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Gaudete! It's A New Peng Challenge Thread!

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Hey wait a minute pal ... There's no election fund 'cause there ain't no ****ing election. It's an appointed post and guess who's doing the appointing there bubba!

It's a ****ing valuable thing. You just don't give it away for nothing. I've got this thing. And it's ****ing golden. I'm just not giving it up for ****ing nothing. I'm not going to do it. I can always use it.



There's another brick in my backyard...

Wolfp MkII in 2009!

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I guess I just kinda assumed you'd have a clue what he was talking about with that ... fish ... thing.

Guess not huh?



Once again, you are wrong.

You are wrong!

You are wrong!

You are so very wrong!

You are wrong!








You are wrong!

You are wrong!

You are so very wrong!

You are wrong!







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Can you mail it to the Wolfp MkII for Auxilliary Backup Deputy Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread election fund instead?

Send it C/O Boo's Gotta Go, PO Box 777, Backwoods, NC 28728. Every little bit counts, and with your generous contribution, you get your name on a brick that's been laying in my backyard for quite some time.

Remember...Wolfp MkII in 2009!

What a waste.

It could be better spent buying me a beer.

**tips hat to Mr Emrys**

btw any of you lot besides Bugged, Boo and Babra use facebook?

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Facebook... now there's a strange concept, eh. Makes it so much easier to overtly ignore (and be ignored by) 99.99% of your listed friends, 99.99% of the time. What a blast! =P

Just for fun, I typed 'Stuka' and 'Babra' into the search list and got multiple hits. I only got one hit on 'OGSF' - but still, who'd've thought. Heh.

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Facebook... now there's a strange concept, eh. Makes it so much easier to overtly ignore (and be ignored by) 99.99% of your listed friends, 99.99% of the time. What a blast! =P

I can't speak for the others, but I'm only being coy.

(Coy... there's a stupid sounding word. Isn't it a kind of fish?)

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At your age, that's just sad.

It isn't an age thing, though. For example, my mom's on Facebook and just this year she was reacquainted with a neighbour friend whom she hasn't seen since the mid-1970s.

And I've caught up with some long-lost friends from high school. But now they ignore me. Just like in high school. Just like in here.

Seriously, though, it's an okay way to share photos and see what everyone's up to - if one is inclined to take the time to look, that is.

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I only have the one Steeleye Span CD and that song isn't on it.

While you should regard me as your 'Everything', you can't possibly imagine that I can make everything alright for you. You need to broaden your horizons.

It's off 'Below the Salt', although I have it on a 'Best of Steeleye Span' gift.

Yours choices are: buy more Steeleye Span, or learn to steal, whether by means of technology or the more traditional means.

Now, put on the fez and call me 'Mustapha', and ask me what we're going to do with this dead camel.

You know you want to...

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Hey wait a minute pal ... There's no election fund 'cause there ain't no ****ing election. It's an appointed post and guess who's doing the appointing there bubba!


Too true. Wolfpak...something or other, Boo abides.

He's been given some weird-arsed designation by the Justicar, which is probably something significant between the two of them, but I don't inquire. Christ knows I'm a wordy bastard, but trying to sort out Shaw's conception of 'titles' is something that would bore the ****e out of some aficionado of heraldry.

But he is my Sancho Panza, my Igor, my large, thuggish henchman. When they carry my rotting remains out of here, Boo will be holding the runny bits, and cursing. Until then, you need not worry about gaining some advantage.

I am an Olde One of the Peng Challenge Thread, and I repeat:

Boo abides.

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You ever driven past a chicken farm? There's a smell that's pungent.

When, many, many years ago, I was going to school at Carleton College, we were caught between two winds. One blew in from the turkey farm to the East, and the other was from the Malt-o-Meal factory on the West side of town.

Both had their detractors and partisans. Lively discussions were held over many a twelve pack of Special Export. Many, many twelve packs.

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At your age, that's just sad.

I forget; when we get to be old, drunken and sodden, are we supposed to go get a page on Facebook, or My Space?

I'm perfectly willing to inflict myself on most anyone, but I'd hate to be caught stumbling around anyplace that welcomes Paris Hilton.

I mean, unless she was buying.

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But now they ignore me. Just like in high school. Just like in here.

Sorry, normally I lavish my attention on stupid people, although less often here, it's true, simply because there's far fewer of them. In a relative way, of course.

Seriously, though, it's an okay way to share photos and see what everyone's up to - if one is inclined to take the time to look, that is.

And when was the last time you shared a photo with me?

