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Noisy Marines

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I'm just starting to muck up the first scenario in Marines. I.E. I'm not so much "infiltrating" from the beaches as being shot to bits in the streets.

Advice please. If I put my chaps on Fast they don't look where they're going, if on Quick they SHOUT at each other. If slow then they don't get anywhere.

Jeez on group even fired a Javelin half way across the town to help out their pals who opened fire on a Syrian Infantry group.

And this is only at beginners level.

(In my defence I have only just started and haven't even finished the first series of battles in CMSF proper.)

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You mean the first campaign mission? I don't remember there being any Javelins in that one..? The hunt command is your friend, that way they will stop when they get into enemy contact. You can combine it with a target arc. Fast tires men quickly, so use it only when you have to dash across the street or something. Slow is crawling, and it also tires them quick, so use only for short distances.

And don't worry about the shouting, it's more of a way to report to the player what their status is.

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You mean the first campaign mission? I don't remember there being any Javelins in that one..? The hunt command is your friend, that way they will stop when they get into enemy contact. You can combine it with a target arc. Fast tires men quickly, so use it only when you have to dash across the street or something. Slow is crawling, and it also tires them quick, so use only for short distances.

And don't worry about the shouting, it's more of a way to report to the player what their status is.

THANK YOU. Hunt command of course combiened with a limitig arc. One thing I noticdd about the old CM games is that I alwyas tended to put a target arc on when I really should just have let the chaps do thir thing. The arc is really a LIMITING deviced rather than a

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THANK YOU. Hunt command of course combiened with a limiting arc. One thing I noticed about the old CM games is that I always tended to put a target arc on when I really should just have let the chaps do their thing. The arc is really a LIMITING device rather than a help to shoot first and ask later.

Yes, I am talking about the first campaign mission.

While I'm here (and apologies for the earlier entry, I must have hit the wrong key) how do I check the beaches for Mines? Do I just "go there"? I got no messages from the program telling me I'd done so.

Thanks again and Purpleheart23 I hope you got the personal e-mail.

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I'm very new to this. I think I saw a missile, but maybe it wasn't.

I'll let you know when I run it again.

I think you might have that confused with the Pooh scenario in which you can acquire AT4 rockets out of the backs of the LAV's. Those, you can use to shoot at the bunkers at close range, but they are pretty worthless for anything heavier. The Javelin would be wonderful for dealing with the T62 anchoring the center in the first scenario, but, alas, you don't get one. Instead, you have to knock it out with your offshore battery.

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Good to know you have engaged yourself with the game. I saw that you were on the fencepole for awhile. Now starts the addiction.

To answer one thing with the Javalin that has been covered other places but is easy to overlook it that some weapons are single shot like the AT4s and the Laws, while other use ammunition like the Jav. In the beginning, I picked up the Jav round thinking I had a Javalin, ran up to the tank only to find my guys engaging the iron beast with mere gernades.

So sometimes it allows you to pick up the round, but you need the launcher to go with it or elase you just have a really heavy souvenier(sp?) from the war.:D

Other than that, AT4 and Laws are good to use the "acquire" button with even if you don't think you need it. Since the vehicle might get dusted early in the battle. This way, you have what you need early on and you are not scrambling back to the hummer to pick up what you need.

Though, I have had the 'supply' truck drive to each fighting position late in a game for the guys to hop in and load up.

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The quick command is good for absolutely everything, rarely do I use anything else. The key is pairing up your units, 1 watches, the other moves and vice versa. Some of those scenarios are going to be over by the time you hunt everywhere. Anyway, the hunt is just a move to contact, pretty useless in RT in my opinion.

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I'm just starting to muck up the first scenario in Marines. I.E. I'm not so much "infiltrating" from the beaches as being shot to bits in the streets.

The first battle of the Marines campaign is called "USMC Recon Beach Landing Zone White".

There are only rifles with some with attached grenade launcher and sniper rifle. That's all. No Javelin and their CLU (necessary to fire it).You have artillery and air asset on call.

For the mines don't worry just go to the green areas to have the beaches area declared as scouted and secured. Don't make your grunts crawl, they will arrive at Xmas at their objectives, if not exhausted before. use the Touch B then I to make it quick and use overwatch between the team. Don't try to have the team in the center of the beach to go straight. The tank is waiting for them. Don't make them go to the right to rejoin the houses. They will be stopped by the marsh and they will move along it, being unable to cross it, and be in sight of the tank and or the troops hidden in the small buildings. Have them go to the right along the beach and move them on the other side of the marsh. You can choose to make them go to the left, if you like it more. For the tank use the air asset and or the artillery with armor rounds. Better thought to fire the artillery against troops in trenches and or houses. You hear the guys speaken on a low tone. I don't think that it has an incidence on the game, with the other side hearing them. But it immerse you ia bit more into the game.

