Cheers, if I might say so !

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snake eye - it would seem that your last game save is corrupt, especially since it is significantly smaller than the previous game saves. I'm not sure what would have caused the corrupt file other than something possibly interfering with the write of the save game data.

If you're interested in pursuing this further, you could start the game with your 5th save and progress from there with periodic game saves again. It is possible that you may run into the game save corruption again due to something in the scenario/op.

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snake eye -

If you're interested in pursuing this further, you could start the game with your 5th save and progress from there with periodic game saves again. It is possible that you may run into the game save corruption again due to something in the scenario/op.

Hi, Schrullenhaft,

I shall check the time of the 5 good savings that were made. Besides, knowing nearly the time of the 6th corrupt saving (shots had been taken before saving the file). As you adviced it , I shall start the 5th saving and save the game before, near and after that target time.

I shall let you know the issue.

Thanks for your help in that issue


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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a completely reproducible "Out of Memory" error with snake_eye's El Derjine campaign in the first mission. You can do it in the setup phase even, entirely with 1.21.

In a fresh boot of the game, I load any of the saves I've made in the first mission. Then use alt-q to leave the game and return to the main menu. Lastly, load another save of the same mission (same save or a different one) and after a while of loading I get "out of memory".

Curiously it runs out of memory in the same place every time no matter what else I have running on the computer at the time.

I've got marine and brit modules installed too, and have a 'downloaded direct from BFC' version of the game. Can't tell you machine specs right now. About 20 different saves available showing the crash...

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Thanks for the reminder, TheVulture! I now remember having the exact same problem a while back...I was too lazy to raise it as an issue at the time, and now I haven't been able to play CMSF for quite a while due to work and other things eating up my time. It did occur with v1.21, though.

It occurred with several scenarios and campaign missions for me, but always only when loading, quitting, then loading another save from the same battle, as you say. It really isn't that much of a problem for me because quitting CMSF entirely and restarting it always caused things to work fine again, but now I am wondering whether there is any relation between this and save game corruption as mentioned several posts above.

A friend of mine also reported to me that this happened to him. He isn't a forum member, though.

Should the beta gang want, I will try to find some of the scenarios I had trouble with and can send savegames. All RT, however. Cheers

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just recieved this issue near the end of the last mission in the Brit campaign. Its the mission where I am fighting in downtown Damascus at night. I was playing turn based against the computer and as I hit to have the action start the 'out of memory' message came up and closed the game. I have been playing for over two hours and lost everything! I am patched up to 1.21!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I have encountered the Out of Memory error also. I seem to have narrowed it down to a situation where I have used the Z-Bee mod manager to change mods in between saved games for a scenario. It may also be due to using certain mods but I have not confirmed this.

I have the game patched to 1.21 also, and received this error in a scenario that was started after patching to 1.21.

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snake eye - it would seem that your last game save is corrupt, especially since it is significantly smaller than the previous game saves. I'm not sure what would have caused the corrupt file other than something possibly interfering with the write of the save game data.

If you're interested in pursuing this further, you could start the game with your 5th save and progress from there with periodic game saves again. It is possible that you may run into the game save corruption again due to something in the scenario/op.

Hi Schullenhaft,

I have run a survey of the saves made on that specific scenario. I have also started with a save and made periodic saving till and after the time recorded as having the Out of memory warning.

Well these were to no avail. I haven't had any problem.

I think, that since I have never had that problem with the earlier patches than the 1.21, that it has something to do with it.

Needless to say, I have made an awful numbers of saves from the time I ordered and installed CMSF and then the Marines Add on, as soon as they were available to download. Never, a single time I have had that dreaded Out of Memory message


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I get an out of memory error reliably if I try and run a big (20MG +) PBEM file.

Turning down the video settings in CMSF sometimes makes it run.

Turning the computer on and off sometimes makes it run.

Going into the video settings in windows and reducing the hardware acceleration from "maximum" to partial often makes it run.

Turning off the sound in CMSF very often makes it run.

Reducing the video card hardware acceleration setting in Windows, and at the same time turning off the sound in CMSF, seems to reliably make it run.

All of this however has no effect on even larger PBEM files, say 25 - 30 Megs, which simply do not run due to the out of memory error.

GeForce9800, Core 2, Windows XT. Patched up to 1.21.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Seven Ultimate 64Bits / original

Nvidia 9800 GTX+ / 186.91

6GB Corsair ram at stock timings

8400 non OC

SB Audigy 2

El Derjine campaign scenario N°2 / solo

after a few weeks with this setup, for the first time I have this issue, everytime I launch a certain save or when I press the GO! button on any previous save, game crash with "out of memory" error.

At this point I cant go past my turn in the campaign, which is quiet frustrating !

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Seven Ultimate 64Bits / original

Nvidia 9800 GTX+ / 186.91

6GB Corsair ram at stock timings

8400 non OC

SB Audigy 2

El Derjine campaign scenario N°2 / solo

after a few weeks with this setup, for the first time I have this issue, everytime I launch a certain save or when I press the GO! button on any previous save, game crash with "out of memory" error.

At this point I cant go past my turn in the campaign, which is quiet frustrating !

That's too bad for the campaign Aloko Mac. The Vulture had that bug on the 1st battle once. As for myself I never had it with the numerous testing, I have done. As a matter of fact the only time , I have had that memory bug, was with Second Storm of Paper Tiger. I had it only once as reported on that post. I still think that it has something related with the patch 1.21. I never had any such problem before, despite saving huge scenarios.

If Battlefront can find an issue on that problem, that would be good for every one.


P.S: If you are running with Vista, 6GB RAM won't be better.I t doesn't take memory in account after 4GB, if I am not mistaken. What counts is your graphic card memory

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