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Scenario: Shahrazad

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Here is a small scenario I made for fun while getting stuck on another. Nothing fancy, more of a beer and pretzels scenario. Thought I may as well share it.

I'd still appreciate any comments. smile.gif

A small group of Syrian stragglers attacks a U.S. supply depot. Play as blue.


Download Shahrazad Mk Ic

EDIT: Updated the download file to Mk Ic, again there is only small refinement in the briefing, you will not need to DL this file if you already have Mk Ib.

[ September 27, 2007, 03:09 PM: Message edited by: birdstrike ]

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I've had a hard time with this one and had to restart three times now. I will try new strategy latter. I like it already though with a fun briefing and situation.


I first tried moving the tank forward and died instantly. Then tried sneaking the ATGM up on the nearby hills twice and they also died quickly as I think Slow is needed sooner before you crest the hill...

Looking forard to how this one plays out.

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That... was fun! Shahrazad bought it in the end, as I was running out of time and was making a hail mary move:( When I saw what had killed her - LOL!

Lots of surprises. Love the garages.





















Sent one squad forward to spot, then did scoot and shoot with the tank, and used the ATGW to clear out active vehicles I could see. Lost the BDRM. The tank then pounded the roadblock.

The GAZ and some irregulars I sent up the river bed. This was a mistake - took forever and hit some movement/pathfinding issues... Tank blasted a hole for them in the wall, but the squad I sent through was shredded in seconds. So tried the main entrance, tank cleared it fine, but couldn't enter... (a dead humvee messed up the pathfinding, whatever I did)

Running short of time, sent the tank in via the breach. Only to find that was just a perfect flank shot...

Think you need to keep the BDRM alive - need that 14.5 to help clear out all the vehicles. I'll try again with the same basic plan, but send the troops along the river bank, hope that is faster and less tiring.

If I hadn't lost the tank, would have been a draw/ minor victory.

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Thank you for your comments. I'm glad you like the setup. smile.gif

For those who've already played it or have difficulties, I've noted some comments and hints at the end of this post in the SPOILER section.

@ Gen solomon: all troops conscript and poor weapons, right? sure, no problem. smile.gif

The only possible issue I see with this is that the Syrians will benefft more, as they are currently overall weaker than the US.

Will see.

---SPOILERS (some hints)---





















if you have difficulties getting across the ridge, you should check the terrain around your starting area. there is an easier way than the direct approach.

The BRDM is very useful to deal with light vehicles and infantry. especially since the t-72 can't be everywhere and runs out of HE-ammo fast. To save shells, I try to focus on the most important threats and keep as many shells as possible for lowering buildings in the depot. Another way to safe ammunition is to unbutton and use the commander's HMG for taking out humvees - very useful unless someone starts shooting at you.

The BRDM and the tank can also be used as cover for infantry when getting inside or moving around the compound.

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Just got a major Syrian victory (after several reloads) even though I did not realize that I should destroy the buildings also.

I had no problems getting the ATGM team on top of the right hill and taking out the roadblock. I felt very sorry for the poor sods trying to stand up against my T72.

Then I rushed the tank forward to destroy the vehicle that kept killing my softies. Wisely, as I can tell from the debriefing map, I avoided the main entrance, but blasted holes into the walls which also worked well.

The only technical problem I encountered was the fact that a lot of my soldiers died when they should not have been in LOS at all. I blame it to bugs!

As for the scenario: Great work, good fun! Definitely stuff for a re-play!

Best regards,


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  • 2 weeks later...


i hat a serious problem at the wall, i hid the technicals behind. some 40mm vehicle, i never saw it, spotted them trough the wall, opend up on the wall from about 80° angle(sp!?) and killed all on the otherside in the technicals.

that made me quit...i hate walls by now! :mad:

the scenario itself, is verry nice. but that was too frustating at that point to continue even this verry neat scenario.

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Originally posted by Pandur:


i hat a serious problem at the wall, i hid the technicals behind. some 40mm vehicle, i never saw it, spotted them trough the wall, opend up on the wall from about 80° angle(sp!?) and killed all on the otherside in the technicals.

that made me quit...i hate walls by now! :mad:

the scenario itself, is verry nice. but that was too frustating at that point to continue even this verry neat scenario.

yes, Yes, YES!


What the heck is going on with LOS / LOF behind 8 foot tall concrete walls - and when will it be fixed?

Was REALLY enjoying this scenario (great work Mr. Strike) and then the "wall LOS / LOF" issues just ruined my day.


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