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more AARs in the strategy forum!

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I don't know about you but I love reading AARs and I think it would be a good way for everyone to compare tips etc and see how our modern tactics are shaping up.

I'm tempted to try make my own soon, can anyone who's written them in the past give me a few tips? do you just scribble stuff down on a piece of paper as you go and try take a few nice screenies?

If anyone is also considering one then please do I'd love to read it! It might liven up the tactics forum a bit smile.gif

PS I hope a new scenario pops up on CMMODS soon so I can start!

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I devided my AARs into two parts. First was a Briefing with my Plans that i made and how i really executed them. As the Game was giogn i made some screens. After the Game i remember what happended and put it into a Story. Was always Fun to write. You can read mine about the Ghost Campaign in the Strategie and Tactics Section.


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I have started the AAR process on George's great scenario.

First two entries on:

Armour Attacks!

Hopefully there will be regular updates (as time and the beta test schedule permits).

Apologise in advance for some of the language and terminology.

If I‘d based the dialogue on what I my experience of US Army and USMC soldiers has been, then it would be pretty much a stream of “$%@%^” and “$%&%$*^&” interspersed with tobacco and or sunflower seed spitting so I’ve gone for a less genuine approach. smile.gif

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