My issue with all these 'social networking sites' is that they require that you drink the kool-aid before you can be taken aboard the Mothership.

I like to cruise here, below the radar of the Black Helicopters and Death Squad members.

You meet a better class of criminal, for one thing.

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While you should regard me as your 'Everything', you can't possibly imagine that I can make everything alright for you.

Then what fecking good ARE you then, eh? EH??

You just can't count on people anymore.

You need to broaden your horizons.

No, I am not reanimating the goddamn thread.

It's off 'Below the Salt', although I have it on a 'Best of Steeleye Span' gift.

Wait... I have a "Best of Steeleye Span" CD. How many "best of" albums did they make? Surely not more than one?

Yours choices are: buy more Steeleye Span, or learn to steal, whether by means of technology or the more traditional means.

Ooooh, imagine the cache you'd have on the cell block if it got out that you were caught stealing Steeleye Span albums.

Seriously, you don't get out much, do you?

Now, put on the fez and call me 'Mustapha', and ask me what we're going to do with this dead camel.

You know you want to...

No! I've told you before that I'm not playing Morocco Mole to your Secret Squirrel fantasies! Sure, they sounded good on paper, but in reality they're kind of repetitive and dumb.

Although I will pay money to see Joe dressed up like El Kabong.

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It's the last line of the National Anthem of Borogravia, Joe.

I'm disappointed that you did not recognize the reference.

It was your failure to write it in the original Morporkian that created my inability to recognize it.

As to Boo Radley, the jury is still out. He has time, some time, to remedy his failures of late, but my patience is not unlimited.

He may abide or abode or abrade, but I WILL have a competent and respectful Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread ... my commitment to you and the other Olde Ones demands nothing less.

In other news, your Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng challenge Thread is beating Wolfp Mk II like a freaking drum, like a redheaded stepchild, like a filthy throwrug in our CMSF match. Note you all that HE is playing the USMC and he IS in the USMC. Indeed one could say, without fear of exaggeration, that he is a PROFESSIONAL in such matters and yet your Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread is not only winning but winning handily.

It is not, of course, important that I win this or any other CM scenario as we of the Peng Challenge Thread care not about such trivialities as skill in CM. But it does provide an opportunity to do what we do best ... TAUNT and BELITTLE! However ... as Wolfp Mk II is a newly minted Knight of the CessPool I shall refrain and shall content myself with this small notice of the game's status.

So let this be a warning to all who would DARE to engage a Knight of the CessPool, let alone a Seniour Knight of the CessPool, let alone the Senior Senior Knight of the CessPool ... well ... just you watch out is what!


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Ah, Joe, and how much of your Syrian armor have I made go BOOM? I know I've killed several, but I'll be dipped in earwax if I have any idear which one o' my lads did the dirty deed.
Nowhere NEAR as many as you think oh, "HeWhoCan'tTellTheDifferenceTweenPrimaryandSecondary'splosions."

And shall we ALSO discuss the number of Strykers struck down in the prime of their mechanical life by the brave defenders of their homeland from the infidel incursions of the Crusaders?

Or somefink ...


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...unimportant drivel...

...some more...

...blah, blah, blah...

...and we're here, finally...

In other news, your Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng challenge Thread is beating Wolfp Mk II like a freaking drum, like a redheaded stepchild, like a filthy throwrug in our CMSF match. Note you all that HE is playing the USMC and he IS in the USMC. Indeed one could say, without fear of exaggeration, that he is a PROFESSIONAL in such matters and yet your Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread is not only winning but winning handily.

It is not, of course, important that I win this or any other CM scenario as we of the Peng Challenge Thread care not about such trivialities as skill in CM. But it does provide an opportunity to do what we do best ... TAUNT and BELITTLE! However ... as Wolfp Mk II is a newly minted Knight of the CessPool I shall refrain and shall content myself with this small notice of the game's status.

So let this be a warning to all who would DARE to engage a Knight of the CessPool, let alone a Seniour Knight of the CessPool, let alone the Senior Senior Knight of the CessPool ... well ... just you watch out is what!


I would like to start off by quoting Tennyson with my own special twist...ahem...haaruum!...

Saggers to the right of them,

Saggers to the left of them,

Saggers in front of them,

Volleyed and optically tracked

Storm'd at with HEAT and shaped charge

Boldly they drove and well

Into the jaws of Death

Riding in their Clamshells

Rode the Company (-)(+)

Who knew the Syrians issued one ATGM per man? There's more copper wire laying about than can be extracted from the mines of Chile in a single year...but, I'm riding this one into the ground...INTO THE GROUND!!!

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