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After my first solo Z-game of Pacific Theater

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I always feel a bit dissapointed when a SC2 game ends. Why?

Because after a dozen of hours all i get are 3-4 meagre statistics and the research table.

I don't want no fancy musics, or more text messages or movies (even though i would welcome them), but where are my statistics, where is my possibilty to look back on the war i just fought through?

I sat on my chair in front of my monitor for many hours, invested much time into the game, and when i played it through there is no end waiting for me which is worthy of all those hours playtime (even tough playing the game is much fun, of course).

Am i really the only one who would like to get a tiny bit more?


how many BBs have i, how many have i lost, how many has my enemy or how many has he lost,

how many CVs have i, how many have i lost, how many has my enemy...

I just won a game against the Japanese AI.

When i won, i got an "Allied Major Victory" message.

Next thing: all the Japanese Units have dissapeared (because Japan surrendered).

BUT I would have LOVED it to get an opportunity to see how many units Japan had left and where they were placed when Japan surrendered.

But they were gone.

I felt a bit as if someone just have had stolen my golden crown for winning the game.

There isn't any need to cash in the losing sides surrendered units, because I don't need the money anymore when i have won the game!

What i truly need when i won a game is the joy to look about the complete map with all units which remained until the end of the war. All of them, not only mine, which i know pretty well after dozens of hours playtime. Don't we all agree about this?

:confused: Can't the final surrender automatism (cash in units, remove them from the map) be stopped when i won through this specific surrender? :confused:

I would like to add that i still hope and pray for an option to choose & change sides after a game has been started. This is one of the best ways to enhance games against the AI.

Don't get me wrong. I love the SC2 games, all of them.

And Pacific Theater is the best of them, no doubt about it.

Nevertheless: i still feel the need to adress the "more statistics", "change sides whenever you want" and "please more possiblities to look and / or to look back after the game has been won or lost" topics once again.

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"xwormwood!"_'Agreed!!!',...the endgame finale' is a dissapointment...after such an investment of a great-deal of 'Time & Effort!'.

Much more information for the player should be available in order for the player to see where and how his effort's actually compared to Historical Result's as well as possibly the player could compare his present result's with previous result's where the same game was played.

As a "Cherry-On-The-Cake-FINALE!' "...I would like to be able to select what VICTORY-MUSIC for the victorious side that i choose to listen too!,...as well as perhap's a short VIDEO showing for example,...the Japanese Army raising their Rifle's and Arm's in the air...in Jubilation while shouting the 'Banzai!!!' Cry!,...with the Japanese Flag waving in the Background!.

Not only do i agree with your desire for a more satisfying 'End-Game-Conclusion-Assessment',...but i would also like to see what the Actual-Historical-Losses were in comparison with your personal game losses!.

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My favorite "biggest let down" ending of a wargame was Chris Crawford's "Battle of the Bulge" when you're told "In war nobody wins" with a cheesy animation. If I wanted to feel guilty about playing a game I'll look at the clock, or my wife's expression when I've been on for too long...

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What I would like to see instead is the developers give the AI some life and have it taunt you during the game and say things like "What a stupid move that was" or "haha I sunk your battleship" lol stuff like that. I'd like it to be sound so we hear it no matter where we are, but, would be nice if the map auto scrolled to where the action was at when the AI spoke. This could actually lead to the ai winning more games I think as players who really get serious about being taunted would perhaps make more mistakes and forget their focus. I do this sort of stuff in PBEM games and it works for me. :P

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My favorite "biggest let down" ending of a wargame was Chris Crawford's "Battle of the Bulge" when you're told "In war nobody wins" with a cheesy animation. If I wanted to feel guilty about playing a game I'll look at the clock, or my wife's expression when I've been on for too long...


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Just some more thoughts after my second game:


Shouldn't there be (or better: wouldn't it be a good idea if there were) allied convoy lines as well in the Z-Campaign?

-Australia-India (UK)

-NZ-Australia (UK)

-USA-Hawaii (US)

-USA-Australia (US)

-coastal convoy lines in front of India (UK)

-coastal convoy lines in front of USA

On these mentioned convoy lines there was enough naval traffic to attract subs (on the US east coast german subs attack in january 1942, this period was called the "happy time", because the coast guard wasn't prepared at all for the german subs), auxiliary cruisers or even german raiders (CA Admiral Scheer raided into the indian ocean in 1942).

Even though japanese subs were ment to attack war ships, they might have had their happy time as well if they would have gotten the order to attack tradelines in 1942.


Diplomacy would be even better, if i every country listed in the diplomacy section would offer its own photograph.

Example: click on Mongolia and get a picture of some of their leaders

next click on USSR and get a picture of Molotov and Stalin,

click on communist china and get Mao etc. etc.


When Hawaii gets under the control of the Japanese: shouldn't in this case the red arrows in front of the US coast turn grey or dissappear?


