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Some feedback and questions,...

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i got marines since sunday and played some quick battles and iam in mission 4 of the campain now.

all in all 1.10 is great but i still have some questions about some things i noticed or simply dont understand ;)

- the IRON mode, i found no discription in the manual about it? what is the differenc between iron and elite now?

since there is the iron mode i only play in iron mode, but i dont notice any difference to the former elite mode.

where can i read up about iron mode? what got changed for it?

- how can i play "mechanized" Airborne in a quick battle. i only manage to get the "non-mechanized" airbornes.

- about performance, i dont know if it got better or wors. generaly i could say my fps droped, however it got more stable, means even with stable 20fps the game is good to be played becouse its not shuttering.

also the terrain redrawing got less but i couldnt up the qualitiy settings a bit as other people did it seems. i got a ATI card.

- Was arty damage nerfed? in mision 2 of the campain the syrian pre planed barrage hit right on top of a squad wich was in quick move. they simply moved through the mortar barrage as if it wouldnt be there. no single bar on the "incomming fire-o-meter" and no pinning, they simply ran through there.

i dont know if some other people notice that too, but i think arty damage got somewhat less. iam not saying its good or bad, but just wanted to know "if" that the way it is, as the changelog doesnt say a word about it.

- i bought my game on sunday, and after i won a total victory through syrian surrender in campain mission 1, mission 2 was still "empty". i thouhgt that was changed?

i guess i dont need to DL the fix for it as the campaiin continues as normal past mission 2 even with the "old" file?

- in campain mission 3 i had some problems with "deploy"! my MG teams where not able to deploy anywhere at all. not in a house, not on a roof and not on the ground.

-in mission 3 i also had problems with the new "mark the action spots you move to" feature. the coloures simply where that faint i couldnt see the tiles of the wingman teams.

it looked like the coloured tiles to the left and right, where somewhat "below" the ground. they where still there but hardly visible.

what could be wrong there? i saw it working already, so i dont know why it didnt worked at that point.



who got the idea to set the forums on "auto log out"??? if i type up a thread or post longer than a few sentences iam no longer loged in when i want to post it. thats really horrible and should be changed at once.

i need to copy all the text, log in again and post it, i mean thats really stupid.

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"i bought my game on sunday, and after i won a total victory through syrian surrender in campain mission 1, mission 2 was still "empty". i thouhgt that was changed?

i guess i dont need to DL the fix for it as the campaiin continues as normal past mission 2 even with the "old" file?"

That has been fixed apparently and can be downloaded from BF.

check this thread..http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_wrapper&Itemid=259

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who got the idea to set the forums on "auto log out"??? if i type up a thread or post longer than a few sentences iam no longer loged in when i want to post it. thats really horrible and should be changed at once.

i need to copy all the text, log in again and post it, i mean thats really stupid.

Maybe it's your computer or your network. I don't see any such behavior on any of the three different computers I use to check these forums.

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"It's in the MAIN manual"

thanks for that moon, i will look it up.

"Maybe it's your computer or your network. I don't see any such behavior on any of the three different computers I use to check these forums. "

hm thats strange, i didnt had that with th eold forums but only since the new one is up. maybe i can change some settings in the account settings or user panel. i have to take a look.

so, noone knows how i can play "mech" airborns in quick battles? i would really like to as there is no "stock" battle right now wich got them AND is met to be played as RED side.

also does noone notice the change in arty effects? maybe its just me and there isnt any change...

also about the missing/faint coloured tiles, i better make a screenshot tomorrow and post it. it seems noone else saw that so far.


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Played a few games with Marines now and

a: Vehicle pathfinding seems worse - those AAVs blunder about like blind elephants, while trucks in a line decide to go off-roading regularly. I found the only way to get vehicles moving reasonably is to keep the path increments small - even then they balk sometimes at clear gaps .

b: Marines on Hunt go to ground in the oddest formations, so that only two or three out of the 13 can return fire. And they hit the dirt every time there is an explosion on Hunt mode, no matter how far away it is and no matter whose artillery is doing it.

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On a positive note - just had 155mm artillery plaster a wooded hill with dug-in enemy all over it and was pleased to note that there were still enough of them around afterwards to cause Marines casualties - but the tree cover was blown away. I am sure this never happened before 1.10 - am I right, or have I just never noticed it before?

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