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Peng Challenges the Oddstralians to Make Good


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This has to be Lars...

Man sprays 'toilet-papering' teens with fox urine

WILLMAR, Minn. — A 50-year-old man told authorities he was fed up with teens toilet-papering his house during homecoming week. This year, he decided to defend his property — with a squirt gun filled with fox urine.

Now, Scott Wagar is in trouble with the law. He pleaded not guilty on Wednesday in Kandiyohi County District Court to misdemeanor assault and other charges. He was released on personal recognizance.

According to police, on Sept. 16, Wagar used night vision goggles and saw 15-20 people running toward his place. He told them to leave and sprayed them with the fox urine. He also struggled with one teen who he says grabbed him from behind.

In an interview with The Associated Press on Thursday, Wagar says he's innocent, and has a right to defend his property. He says groups of teens have been toilet-papering and egging his house during homecoming for about eight years, and each year it gets more destructive.

He says he sprayed the kids with a mixture of one-third fox urine and two-thirds water because "it stinks, but it doesn't hurt anything."


Information from: West Central Tribune, http://www.wctrib.com

The laws need to be changed. I'm so liberal that I make Barack Obama look like Eisenhower, and I cannot come up with even the most half-witted argument against a man spraying annoying teenagers with fox urine.

When we can no longer deluge our fools with animal piss, we will have ceased to be a great nation.

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Shaw! You have failed me!

When I was lying flat on my back, wondering if my intestine was going to perforate and cast me into the slough of despond known as 'septicemia', I expected you to rise up and contact me regarding the inevitable interregnum that would result from my death, and how the Peng Challenge Thread would function until my soul reincarnated and was re-discovered by wandering Cesspool monks who would test likely candidates in order to facilitate my return, and proclaim the new 'UberGnome'.

C'mon, Joe. Given the imminent collapse of the Western Economic System, the only thing you can be training future mortgage bankers for is the ability to load the kids, obsolete laptops and chickens into a beat-up SUV bound for hard-scrabble lives of disillusionment in some fabled boom economy in places like Shanghai and Hong Kong, ala Steinbeck.

You should be cutting back on your commitment to the job, and be concentrating on raising up a corps of true believers whose job will be to go from one outdoor music fest to another open air brewing festival, laying out a variety of objects before children of the right age to see if one of them will select something of mine in order to find my returned soul.

Three Olde Ones is a Cesspool of Mythic Significance. Two Olde Ones is just a backed up septic system with an hourly rate for a backhoe and Australians standing around with spades arguing about who's going to pay for the beer once they've shoveled all the s*** up...

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When I was lying flat on my back, wondering if my intestine was going to perforate and cast me into the slough of despond known as 'septicemia'...

Oh hush. We know that you are nothing more than a breeding ground for antibiotic-resistant bacteria. That's your contribution to the fall of Western civilization.


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We wouldn't have the opportunity to snap some before and after pics then, silly.
Are we then reduced to this ... the spectacle of FIELD GRADE United States Marine Corps Officers calling someone, in essence, a big silly?

My brother was a Marine Major and I recall still the day I drove him to Hill AFB where he had left his Cobra prior to an overnight with me. Upon pulling up to the guard gate the guard, in his resplendent Air Force uniform, beret set at the proper angle and ceremonial pistol at his waist, leaned over and asked me for identification and my purpose. I handed him my drivers license and told him I was dropping my brother off so that he could continue his cross country flight. He seemed to accept this and then looked at my brother, who was in his flight suit and wearing his Marine cover with oak leaf gleaming, and said, "Have you got some identification?" I was putting my license back in billfold but was a bit surprised when my brother didn't respond. The Airman then repeated himself. I looked over at my brother and saw that he had a furiously controlled look on his face. He raised a forefinger to his oakleaf and said, "Aren't we missing something here PARTNER?"

The Airman THEN saluted properly, addressed my brother as Sir and waved us through.

Of course I was strafed by an F16 on my way home ...

My brother, I assure you, has never referred to anyone as "silly."

Ah well ... it wasn't this way in the Old Corps.


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Shaw! You have failed me!

When I was lying flat on my back, wondering if my intestine was going to perforate and cast me into the slough of despond known as 'septicemia', I expected you to rise up and contact me regarding the inevitable interregnum that would result from my death, and how the Peng Challenge Thread would function until my soul reincarnated and was re-discovered by wandering Cesspool monks who would test likely candidates in order to facilitate my return, and proclaim the new 'UberGnome'.