Shouldn't (if they aren't already, not sure about this one) the exit tiles from the red arrows in front of the US West coast put ship always at a more or less random position when they reach the target area?

North of Hawaii, south of Hawaii, east ot west, but not always at the same point where i can place a trap or one spotting unit?


When China surrendered i was instantly at war with the USSR.

In my game china surrendered early 1944.

Shouldn't the USSR get less or weaker units (if this isn't already in the game) if they attack Japan in 1944 instead of August 1945?


I would like to suggest to implent two german sub scripts

First: a german sub appears in 1942 or 1943 to operate from a western japanes base

Second: if the japanes player is willing to pay somewhere in the game a certain amount of his money he could buy german techs.

A german sub than enters somewhere in early 1945 an eastern ocean tile.

If it can make its way to the Japanese home isles, than the japanese player receives german jet and / or rocket techs, mabye even better tank techs (double attack abiltiy?).

If the sub doesn't reach Japan before may 1945 then it simply surrenders at sea to the allies, giving the allied player uranium so that he gets an atomic bomb or more atomic bombs somewhat later in the game.


Cough, cough!


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When Hawaii gets under the control of the Japanese: shouldn't in this case the red arrows in front of the US coast turn grey or dissappear?


Shouldn't (if they aren't already, not sure about this one) the exit tiles from the red arrows in front of the US West coast put ship always at a more or less random position when they reach the target area?

North of Hawaii, south of Hawaii, east ot west, but not always at the same point where i can place a trap or one spotting unit?


I totally agree on 3 (aka the unstoppable Hawaiian Express). US should have to fight onward to Hawaii after losing the city of Honolulu. They shouldn't be granted a cheesy free 3-turn pass that would allow them to mass up on the West Coast then drop 5 carriers in the Hawaiian waters because of a reason which sort of negates point 4 above.

Arriving units via the Hawaiian Express get placed on or near the island south of the Eastern port, then get to *move*. This makes any Japanese trap at the Hawaiians useless because they are spotted immediately upon the placement. I have lost many IJN boats sitting in dock refitting or laying in wait, watching each US carrier decimating 1 naval unit. (Oh Musashi!) After the airstrikes, the carriers run NE of Hilo, which puts the IJN split-up fleet at a severe disadvantage, as opposed to just concentrating their fleet and search efforts to the East of Hawaii.

Further game note: I'm in '43 and the US has already researched Naval Warfare (3), Long Range Aircraft (4), and ASW (2). :eek:

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I too would love to see better post game and even in-game stats. During the game, being able to bring up last turn summaries of all the pop-up messages, unit losses, etc. from the last turn. After the game a larger summary showing more details on total kills etc. I want to know how many carriers, battleships, etc. I sunk. How many Marines were lost, what my total losses are, and also, who my most decorated units during the war were. Did I do more damage with my carriers or with my land-based air units.

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Just be glad that you got to the end of the campaign - mine crashed in Feb 44 on the turn after I captured Delhi - that's even less satsifying than the what you describe!

Seriously all the points mentioned in this thread are excellent improvements which should be implemented in the next patch!

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Just some more thoughts after my second game:


When China surrendered i was instantly at war with the USSR.

In my game china surrendered early 1944.

Shouldn't the USSR get less or weaker units (if this isn't already in the game) if they attack Japan in 1944 instead of August 1945?

Cough, cough!


Hi Xwormwood

Thanks for your comments, there are a few points to think about there. :)

I just thought I'd answer this one. The USSR's economy starts the game extremely small but slowly increases in line with victories in the west (after Stalingrad, Kursk, Bagration and VE Day) as Stalin can afford to divert slightly more resources to the east.

If attacked very early on the USSR will benefit from the redeployment of some Soviet forces from the west, but will lack the economy to keep them in the field if Japan puts pressure on them. Obviously this gets better for the USSR as the war goes on, so they will do better against the Japanese in 1944 than they would in 1943, better in 1943 than in 1942.

They are of course at their best and strongest in 1945, but it is only in the summer of 1945 that they will receive a large reinforcement of veterans from the west. After that, Japan had better be very, very strong to have a chance of stopping Soviet tanks rolling straight through Manchukuo...

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Thank you for the insights, Bill101!

Btw.: what do you think about giving Destroyers a +1 supply zone of control?

Wiht this ability they could solve the problem with 0-supply islands (remember my post where i "lost" my fighter on the island north of Hawaii because there was zero supply so i couldn't move or operate it away?

If destroyers would give all adjactent units a supply level of one (Tokyo Express), than there would be no need to change anything on the map.

In my opinion this would be a very smart, historical and enhancing gameplay option. We could keep islands with zero supply, but would enable air units to move and leave there anyway as long as the get some destroyer deliveries.

Just my 2 cents, of course.


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