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Norse or Celtic symbols

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A friend is looking at getting a tattoo. She wanted symbols for strength, courage and wisdom. Her heritage is Danish, Polish, Latvian and Italian, so I thought Celtic symbols would be representative of her heritage (okay, 2 out of 4 but maybe some celts wandered as far as Italy?) Googling is failing me.

Any Celtic grogs out there? Norse? Any other suggestions? I don't think Chinese symbols would be up her alley so skip that one.

The Danes are Germanics. The Poles & Latvians are Balto-Slavic. The Italians are largely Romance. No Celtic there.....

BTW, "Celtic" is a BS term anyway.

The Irish are Upper Palaeolithic hunter-gatherers who think they are Celts and the English are Celts who think they are Germanic.

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The survey of 196 people who visited clinics seeking to have their body art erased, shows that getting “irrevocable” markings is often bitterly regretted.

Brilliant. They surveyed people who were getting their tattoos removed and the results were that those people regretted getting a tattoo? What a smart survey.

About a fifth of tattoo wearers are dissatisfied with their tattoo... though only 6 per cent are currently moved to get them scrubbed out.

Twenty percent are dissatisfied but it's that 6 percent who are the "bitter" ones. I wonder what percentage of tattoos are the name or image of an ex-lover (6%, maybe?). *remembers Angelina's "Billy Bob" tattoo*

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um...where to begin.

Other Means,

Yeah, not a big fan of tattoes but if some one wants one, why not? As long as it isn't rascist or flat out offensive to everyone I don't see the big deal.


Wow, I wasn't aware that being a 'redneck' implied that one was a misanthropic misogynist caveman. Thanks for the clarification. Most likely this world view is coloured by your self-loathing at one too many realizations that the cute 'girl' that was snuggling up to you and kissing you all night had an adam's apple the size of a grapefruit....and it turned you on. It's okay if you like that sort of thing. You can forgive yourself.


If I am the gravy train...wow, she is in for a rude awakenin.

M. Bates,

I am not up on the anthropogical aspects of Northern Europe and 'Celts' were the only group that I could think of that was spread out enough to touch two or more of those peoples. Plus, I figured someone would pop in with some interesting bits of history or offer suggestions....instead I got Abbott.

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OK fella. Not me that pissed you off you know.

Don't call me fella, guy

Not pissed off...or any more than usual.

Weird how tattoos, and piercings for that matter, are so common place now but there is still a stigma attached to them (tattoos) by a segment of the population. Most of that segment is old as rocks (ie Abbott), ignorant (Abbott), intolerant (Abbott), or just thinks they are silly (the rest of you).

Sh*t, 20 years ago if you had a tattoo you were an ex-con, ex-military or too punk rock. Now grandmothers are getting them.

[grumbling, grumpy old man]This country is going straight to hell...[/grumbling, grumpy old man]

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... Most ... just thinks [tattoos] are silly (the rest of you).

Personally, I just think that in most circumstances they're passé.

It's a bit like 4WD owners - there is a certain definite segment of the population that has a genuine requirement for them, but most owners are wannabe wänkers. Same with tattoos - I've seen some really nice ones, and ones that mean a lot (for whatever reason) to the wearer. Most, though, fall into the category of fashion victim and/or wannabe wänker.

To be sure, people can get whatever car - or tattoo - they want. I, in turn, can label them as I see fit.

Given that your friend doesn't even know what she wants (hell, she's subcontracting the research. You could come back with the Celtic symbol for wannabe wänker, and she'd be none the wiser), I'd say she needs to think about this a bit more.

In the meantime, tell her to go donate some blood ;)

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(ie Abbott), ignorant (Abbott), intolerant (Abbott), or just thinks they are silly (the rest of you).

[grumbling, grumpy old man]This country is going straight to hell...[/grumbling, grumpy old man]

LOL, it seems you are the one going a bit overboard there Mike. A few jokes set you off calling me intolerant, ignorant and a Fag. Anyway what ever is bugging you, I hope it works out. I bet if you relaxed a bit you would see that I was just being silly as well. I love the girls Mike, especially the massage-a-nist ones with the honesty symbol tattoo ($$$) just above their hidee-hi.

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LOL, it seems you are the one going a bit overboard there Mike.

Possibly...but it's what I do best.

A few jokes

Aren't jokes supposed to be funny? A bunch of generic, derogatory comments about women in general is not what I call funny.

set you off calling me intolerant, ignorant and a Fag.

Please note, I never called you a fag. I merely noted a plausible explanation on why you have such a negative attitude towards women. Which is surprising since Lady Redneck seems like a nice gal and the two you seem to enjoy your lives together. The repeated trash talking seems more suited to a loner who doesn't enjoy the rich life one normally associates with a blessed union with their soul mate, rather the painful lashing out of one spurned.

Anyway what ever is bugging you, I hope it works out.

All good here. Thanks for asking.

I bet if you relaxed a bit

So I guess a triple latte wouldn't help here.....guess it's decaf from here out.

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Aren't jokes supposed to be funny? A bunch of generic, derogatory comments about women in general is not what I call funny.

Well thats fine to mike, I am still chuckling over some of them. I love the definition of a good girl, that's one of my favorites.

Please note, I never called you a fag. I merely noted a plausible explanation on why you have such a negative attitude towards women. Which is surprising since Lady Redneck seems like a nice gal and the two you seem to enjoy your lives together. The repeated trash talking seems more suited to a loner who doesn't enjoy the rich life one normally associates with a blessed union with their soul mate, rather the painful lashing out of one spurned.

Call it whatever you want to, what you posted is still there.

All good here. Thanks for asking.

Well that's good news, glad to hear it. Now back to our regularly schedule forum nonsense.
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