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The Peng Challenge Thread Sets the Olympic Standard... for Drunkeness

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(Is that spelled right? Drunkeness... looks weird. Two 'n's' doesn't work either. Whatever...)

The rules are as follows, you annoying little twit.

We don't like you or your little dog, either. You’re both a pair of ankle biters and the dog smells better.

We don't care about your opinions, even if you have any.

We will never, ever like you, but kiss up all you want.

Go away. Go far away. Let not the night find you where the day left you. Seek ye far horizons where we aren’t. And then keep going.

Still here? Damn. Very well, if you must post, try to show some wit and vinegar. Challenge someone. Operative word is ONE. Single one person out and construct a creative taunt to entice them to the field of battle. Anything less will be met with scorn, derision and more scorn… and then more derision. We believe that if something’s worth doing, it’s worth overdoing. Don’t bother the Olde Ones or the Knights or even the squires, for that matter. Challenge either an SSN like yourself, or a serf.

Sound off like ya got a pair. NOT about your pair, because we really couldn’t care less.

The Ladies of the Pool are sacrosanct. Don't go there or you'll discover Coventry fast. Coventry you ask? It's our special way of dealing with those we really don't like.

Leave your personal hang-ups and prejudices at the door. We have no use for your mind numbing ignorance here.

If you do not have an E-mail address or a general location in your profile, you ain’t tall enough to ride this ride.

Now, if you understand and agree to all that’s been said here... SOD OFF!

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Care to explain how in a QB, where the "Computer" picked both sides, not only were your troops Veteran or better AND you got a 150mm SP gun PLUS 7 HMG's, oh! And add this to the point that my Green or Conscript troops were attacking with no armour support across an open map.. well, I think you get the drift. IT WAS A SETUP !

Not that I'm accusing you of cheating, noooo, not me. But others might not wish to play you after this little setup, that's for sure.

You might mention that in our other game, you are getting a right royal kicking... No? I thought not.


Answer is, of course....now sit down....this might come as a shock.....IT WAS A QB!! you doofus!

I get 3 platoons of regular or vets, 7 HMG's (of which only 2 ever fired), a 150mm SPG (which never fired) and a H/T of some kind (also never used).

Now, yoooooo had how many H/T's and other vehicles?? Was is something like, oh I don't know, 13?? Plus how many troops, arty spotters and MG's of yer own?

Quite whin'in girly boy an get back to dyin...

I do hate you.


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My dog gone dogs woke me up this morning barking at a neighbor's (a mile or so away) dog gone dog. Every time there is a bit of thunder or gun fire this big old black dog heads to my house. She is a pretty peaceful ole' gal and just wants to come in the house which of course is not a good idea because of the cat. The only cat around smart enough to stay out of the meat grinder of a backyard inhabited by the cat and dog-killing gang of three excavators that live there. I just hot wire the fence and give the excavators a bit of shock treatment now and then. Joe when are you coming by?

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Joe has taken the old thread to 305 posts, I say he gets banned for not folllowing da rules!

I have a better idea. The two of you should be locked into a small, airtight container so that your last impressions are of each other's various body odors. An altogether satisfying resolution to the problem.


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When you've lived a long, long time by yourself, you inevitably find that the 'Circle of Life' can pretty much be reduced to once again encountering the mental conversation:

"Is that chicken? When did I buy chicken?"

Which came first: The chicken, or the confusion about the chicken?

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I was after being at work, the other day, at a new 'contract' position with the same lot of wankers that have been employing me all but regular for going on 4 years, now, and I was reviewing a 'proposal/bid' from a vendor, and encountered this:

"Dew to increased fuel costs, we would prefer to do all the work at the same time"

Jesus wept. This from a company with a national presence.

In the future, will even business communications revert to 'text message speak', or simply scratch an approximation of language on the ground with a stick?

It was only about a year ago that I was reading news stories about 'patriotic businesses' that were refusing to cater to people who didn't speak English.

"Me rite pretty real soon. Got nue 'fonetics for the ages' gide to bizness sukses."

Can we deport citizens who can't even write their own language? Jesus to jesus and eight hands around, even the Australians can spell.

