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CM:SF:BF and Updating the 11 Bravos...

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After looking at the small arms renders of the Brits in BF I can't help but wonder if this could mean we may get an update to the SBCT infantry models and weapons.

The SAW.

The L110A1 and the M249 are essentially one in the same. I am on my second tour ( six days left!!! ) in Iraq and I have yet to see an infantry SAW gunner outfitted with a long barreled, non-collapsing butt stock. They only people I have seen over here with the older style SAW are the fobbits. The only time I've had my SAW gunners mount their long barrels is when we mount them in the turret and that has happened twice in the past 15 months. IMO it would be awesome to see the M249 model updated to look like what we are currently using.

The M4.

It's an M4 not an M4A1. The only people sporting an M4A1 are SF and the Rangers, and by Rangers I mean the guys assigned to 75th Ranger Regt, not the regular guys who went to the school, got the tab and returned to their home unit. The rest of us regular Army types have the M4. I know it's nitpicking but whatever. On that note, the L85A2 New has a Tac light and a Grip pod (integrated bi-pod and forward gantsta grip). The grip pod is everywhere, I'm not exaggerating when I say that in Iraq, In the US Army, everyone and their mother has one. Ok. Maybe I exaggerated a little, but seriously, those things are everywhere. It would be cool to see the M4 model updated to reflect this.

The Soldiers.

For the love of God, please do not add sunglasses to the US Soldier models. Yeah, we are required to wear ballistic eye protection, but honestly, it looks goofy as hell in night scenarios. I would like to see the IBA modeled into an IOTV and I think the pro-mask carrier has got to go. This is just my $0.02, take it for what its worth. Or don't.

Other than that, I am loving this game. It has burned up many of my free hours this deployment and has helped me 'decompress' between patrols. You guys at BFC have really put a lot of hard work into this and I would like to say thank you. You guys rock!

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MW, yeah, probably half or more of the guys on this forum are either currently or formerly serving troopers (not me, though. I'm just a wargaming grog). It's one of the things that makes the forum interesting - getting it from the horses' mouths. It also helps with the authenticity of this great game - these guys won't let anything past that ain't for real. Look at some of the mods they've produced. The attention to detail. Heck, one of 'em even remodded the soles of soldiers' boots 'cos the original tread wasn't quite right!

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Actually, I am very surprised that guys actively in the military would be playing this game. It would be like me going home after work and playing a university administration game. Not something I would do to decompress (though the universty administration game is maybe what Angryson should be playing to decompress. At least it would help him get to sleep faster).

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Actually, I am very surprised that guys actively in the military would be playing this game. It would be like me going home after work and playing a university administration game. Not something I would do to decompress (though the universty administration game is maybe what Angryson should be playing to decompress. At least it would help him get to sleep faster).

A lot of football players go home and play Madden. When your work legitimately interests you, playing games related to it isn't unusual.

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I guess it would have to depend on your job and how much time you have over there. Being an ex-11Bravo, after seeing blood and death, I probably wouldn't be playing anymore. But, can't say for sure since I lucked out in my 8 1/2 years sevice.

I lost some very close friends in a catastrophic kill on one of our Bradleys. After that happened I took a break from CM:SF. I have found gaming to be very therapeutic, it puts me in another place for a few hours. It gets my mind off of all of the crap we have to do over here. That and it feels more constructive than spending all my free time in laying my rack watching movies.

So is this thing gonna veer back on topic anytime soon? ;)

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I hope you realise that I was trying to be funny.

Honestly? No, I didn't. Re-reading your post I can't figure out why.

At any rate, how do you guys even see that stuff while you're playing? Usually I have to zoom way the **** out to actually have any sort of situational awareness and at that distance I can barely discern individual infantrymen, let alone critique their apparel.

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Ahh, interesting: I play WeGo and tend to watch the initial, mandatory, replay from the overall view and then zoom into the parts where I noticed action/change in status. In that way I try to keep a grip on casualties and weapon usage.

It is a compliment to the designers that CMSF supports various modes of playing.



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