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Oh the addiction has set in ok! Luckily I now only work six hours a day (going down soon to five) so that means I can allot from 15:10 to 18:00 to the game on most days. (Sometimes my wife wants to talk to me but hell, we've been together 33 years you'd think there was nothing else to say.)

Am I wrong or are the first two Marine scenarios (in the campaign) real easy? The first one I lost 99% of my chaps but hit the objectives and got a Total Victory. In the second I lost only six chaps KIA but left the enemy with only about three I think alive and hit all my objectives.

If I play the campaign again in a higher level do the enemy stay the same and in the same places. That would take the edge of enjoyment of it.

I haven't realised the usefulness of the Aquire order until I read the above, I like to play the game and then pick up the finer points later. Thanks for the advice.

Going back to that Javelin I could swear that one of my teams fired it at a spotted and firing enemy group in buildings to the right of the tank. It came in as a white "spear". (Very cool.) Still I guess I'm wrong. I'll go back and play it later. (Maybe a grenade launcher - maybe I imagined it.)

This is a magnificent piece of work for a game. It certainly beats "pong". (I loved that. <g>)

I'd like to see a little more concern for wounded friendlies. In "real life", if a comrade is down then that effectively stops the other nine or so from moving, especially in American units and Elite units in general. I would expect Syrians to ignore their wounded but not our chaps when each on has been trained at an astronomical cost and, more to the point, has a family!


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I'd like to see a little more concern for wounded friendlies. In "real life", if a comrade is down then that effectively stops the other nine or so from moving, especially in American units and Elite units in general. I would expect Syrians to ignore their wounded but not our chaps when each on has been trained at an astronomical cost and, more to the point, has a family!

But if you've seen Full Metal Jacket, you know very well that helping the wounded when "the situation" is on is not very wise until you have removed the cause of the previous casualty. So I'd go as far as say that the complete opposite is true: conscript troops are more likely to disregard their mission and given orders in order to help their fallen mates, than elite troops.

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But if you've seen Full Metal Jacket, you know very well that helping the wounded when "the situation" is on is not very wise until you have removed the cause of the previous casualty. So I'd go as far as say that the complete opposite is true: conscript troops are more likely to disregard their mission and given orders in order to help their fallen mates, than elite troops.

Well I know FMJ was about Marines but it was also in Vietnam which, as an ardent America-phile, was not your country's finest hour.

I do take you point however that removing the problem is a priority it's just that removing the casualty then becomes (as it should) the second priority. As tp Conscripts, well it depends on just how awful they are.

Paper Tiger thanks for the advice, but mainly thanks for the Spoiler. So often people forget.

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Two more points as I get into the game even more.

1 It wasn't a javelin. I fired one in the third Marine scenario (Protecting the left flank/valley). Niiiiiiiice weapon :-) I'm going to use that a LOT! Still dunno what the weapon I saw was but I think it was one of the many anti-tank or anything else that one's batman carries around with him. (You'll see this when the British forces arrive.)

2 Some time ago someone kindly suggested I alter the mouse setting. It must have been my unfamiliarity with the game then that caused me to think that option was no help. I tried it again and it's much better. My thanks to whoever suggested it.

3 (Three more points) I'm learning to use the Acquire order and saved my bacon when my chaps ran out of anti tank ordnance in the third scenario. Thank goodness those vehicles turned up.

4 (Four more points) the split order is nice, especially using an AT contingent. Took out one of those nasty T62s.

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I'd like to see a little more concern for wounded friendlies. In "real life", if a comrade is down then that effectively stops the other nine or so from moving, especially in American units and Elite units in general. I would expect Syrians to ignore their wounded but not our chaps when each on has been trained at an astronomical cost and, more to the point, has a family!

Well, I don't want to disapprove you, but in real fight you take care of the wounded, only when possible.

To stop, while under fire, is suicidal, for you and for the others, since you can't provide any fire asset while helping the wounded.

More, the enemy is clearly conscient of that and wounded are the focus of shooters and snipers if a friend is giving a hand. You have then 2 casualties instead of one and less fire power remaining.

It is rather hard to let someone behind. However the guy is better alone, till the area is secured, since no sniper will bother with him, because the best he has to do is play dead and not attract any fire.

Naturally, if you have to withdraw it is another problem. You can't let him behind, alive. That might cost your life, but you will do the utmost to bring him back, neither mind if he dies later, you don't let a dead friend behind.

Some guys new that so well, that they preferred in desesperate fights to blow themselves with a remaining grenade, in order that no one will make any attempt to save them. That is an extraordinary self sacrifice for his buddies and a very bad moment to go with later on.

War is a dirty job and not as pleasant as a game. Let CSMF be a wonderful game.

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Quote//Naturally, if you have to withdraw it is another problem. You can't let him behind, alive. That might cost your life, but you will do the utmost to bring him back, neither mind if he dies later, you don't let a dead friend behind.Quote//

Yes, I think actually that is more what I meant.

I guess that's why we (thank God) call it warGAMING

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