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Will TOW2 support import of TOW's missions/maps/objects?

David C

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I think many of us "old faithfuls" will find TOW2 much more appealing, if we can import maps, objects and missions from the original TOW title.

I recall this strategy was taken in many successful titles. Even if it was not initially planed, the import was enabled later to address user's requirements. A great example is the "Enemy Engaged: Comanche vs Hokum" which facilitated to import its ancestor "Apache vs Havoc" maps and missions.

Even if the missions will not work "as is" but will require some fine tuning, in order to take advantage of the new engine's improvement, it will still greatly increase the new title's sense of re-playability and value, and will leverage fine efforts like the ongoing JSH mode.

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There are plans of enabling such import in the future, maybe in the patch. Most likely, users will be able to import units from ToW 1 (3dobj.sfs) with some tweaking and data editing. Importing maps is more complicated because map system changed significantly and there is no support for old trees in current engine, for example.

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I hope BF will realize the importance and potential.

I am not aware of the technical details of course, but I could imagine writing a script for automatic conversion of "old trees" to "new trees" is not too complicated. I am convinced that expanding the arena to the European fronts will prove to be beneficial for 1C and BF as well. In that case, taking advantage of the existing maps bank, sounds like a reasonable move, even if some tweaks and changes will be needed.

Personally, I would like to repeat each of the original TOW campaigns, taking advantage of the new features. In that case I would be more than happy to buy the successor title, knowing that I actually got a whole new title + the promised add-on through the back door... If some extra funds are needed for that - I will gladly pay :-)

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There are plans of enabling such import in the future, maybe in the patch. Most likely, users will be able to import units from ToW 1 (3dobj.sfs) with some tweaking and data editing. Importing maps is more complicated because map system changed significantly and there is no support for old trees in current engine, for example.


But surely it would be a relatively trivial task for an organisation of 1C/BFCs calibre to write a conversion utility that substitutes the invalid objects trees from ToW maps with the ToW2 analog objects. It could also remove objects like trenches that are no longer valid.

Whilst we're on that subject is there any other reason why ToW2 can't be a merged install with the original product? Has it changed that much that it is totally unfeasible? I kinda doubt that that is the case however if the roadmap is to release addons as theatres then please tell us (And make Normandy/North West Europe next please :) !). To make my position clear here I spent 3-4 nights a week for a full year learning the editors to make a campaign which really needs alot of the features in the sequel & I'm kinda dismayed that I won't be able to realise what I wanted to achieve this time around (It wont stop me buying ToW2 though). So any news on the product's road map would be very very welcome, at the moment things look bleek but I'm sure I'm mistaken, right?

I'm also pretty concerned at the lack of a map editor, please add this in the initial release even if you have to delay as a result. 3rd party free content is where this game could shine as did IL2. Looks on this as insurance, if the map editor had been released along with a more intuative mission editor to sort what many thought were impossibly hard missions then I think alot of the negative initial views would not have stood their ground. Which was unfortunate & gave the chazman clan a field day, because it's a good product & always has been. I like to think of it as an ugly but well built car, like some of the newer Rolls Royces (IMO I might add before some RR fan flames me).

If only you could get the sort of following IL2 has which is something you already know how to do!!

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