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New Scenario: "Afghani Stan"

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...Clark, by any chance? :D

Just played though the scenario and enjoyed it quite a bit, what an excellent idea!

A bit of a spoiler follows...

...after I deployed my troops in the ditch along the road I immediately spotted units all along the road and figured that was Stan's "convoy", so I opened fire and then proceeded to clean up the compound. Only for Stan to show up with his escort 5 min later, just in time for my troops to run out of ammo. Perhaps it'd make sense to get those random troops out of the ambush zone, so that people don't mistake them for Stan?

[ February 24, 2008, 09:30 AM: Message edited by: The Louch ]

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I must be getting old...










After ambushing the convoy, I felt the urgent need to hunt down the last of the guys. So I chased pickups and taxis through the woods and ended up 20 minutes later with depleted ammo. No casualties to this point.

Next was the compound. Spend most of my remaining ammo there. Well, let's just say I got the last sob and the intel. Still no friendly casualties. Called in the flyboys to demolish the place. So far so good.

On the way back to the extraction zone I was already mentally picturing my victory and totally ignored the red icons hovering over the target area. The first red icon I noticed was the one below my pointman. I ordered my men to return fire, realizing they had no ammo left, instead they suffered some more casualties. I withdrew them, called the airforce to drop whatever's left all over the place.

Feared for the worst, but got a total Victory in the end with 1 dead and 4 wounded. Still a sour victory.

Will use my brain next time.

Thanks for the scenario. smile.gif

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About the whole John and Bill thing, I just thought it would be a cool way to draw in interest and put it to the player like they are actually recieving a message for a mission.

Therefor, you are John, and the guy in the preview pic is Bill. Bill is telling you that you need to get ready for another big mission.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was just looking for a mission of this kind. Though i'm not an expert with CMSF, it's an excellent scenario, very fun and interesting to play. Perhaps is it a bit too easy, not sure. I had one casualty but just because i didn't watch carefully around...

I had the same "problem" than The Louch (fighting early with patrols along the road thinking it was the convoy ...) but it's not that annoying as it spice up a bit things when the real convoy arrives)

Too bad also that we can't salvage ammo and weapons unless on our own casualties (no ?), because i played nearly half the mission with half my troops throwing grenades (which works pretty well :D ) as they had no more bullets... It's probably me who don't handle the game very well, and so there must be many wasted shots...

Also, Talibans surrendered before the compound was fully destroyed. So i had only "acceptable victory" (or something like that). Those F16 were not very precise, even with cars burning near the compound. One bomb even hit a nearby forest, something like one hundred meter away but at least in the opposite direction of my troops :rolleyes:

Anyway, thank you for this great scenario.

[ March 21, 2008, 05:20 PM: Message edited by: Stromb ]

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Just played it. An epic story developed.


I ran to the ambush site, and sneaked in the last fifty meters, only to almost walk into a patrol. I wasted them within ten seconds, but I figured it could not be Afghani Stan because there were no cars, and someone like him would almost certainly be moving by vehicle. So I set up a proper ambush and waited.

Ten minutes later Afghani Stan's entourage arrives. At about the same time the OP folks are attacked by wandering Taliban, but they beat them off easily. Anyways, the Stan convoy is well spread (and thus prepared for an ambush!) as it proceeds down the road, withh dismounts ahead of it moving along the ditch. This forces me to prematurely trigger the ambush on the lead elements, with the target (Stan) some distance away.

The .50 cal at the OP opens up on the rear elements, while I wipe out the advance element and then concentrate fire on Stan, about 75 meters away. His vehicle whirls around, and tries to un-ass out of the area to back where it came from, but a 203 round NAILS the vehicle as it is just about out of view! Stan is dead.

With Stan gone, I peel out and head for the compound, with one team at the rear fighting back technicals advancing from the ambush.

I pretty much storm the compound with two teams, and the other two as security - one covering the ambush site, the other stationed at the wall adjacent the compound, gunning down the reinforcements now coming down the road from the other direction. I was in and out of the compound in maybe two minutes; my teams literally ran head in and blasted away the Taliban at point blank range, who had no clue what the hell was going on. A couple of technicals and squads of enemies rush the teams as they are extracting, literally almost slamming into them, but some rockets fix that.