C'mon, Joe. Given the imminent collapse of the Western Economic System, the only thing you can be training future mortgage bankers for is the ability to load the kids, obsolete laptops and chickens into a beat-up SUV bound for hard-scrabble lives of disillusionment in some fabled boom economy in places like Shanghai and Hong Kong, ala Steinbeck.

You should be cutting back on your commitment to the job, and be concentrating on raising up a corps of true believers whose job will be to go from one outdoor music fest to another open air brewing festival, laying out a variety of objects before children of the right age to see if one of them will select something of mine in order to find my returned soul.

Three Olde Ones is a Cesspool of Mythic Significance. Two Olde Ones is just a backed up septic system with an hourly rate for a backhoe and Australians standing around with spades arguing about who's going to pay for the beer once they've shoveled all the s*** up...

Oh fiddledeepoop Seanachai. You are clearly NOT dead ... we did have our hopes up ... nor is there any real expectation that you will be dead and I saw no reason to take drastic action.

Furtherless we haven't had THREE functioning Olde Ones for ages. Peng wanders in, no doubt lost again, once every three months, spouts off and then wanders off yet again. Berli is around and does weigh on important issues from time to time but that's soley due to my intervention by playing him in a game of CMSF. And you ... well we hardly know where to start with the analysis of your absences. If you're not kyaking then you're in Canada, if you're not in Canada you're sick and if you're not sick you're incapacitated by strong drink.

The way I see it if we've got all three of you alive at any given point we're in pretty good shape.

And there's only ONE person here suitable for elevation to the ranks of the Olde Ones should one of the more or less existing Olde Ones fall in battle ... or in the gutter as is more likely.

We ALL know who that is, we all know who has been here since the very first thread, we all know who has valiantly defending the M.B.T. and its sacred traditions and we all know who would be the best Olde One EVER in the more or less unfortunate event of the demise of a current Olde One.

So frankly Seanachai, or even Seanachai frankly, I saw no need to look further afield ... asked and answered Seanachai ... asked and answered.


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{snipped because its Joe and he does prattle on so}

My brother, I assure you, has never referred to anyone as "silly."


I'll wager that he has...Given the correct inflection the word "silly" has multiple uses in MC day to day vernacular. For example:

1. "Come here silly" is often used by seniors when requesting the presence of juniors who are doing something that could quite possibly get them thrown into the brig or dead.

2. "That's just plain silly" is often used by juniors when referring to the plans of seniors that they believe will quite possibly end their existence on the earth.

3. "It was silly" refers to the aftermath of point 2. above, and, as you can guess, the junior survived and is currently being debriefed.

3.a. "It was stupid silly" once again refers to point 2. above with an adjetive thrown in for good measure to reinforce certain high points during the debrief.

4. "Silly", in and of itself, is usually appended with "one" to ensure there is no confusion as to the specificity of the object, or individual if you will, being focused upon when in a group; but when their is a singular object, there is no need for appending a "one", as the object is normally quite aware that he, or she, is the person being referred to, such as in the case with Boo above.

5. Other popular uses of the word "silly", and its other forms include but is not necessarily limited to..."He's a silly ****tard", "He was acting silly, so we sent him to the whiz", and "let the silliness begin."

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I'll wager that he has...Given the correct inflection the word "silly" has multiple uses in MC day to day vernacular. For example:

1. "Come here silly" is often used by seniors when requesting the presence of juniors who are doing something that could quite possibly get them thrown into the brig or dead.

2. "That's just plain silly" is often used by juniors when referring to the plans of seniors that they believe will quite possibly end their existence on the earth.

3. "It was silly" refers to the aftermath of point 2. above, and, as you can guess, the junior survived and is currently being debriefed.

3.a. "It was stupid silly" once again refers to point 2. above with an adjetive thrown in for good measure to reinforce certain high points during the debrief.

4. "Silly", in and of itself, is usually appended with "one" to ensure there is no confusion as to the specificity of the object, or individual if you will, being focused upon when in a group; but when their is a singular object, there is no need for appending a "one", as the object is normally quite aware that he, or she, is the person being referred to, such as in the case with Boo above.

5. Other popular uses of the word "silly", and its other forms include but is not necessarily limited to..."He's a silly ****tard", "He was acting silly, so we sent him to the whiz", and "let the silliness begin."

My Gawd it's worse than I thought ... MULTIPLE uses ... one shudders.

And where the hell is my turn?


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My Gawd it's worse than I thought ... MULTIPLE uses ... one shudders.

And where the hell is my turn?


