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Peng Challenges the Oddstralians to Make Good


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This Here is the glorious Mutha Beautiful Thread.

We hate oddstralians. We can tolerate them for short periods (it's the new birf-control, dontchaknow), but in general, they are the heat-rash on the bum of our planet. They protest, squawk, and prance about, like (temporary translation) Wombat Enamoured Didgeridoos.

It don't mean pee-knuckle.

If'n you want to play a game, pick out one on your own level (if'n you're new here, that means you need to recruit someone of your own base class) and challenge them, specifically, to a game. No, "I'll whip the lot of ya," challenges. That just won't fly (kinda like the souls of oddstralians).

Act like you gotta pair, but speak not about the oddstralian's paring of sensibility.

The Ladies of the 'pool are sacrosanct. Treat them with deference (i.e., like someone not from oddstralyia).

Defer to your betters (which includes anyone NOT from oddstralia), as we have been there, done that, and it ain't all it's cracked up to be.

In other words, Don't be Oddstralian.

There are other rules, but you don't deserve to know them.

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I'll ignore, for the moment, the fact that a non-turn sending lowlife like you started this thread in deference to the fact that you show proper disdain for the Australians.

That's in your favor.

You have attempted, as best you can which isn't all that good, to list a semblance of the rules.

That's in your favor.

You are Leeo ...

That's NOT in your favor.

But you did start a new thread and thus you've presumably released Boo Radley from his incipient ennui.

That's NOT in your favor, we kinda like him bored since he tends to post less.

All in all it's pretty much of a push at this point.


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Oh say can you seee....

By the dawns early light....

That Australians are Uber....

In oh so many ways....

We are born to rule the planet....

But can't be really stuffed....

To bother with goobers....

Like other nations seem to beeee....

So lets crack a tinny....

And kick a 'merkin in the fork....

Coz a good boot to the bollocks....

Is all they really understand....

So lets throw a shrimp on the barby....

And a beer in the fridge....

And declare how superior....

We are to you gits....

Thank you and good night! I'll be here all week!

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It's a sad state of affairs lads, when someone you're playing says they hate you in an email. And all because I killed Stuka's Jagdpanzer with my dashing little Stuart. Now I just have to get luck ... er ... equally dashing with his other vehicles ... while avoiding his AT guns ... and Panzerfausts.

{sigh} ...


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Lets just imagine for a minute that its 1944 and you are bogged down in the hedgerows of Normandy and intell informs you that theres a honking great German tank with a big nassssty 88 taking a toll of your comrades. You have no infantry support, no arty, no visual to the target and your retard of a commander, lets call him Colonel Shaw...... orders you as the Commander of a pissy little Stuart tank to hit the gas and drive flat out into the hedgerows banking on the slow traverse rate of the Jagdhapthiney to survive.... what will you and the crew do? In reality?

Thats right...frag the Colonels arse and then put the coffee on.

Not drive into the unknown and kill the poor unsuspecting Jagdhaptpanzer like what happens in games like CMAK. Feh!

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Lets just imagine for a minute that its 1944 and you are bogged down in the hedgerows of Normandy and intell informs you that theres a honking great German tank with a big nassssty 88 taking a toll of your comrades. You have no infantry support, no arty, no visual to the target and your retard of a commander, lets call him Colonel Shaw...... orders you as the Commander of a pissy little Stuart tank to hit the gas and drive flat out into the hedgerows banking on the slow traverse rate of the Jagdhapthiney to survive.... what will you and the crew do? In reality?

Thats right...frag the Colonels arse and then put the coffee on.

Not drive into the unknown and kill the poor unsuspecting Jagdhaptpanzer like what happens in games like CMAK. Feh!

The crew had oddles of intel ... from all the Shermans you killed. The DID have radios back then you know.

AND the crew knew, they just knew that a fast tank like the Stuart, suddenly appearing from behind the hedgerow and scooting like it's life depended on it, as it did, would be an impossible target for the Jagdhap to hit. Furthermore the crew would have known that they could have scooted over the ridge in the middle of the field and escaped harm if it was necessary.

But it didn't prove necessary did it Stuka ... because my brave little Stuart got side and rear shots and killed your poor widdle Hapdpanzer dead in its tracks. And instead of rightly congratulating me on my tactics you have to TRY to make it sound gamey ... for shame Stuka, for shame.

I mean it's not like I sent a setup to a poor unsuspecting and trusting CM player without mentioning the trivial fact that I had played the scenario before as that persons side and knew exactly what was going to occur. Now THAT would have been gamey ... but then I didn't do THAT did I Stuka.


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It's a sad state of affairs lads, when someone you're playing says they hate you in an email. And all because I killed Stuka's Jagdpanzer...


At least this time a reason was provided...I imagine the preponderance include no specification, but an understood "just because". You should sleep better tonight.

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{Day 2:Pass 6} - 13.2kb/s, 681mb, and only an 11 hour (est) d/l time...I'm going in hot, wish me luck...Well...maybe not so hot, more like luke warmish, but wish me luck anyway.


You know there are programs out there that allow you to interrupt DLs ... or save the portion that got through before KBR shuts down the link ... you didn't REALLY think your comments about KBR weren't noticed did you?


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It's a sad state of affairs lads, when someone you're playing says they hate you in an email. And all because I killed Stuka's Jagdpanzer with my dashing little Stuart. Now I just have to get luck ... er ... equally dashing with his other vehicles ... while avoiding his AT guns ... and Panzerfausts.

{sigh} ...


Ah yes... I remember the good old days when I'd play CMAK against Joe.

I even remember the last game we played. The one where he bailed on me saying that CMAK just didn't interest him any more...

Of course, just because I was BEATING HIM AS IF HE WERE A RED-HEADED STEP-CHILD RIDING A RENTED MULE couldn't have had anything to do with it, could it?

No. I can't imagine that had anything to do with it at all.

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I would like to clearly state, in no uncertain terms, that Joe Shaw is a non-turn sending mamby pamby fancy pants. And, he licks his fingers. Constantly.

Ha! Demonstrably untrue ... I'm not licking my fingers right now ... I'm typing with them.


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Ah, I'm back from my last near-death vacation, and I'm over at Dalem's, recuperatin', as it were. It's been an enjoyable evening, but I have to admit, the highlight of the evening is when Dalem set the stove on fire...

I ****e you not. He set the goddamn stove on fire. It was...magical. Suddenly, there was a lot of running and shouts of 'hell's bells, the goddamn stove is on fire!'.

But he never panicked. He made sure that...well, let's just say that it didn't spread. Much. He's going to be after buying a new pan to melt butter in, and the walls needed a good scrubbing.

Laughed? I damn near pissed myself. You can't pay for entertainment like that....

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