A few minutes later the compound is a smoking crater after the flyboys have their way with it. My team is at 10% ammo, and with zero wounded/dead.


This really does capture the feel of a special forces mission. Well done!

Too bad we cannot mod the appearence to have a night vision look. That would add to the atmosphere immeasurably.

I got a Taliban surrender on Elite Difficulty. I think there should be more Taliban reinforcements. If the player only fights at point blank range, there is more than enough ammo to kill all of the reinforcements handily. There should a real, visceral NEED to get the hell OUT once it hits the fan. As it was, the only real pressure I felt was to avoid the Air Force's bombs.

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Hey, I'm glad you had fun with it.

Normal Dude, you played it perfectly. That's why you did so well. That's exactly how I designed it to work out. The goal is a)don't die and b)don't run out of ammo. If you do run out, you need to pull off an escape and evasion.

I guess you guys want more of a harrowing experience. You didn't mention the little surprise at the extraction, maybe you did it too quickly.

Anyways, thanks for playing. It sounds like everyone who has played it feels about the same. But at least they all have said it captures some level of a special ops feel. That's exactly what I wanted to do. I may have make some enhancements.

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Originally posted by the Fighting Seabee:

Hey, I'm glad you had fun with it.

That I did!

Originally posted by the Fighting Seabee:

Normal Dude, you played it perfectly. That's why you did so well. That's exactly how I designed it to work out. The goal is a)don't die and b)don't run out of ammo. If you do run out, you need to pull off an escape and evasion.

Well some things did not go perfectly (the badly triggered ambush), but some luck and good reactions saved the day.

Originally posted by the Fighting Seabee:

I guess you guys want more of a harrowing experience. You didn't mention the little surprise at the extraction, maybe you did it too quickly.

I did actually walk into that little surprise, but I was prepared for it.

By the way, if you don't mind I'd like to steal that thermals-view tactical map style you made for my missions. ;)

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Really enjoyed this scenario, Fighting Seabee. I play the game on and off, and finished the campaign a few months ago, so I'm just getting into user-created scenarios. I also did the campaign on Basic Training, and this was my first try at Veteran.

Did two attempts, one worked out perfectly until I (again!) underestimated the blast radius of the F-16 bombs and lost two full squads (even though I hadn't lost anyone up until then).

I had a bit of warning about the surprise at the end because I left my Battalion CO in the deployment area. Other than that though, it was a terrific mission that really (as everyone else has said) captures the SF feel. Ended up with a Taliban surrender, Total US Victory. I had 1 man wounded, but that was it.

Hope you can make more like this one!


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Originally posted by Field Marshal Blücher:


I had a bit of warning about the surprise at the end because I left my Battalion CO in the deployment area. Other than that though, it was a terrific mission that really (as everyone else has said) captures the SF feel. Ended up with a Taliban surrender, Total US Victory. I had 1 man wounded, but that was it.

Hope you can make more like this one!

-FMB [/QB]

Same thing. In fact i was unsure of what to do with them, so they took position in the house near the evac zone, mainly to spot in case reinforcments would arrive on the left flank of the teams. So they saw the ambush, but were not useful for the reinforcments coming on the west road, because of trees I suppose...

Anyway, I really hope you'll be making another spec ops only mission like that.

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Originally posted by Webwing:


From the feedback I think it is very clear what your next mission should be about: Afgani Stan II. ;)

Get to work and give us another Special Ops mission!!!! :D


Absolutely. One of the most enjoyable battles I have ever had in this game, and maybe in any wargame. Make more like this one and you'll be my hero. :D


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Wow guys. It was just an experiment that I actually had fun playing. I remember playing a cmx1 mission about a small unit action that had to take out a tiger tank stuck in the mud. So I wanted to make a small unit battle. I'm glad you guys like it though. The little gears in my head are thinking of some interesting new situations to send Team Flag into... more to come...

I'm pretty busy lately and I'm moving to simi valley this weekend, but after that keep your eyes peeled.

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