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British Bulldogs problem tread

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Congratulation for the optimisation in this version Gnasher,

I've played only the first mission of the beta 3 yet (Incident at Cheux), and find it to be much smoother than the beta 2, even with that many units on the map.

I've seen only one strange thing: the Bren carrier has no ammo (but perhaps it was intended as an unarmed artillery tractor?)

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Thanks to Arzok for spottiing an initial error (FRANCE 10 points!)


As far I can see in the file 'campaign', it is not fully linear ;)

But I think you need to select the option "don't take into account losses" or something like this ?

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Just finished the "Cheux incident". No problem ! Nice begining

I noticed also some units without ammo, but not a problem.

The campaign image not works for this map, probably because it has been deliver after the others.

In the campaign.xml, I have found this for Cheux map.









And there is no briefing.mat file, but there is one in the Cheux mission directory.

But this file indicates the image breifing.tga, that is also in this directory.

But it is a briefing map (512x512). I think it should be Campaign_banner3.tga ?

Same for the second mission, Gavrus, no campaign image.

The campaign file refear to briefing3.mat, and this file is not existing :(

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I've seen only one strange thing: the Bren carrier has no ammo (but perhaps it was intended as an unarmed artillery tractor?)

No my friend that as we say in Roast Beef is a "cock up" that missed testing. I got to the point of 'death by testing' & missed that. Thanks for the spot! :)

Don't the Typhoons look fantastic! They really make the difference to the feel. Dont suppose an invasion stripes skin is available

As far I can see in the file 'campaign', it is not fully linear ;)

But I think you need to select the option "don't take into account losses" or something like this ?

No the campaign is not linear, that was an initial design decision. However I never really tested how things work if you loose a battle, just that the next mission would get you to the right place if you lost in the campaign progression.

The whole principle behind starting the project was that I could see that the TOW engine was a winner but that the missions were just too single solution. So, I've tried to create a replayable campaign for the game that I WANT to play, where if you replay it's a case of using tactics because you have a different scenario each time over the stock single "be there", "kill that" solution mission, some of my missions have hundreds of possible variations if you look at the code.

As far as "don't take into account losses" is concerned, I don't understand this parameter or how to use it really. If you can shed some knowledge. I'll look into this for the final.

Just finished the "Cheux incident". No problem ! Nice begining

I noticed also some units without ammo, but not a problem.

See above re "Cock Up" !! :)

The campaign image not works for this map, probably because it has been deliver after the others.

In the campaign.xml, I have found this for Cheux map.









And there is no briefing.mat file, but there is one in the Cheux mission directory.

But this file indicates the image breifing.tga, that is also in this directory.

But it is a briefing map (512x512). I think it should be Campaign_banner3.tga ?

Same for the second mission, Gavrus, no campaign image.

The campaign file refear to briefing3.mat, and this file is not existing

See above again, although my installation works fine (I think it should be a Hitler Jugend MG42 team / Epsom situation map merge .tga). Can you post a screenshot please, I had a very hard time splitting B3 up into chunks that the repository would accept. Interestingly by splitting the files up it increased the dl footprint by ~70MB from ~252MB to 320MB.

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What is Gnasher_Bulld in repository? Is it required for campaign to function properly or one needs to download only Gnasher_Bulldogs_Beta3_Part... files?

Sneaksie, I have no idea old bean, the most bizarre thing is that I dont even have a file of that name that I could have uploaded!?!?!

BFC please remove this, if it doesn't have "Gnasher_Bulldogs_Beta3_PartX.zip" in the filename then it's not valid.

Everyone you need only d/l parts 1 - 7, sorry for confusion but I had to do this to comply with repository rules of < 75MB zips.

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One hour to finish, and a fierce fight !

Good mission. Hope that it will be less stressful :)

several crashes, not sure why (perhaps link with the bren carrier)

For the third mission, I have also the same problem for the campaign briefing, no image. But perhaps I did something wrong during the installation.

Knokke, have you the same pb ?


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Yes, I have these files.

But these files are called, for each mission, by a file *.mat, like "briefing.mat", and again these file are called by the file campaign.xml.

In *.mat file called by the campaign.xml file, you find image like "Caen_Blank.tga" or Campaign_start.tga, not the campaign_banner*.tga :confused:

Back to the campaign, I played the mission 'repulse counter attack" on Gavrus (mission 3).

No problem, except one small thing. I choose the AA tank, but no ammo in this tank.

Altough this, I won, but with just 2 tanks at the end :eek:

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Yes, I have these files.

But these files are called, for each mission, by a file *.mat, like "briefing.mat", and again these file are called by the file campaign.xml.

In *.mat file called by the campaign.xml file, you find image like "Caen_Blank.tga" or Campaign_start.tga, not the campaign_banner*.tga :confused:

Back to the campaign, I played the mission 'repulse counter attack" on Gavrus (mission 3).

No problem, except one small thing. I choose the AA tank, but no ammo in this tank.

Altough this, I won, but with just 2 tanks at the end :eek:

Sorry, I check all the files, and I miss some that were in the part 6 :(

So all work fine now :rolleyes:

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I've uploaded a new skin with invasion stripes for the Typhoon to the repository.

Seems like the RAF roundels on the lower wings are missing Knokke.