Well, most of the time. Given that most of their language is completely made up, who can tell if they're doing it right or not?

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This new form of the Board has all this 'informational' stuff about you when you post, and I'm listed as a 'Senior Member'.

Given that Boo Radley, to name but one, is also listed as a 'Senior Member', I think that there should be another category for someone like me making a distinction.

Something on the order of 'Senior Member of Extraordinary Distinction (and Not Like That Lot of Genitalia Scratching Halfwits Who've Simply Been Posting Here For Ages), and Who Should Probably Be Addressed as 'Sir', Even Though He's a Horrible Little Man'.

Is anyone from Battlefront reading this Thread? Would it be possible to make the necessary adjustments?

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I was after being at work, the other day, at a new 'contract' position with the same lot of wankers that have been employing me all but regular for going on 4 years, now, and I was reviewing a 'proposal/bid' from a vendor, and encountered this:

"Dew to increased fuel costs, we would prefer to do all the work at the same time"

Jesus wept. This from a company with a national presence.

In the future, will even business communications revert to 'text message speak', or simply scratch an approximation of language on the ground with a stick?

It was only about a year ago that I was reading news stories about 'patriotic businesses' that were refusing to cater to people who didn't speak English.

"Me rite pretty real soon. Got nue 'fonetics for the ages' gide to bizness sukses."

Can we deport citizens who can't even write their own language? Jesus to jesus and eight hands around, even the Australians can spell.

Well, most of the time. Given that most of their language is completely made up, who can tell if they're doing it right or not?

This is what has happened to American Business because we are mandated to "Value Diversity" This means that people are no longer required to be able to communicate in the English language to get a job.

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I heard the Secret Service is now taking classes to understand Ebonics thoroughly, especially the use of the word “bomb”. An embarrassing incident came up after people waiting to attend an Obama fundraising event kept saying: "man, dis party is gonna be da bomb, I cain't wait for dis mutha to blow up so I can get my groove on". Of course specialized sensitivity training will be needed.

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This new form of the Board has all this 'informational' stuff about you when you post, and I'm listed as a 'Senior Member'.

Given that Boo Radley, to name but one, is also listed as a 'Senior Member', I think that there should be another category for someone like me making a distinction.

Something on the order of 'Senior Member of Extraordinary Distinction (and Not Like That Lot of Genitalia Scratching Halfwits Who've Simply Been Posting Here For Ages), and Who Should Probably Be Addressed as 'Sir', Even Though He's a Horrible Little Man'.

Is anyone from Battlefront reading this Thread? Would it be possible to make the necessary adjustments?

Quite right Seanachai, why on the OLDE Board we could see member numbers and, mine being astoundingly low, I was immediately recognized as someone of merit and distinction. I had been to the wars and seen the elephant so I had and higher numbered fooles would shake in the boots (or pumps in the case of Australians).

Now one Senior Member is seen as the equal of all Senior Members and by Gawd I expect my Member to be singled out!

Battlefront ... FIX OR DO SOMEFINK!


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Given that Boo Radley, to name but one, is also listed as a 'Senior Member', I think that there should be another category for someone like me making a distinction.

Quite right.

I've prepared a list based on all of your positive attributes.

It's a short list, I'm afraid.

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When you've lived a long, long time by yourself, you inevitably find that the 'Circle of Life' can pretty much be reduced to once again encountering the mental conversation:

"Is that chicken? When did I buy chicken?"

Which came first: The chicken, or the confusion about the chicken?

Why do I have the feeling that you are about to tell us? At great—nay, interminable—length?


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As some day it may happen that a victim must be found,

I've got a little list — I've got a little list

Of society offenders who might well be underground,

And who never would be missed — who never would be missed!

There's the pestilential nuisances who write for autographs —

All people who have flabby hands and irritating laughs —

All children who are up in dates, and floor you with 'em flat —

All persons who in shaking hands, shake hands with you like that —

And all third persons who on spoiling tête-á-têtes insist —

They'd none of 'em be missed — they'd none of 'em be missed!

He's got 'em on the list — he's got 'em on the list;

And they'll none of 'em be missed — they'll none of 'em be missed.

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