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Guys hi

Had this idea for CM1 many moons ago, but never bothered to build a map showing it. However the increased lethality of CMSF suggests this might be a good idea, and solve the problems of units being engaged immediatly they are on map before the player has had a chance to issue orders.


The base level of the set up zone is 10 metres lower than the battle edge, in 2 metre steps. A few quick tests shows this is sufficent to be out of LOS to all ground units. Not sure how air assets will deal with it given the lack of LOS by the spotter when calling them in in the first place.

Further advantages will be that the set up zone will not get as crowded as the normal map edge sometimes does, and that also all units can move within the set up zone and so cross the battle edge at any location of the players choosing.

Whether its a bit too radical remains to be seen ? What do you reckon ?


I guess this is more a personal preference. The beauty of the game is that you can do your missions anyway you like.

This might be a solution for flat desert maps.

Personally I think the game designer should plan all his maps and missions so the troops wont have LOS right away. I had some problems with this but now I'm learning how to avoid it. A small slope, some trees, a wall, some houses... they all help.



It's as good a solution as any, with the limitations of the game itself.

Has anyone seen a game where the units actually enter the map in a normal fashion (by moving) instead of just flashing onto the map area star trek styl-ee?


In the Total War series the battle field is smaller than the overall map and reinforcements appear on the non-playable part of the map and then move into the playable zone. It works pretty well but then you have the situation of troops being in range of your guns but untouchable.

Originally posted by SlapHappy:

Has anyone seen a game where the units actually enter the map in a normal fashion (by moving) instead of just flashing onto the map area star trek styl-ee?

They are limited to the area of the map. You must place them on the map. So if you are looking at that part of the map when is their time to arrive, yes it will be star trek style.

I'm usually looking to the other side, to the enemy and they appear behind me.

One thing though is the message about their arrival is too small. Sometimes they arrive and I don't even notice....


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