Also whilst testing the skin I noticed a potential bug in my campaign. I created 3 ship rocket & 4 ship bomber Typhoon formations. There are 2 ways to fix this, either reset the supports in the editor or add the following lines to data\settings\support.ini


SupportType Bomber

NumberOfCalls 5

NumberOfUnits 4

UnitName data/Units/Planes/UK/Typhoon_MkIb_bomb

Delay 10

Timeout 60

Calldown 100

Formation 0 -50 -50 +10 // parentIndex rel_x rel_y rel_z

Formation 0 -50 +50 +10 // parentIndex rel_x rel_y rel_z

Formation 0 -50 0 +10 // parentIndex rel_x rel_y rel_z

// SignalEffect


SupportType Attack

NumberOfCalls 5

NumberOfUnits 3

UnitName data/Units/Planes/UK/Typhoon_MkIb_RP-3

Delay 10

Timeout 60

Calldown 100

Formation 0 -50 -50 +10 // parentIndex rel_x rel_y rel_z

Formation 0 -50 +50 +10 // parentIndex rel_x rel_y rel_z

// SignalEffect

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Bulldogs3-Hill 113.

I have a crash each time I click on a sniper of an infantry detachement (not for the staff one).

Even in the selection screen :confused:

But there are enough squads to choose some without sniper, and I have also choose the staff detachement.

Then, no problem for this mission. Not easy at all !

A problem for the ally, no ammo in the A27 tanks and in the 7.7mm HMG.

at the end, two tanks... :D

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Bulldogs3-Hill 113.

I have a crash each time I click on a sniper of an infantry detachement (not for the staff one).

Even in the selection screen :confused:

But there are enough squads to choose some without sniper, and I have also choose the staff detachement.

I also have had this & was hoping that I'd gotten rid of this "feature"!!!

I had hoped that this was local to my installation, but alas I'm saddened to hear that's not the case. I have no idea why it would/should crash, you'll notice that the logfile dropped doesn't give many clues as to the cause of the CTD.

I think this is one of the hardest missions in the campaign I had to spend a lot of time tweaking it so that it was winnable. Tactics & fire position are the key to this one for sure.

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Bulldogs3-Hill 113.

Then, no problem for this mission. Not easy at all !

A problem for the ally, no ammo in the A27 tanks and in the 7.7mm HMG.

at the end, two tanks... :D

Well the British did suffer massive casualties at the hands of I & II SS Panzer Corps, probably the hardest, best trained, & best equipped military formations in the world in 1944.

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I've started to play mission two "capture Gavrus", and it was going well for me (so I forgot to save the game) untill I had a CTD too. I mention this, because I believe it was related with selecting a sniper (though I'm not sure).

Very nice mission, I almost had an heart attack when the fireworks started :)

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Defense of Hill 113 !

All work fine. I tried not to withdraw to the farms, and keep my position :P

I lost 80% of the entrenchment, but I kept my position :D

At the end, like always, just 2 tanks. I shot the last german Tank destroyer through brushes, without a clear line of sight. And the TD was blowed :)

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Battle for Eterville.

It is very interesting to play a mission on the same map that the one I done with your map (NCL_02). Two different ways, although mine is not at all historical.

But I turn the map so the attack is from the other side, and it changes a lot of thing !!!

Back to this map, no problem, probably the easiest for me. I finish with more than 2 tanks :)

I send 3 crownwells on the last tiger. No stop, always firing and moving, to approach enough to arm the tiger. It works :eek:, but of course, 2 crownwells were destroyed. A lucky gambit !

(very) Small problem for this map :

+The reco plan is coming from the ennemy side

+Same problem with the sniper of the staff detachment

+Victory screen at the end, no time to finish the work.

+Perhaps too many artillery/mortar, I didnot use all of them

And like all maps, no experience point for the mission. Is it a choice ?

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maltot mission (first).

I wonder if it possible to win.

There is a message about churchill reinforcements.

But I have only infantry.

I look at the triggers :

if ( @Uk_Infantry < 20 ) Then

ReinforcementLand ( Group , "Infantry_Reinfs" )

Delay ( 1000 )

SendMessage ( "Churchills" , 10000 )

delay ( 5000 )

destroytrigger ( "Infantry Reinforcements" )


Seems it needs something like "ReinforcementLand ( Group , "Group_Churchills" )"

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  • 3 weeks later...

even with the reinforcement, I did not succeed this mission (maltot 1).

Maltot 2 is playable without any problem.

For Maltot 3, there is no unit permission. So you can not select any unit !

So it is not possible to play this mission :confused:

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  • 3 months later...


I have been playing this latest release of Bulldogs and these are the notes I made of problems as I went along:

1. Gavrus Defense: Menu list was dodgy with one blocked Firefly in the list, other than that fine.

2. Archers tanks move much faster backwards as forwards, I found this out incidently when I gave them a retreat command. Is this right or is the movement info back to front?

3. A lot of 251/1 halftracks had no ammo.

4. The right hand bridge in Gavrus is not able to be used, the graphic shows a raised step that vehicles cannot mount. I found out later than this did not matter so much as is is also possible to wade across.

5. Hill 113 had no end. I had to sweep my units across the map in waves looking for that last german. It took ages.

6. Hill 112 No minimap and crusader AA had no ammo.

7. Maltot 1, what a stinker, a hell of a challenge, I did win it in the end however it took ages. The reinforcements came through after I deliberately killed off some of my infantry after reading back in this thread and seeing the trigger setting. This instead of getting Churchills I got 2 M10s and a mixed bag of infantry and transports. Plus the Churchills! reinforcement notice kept popping up even though there were no reinforcements. Also this battle had no end, I have to form sweeping parties again and sweep the map until the last german was found and eliminated.

8. Maltot Defense - All the units in my unit selection menu are blocked and I cannot go any further.

It has been a lot of fun and I have really enjoyed it and some of the bigger battle really made my computer stagger.

I also had on one map the problem with the sniper that caused the game to implode and crash to desktop. This only happened on one map and did not happen so long as I did not click on the sniper (I killed him off as soon as I could).

Hope this helps.



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