Your silly turn is still sitting in my silly inbox because it languished for two silly days in your silly inbox before your silly self realized it was in there and you deigned to open the silly thing and make your silly move and thus send it forward to silly ol' me. It will be sent forthwith and toot sweet.

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snipped prattle........

And there's only ONE person here suitable for elevation to the ranks of the Olde Ones should one of the more or less existing Olde Ones fall in battle ... or in the gutter as is more likely.

We ALL know who that is, we all know who has been here since the very first thread, we all know who has valiantly defending the M.B.T. and its sacred traditions and we all know who would be the best Olde One EVER in the more or less unfortunate event of the demise of a current Olde One.


We ALL know somone who has left out either a "been" or should have used an"ed" ending.

How could anyone so inept with the English language be considered for Olde One status?

Now my English is not perfect, but then I am not campaigning to be an Olde One am I? If I were campaigning, I would have to say more silly things, I guess.

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We ALL know somone who has left out either a "been" or should have used an"ed" ending.

How could anyone so inept with the English language be considered for Olde One status?

Now my English is not perfect, but then I am not campaigning to be an Olde One am I? If I were campaigning, I would have to say more silly things, I guess.

Why whomever are you speaking of Nidan1? I know of no one who is campaigning for Olde One status ... indeed there is no need for a campaign as the answer is self evident.

As to the rest of your SILLY post ... I deem it beneath the dignity of your Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread to respond to such ... uh ... sillyness.


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Why whomever are you speaking of Nidan1? I know of no one who is campaigning for Olde One status ... indeed there is no need for a campaign as the answer is self evident.

As to the rest of your SILLY post ... I deem it beneath the dignity of your Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread to respond to such ... uh ... sillyness.


HA! Shaw, I laugh at your feeble attempts to diguise the fact that you have longed to be an Olde One possibly forever in my estimation, and that you would bear any burden, oppose any foe (is that from some old inaugural speech?) right any wrong....wrong any right, to become a full fledged Olde One....(is there such a description as half fledged?)....what the hell is fledged anyway? But I digress.....Joe, you have shamelessly lobbied to be an Olde One for as long as it has been my displeasure to know you.

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HA! Shaw, I laugh at your feeble attempts to diguise the fact that you have longed to be an Olde One possibly forever in my estimation, and that you would bear any burden, oppose any foe (is that from some old inaugural speech?) right any wrong....wrong any right, to become a full fledged Olde One....(is there such a description as half fledged?)....what the hell is fledged anyway? But I digress.....Joe, you have shamelessly lobbied to be an Olde One for as long as it has been my displeasure to know you.
That is an out and out damnable LIE Nidan1 ... a Lie I say and that makes you a Liarliarpantsonfire!

I was campaigning to be the Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread long before I started campai ... uh ... that is ... well you're just a big fat liar is what you are.

If you had any gumption at all you'd challenge me to a match of CM for that insult ... but we all know you haven't the nerve for it.


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That is an out and out damnable LIE Nidan1 ... a Lie I say and that makes you a Liarliarpantsonfire!

I was campaigning to be the Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread long before I started campai ... uh ... that is ... well you're just a big fat liar is what you are.

If you had any gumption at all you'd challenge me to a match of CM for that insult ... but we all know you haven't the nerve for it.


Name your CM you blaggard!!!! and I will meet you on the field of honor, that's what I'll do !!!

Can I finish my dinner first?

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Name your CM you blaggard!!!! and I will meet you on the field of honor, that's what I'll do !!!

Can I finish my dinner first?

Certainly, think of it as your LAST MEAL!

Since I was the challenged party I choose the weapons and I choose ... CMAK, QB, Random everything, 300 points, computer purchases ... I just now flipped a coin and determined that if it came up heads I'd play Allies ... it didn't ... here's a photo of the ACTUAL COIN if you don't believe me ...


When I win it will prove, for once and for all, that you're just a big old poopy head.


p.s. Okay that whole "random everything" deal could have worked out better ... but it is what it are and so are you.

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Certainly, think of it as your LAST MEAL!

Since I was the challenged party I choose the weapons and I choose ... CMAK, QB, Random everything, 300 points, computer purchases ... I just now flipped a coin and determined that if it came up heads I'd play Allies ... it didn't ... here's a photo of the ACTUAL COIN if you don't believe me ...


When I win it will prove, for once and for all, that you're just a big old poopy head.


p.s. Okay that whole "random everything" deal could have worked out better ... but it is what it are and so are you.

Say your prayers Shaw!!!

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