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Utilizing Sniper Squad


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At work right now but would like to get started on discussion on the use of a Sniper Squad. Can't see right now because of at work, but I'm assuming that the Sniper Squad, (that is how it is listed in CM:SF) is in fact a Sniper Team which consists of a three-man team. A sniper, a observer, and a security man.

How can you deploy them and has anybody tried to do an urban scenario with snipers for both sides or for one side?

How accurate are they? Do they take out only certain personnel or do they just shoot at the first indication of an enemy soldier?

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I have rarely had them take out anyone. If they just sit and observe then they often don't fire at all. If you give them a target then everyone in the team opens up and gives away the position. That was 1.04 though so maybe they work better now. When they do fire they can be quite effective, causing casualties with every shot but I haven't been able to get them to work consistently.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Originally posted by aleader:

I'm curious to know how these are used too. Are they just for spotting? Can they 'conceal' themselves at all (i.e. are they harder for the enemy to spot)? What's best placement for them?

Haven't forgotten about the snipers. I will test a setup tomorrow and post the results. I'm curious as well. Will test with some tall buildings and the distance the snipers can shoot to and to see if the get spotted. So stay tune, plus I'm writing this down and stick the note to the computer so that I wont forget it :D
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How's this experiment of yours going? I'm curious to hear about it too. I find that Syrian snipers under the player's control don't fire at even medium ranges. But give them a target and they'll fire away merrily at range in excess if 750m for certain. They stop when their target's icon turns to a "?". At that range, only vehicles will be returning fire.

I'd like to know how effective their fire actually is. Sometimes their targets turn to "?"'s very quickly. I guess I could just watch what happens to the enemy unit when they're under fire but I always forget to do that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes I got similar grim performance with my sniper in the 3rd Crossroads Scenario [NICE Campaign by the way, very nice work Webwing]. range about 250M onto an RPG all by himself way away from anyone else. TARGET LIGHT for about 10 mins in constant LOS then TARGET allowing the whole team to fire for another 10 min and he was still OK and not even pinned. Added another fire team lobbing rifle grenades onto him for a further 5 min and still not even pinned. Eventually had to send a whole assault team across the map to root him out.

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I've been doing a bit of work on a couple of scenarios with Red sniper teams and they seem to be very effective. They are good at suppressing the units that are under fire and they definitely get the occassional kill. I've seen at least one guy suddenly go red under sniper fire. All this at ranges in excess of 500m, sometimes more than 800m. Of course, I have to give them target orders otherwise they just spot.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I still can't get just my sniper to fire, even at targets 450+m away. The security element of the sniper team also open up with short bursts of M4, which reveals their position pretty quick.

Anyone found a way round this? I've tried target light but that doesn't work.

Cheers in advance, Darren

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I just made a new scenario, with a few sniper teams and their headquarter groups.

At 300+ meters everyone opens up including the M4s, whether it's in target, target light or target arc. If I keep them hidden they all hide, otherwise they all shoot.

I confirm Guardsman's problem.

Incidentally, the funny thing is that when they all opened up in the sniper squad, the return fire wiped out the marksman first. Great! smile.gif

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