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Quick Battle broken for me suddenly

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Well now that you have calm down, I don't like to be called a lier. As I have stated I tried to reproduce your problem and I can't and for your information myself and Mark was trying everything we could to find out where the problem was at. And of this day I will not help anymore because of this type of a response. I hope you will have a nice day, I know I will.

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Did you get the scenario I mailed you? Seeing as your QB's are a bit iffy just now give me an idea of a scenario you would like to see and I will make it for you.

Don't want to lose you off the forums or from CMSF :(

I love Bob Dylan too!! "That long black cloud is coming down..."

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  • 7 months later...

Time to bump this. At Battlefront's suggestion. I didn't see the point in starting a new thread when this illustrates the problem so much better.

With v. 1.11 and Marines installed STILL having problems with QB's switching sides. It's weird. Out of ten battles I tried with the same settings, only one time did it not switch to the opposing side when I clicked start.

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Almost all BFC QB maps are made on my PC. Those that were not have been altered (sometimes greatly) by me. When testing the game I very often used QB's. The exception to that was testing for a specific bug or action. In those cases I made small test scen. At no time did I have any crashes, vanishing troops, blackened video card stuff or other distorted game play. Just that Unit selection and QB maps didn't work very well. On the maps I devoted many hours and feel pretty good about the result. The Unit selection is something I'm going after next. I want to list the settings needed to get specific types of units...like all T-90's ect. Hopefully I will come up with some kind of cheat sheet to reduce the unit selection frustration we all get.

To my knowledge the issues you and a few others describe HAVE NOT BEEN DUPLICATED. This is the problem. How can BFC fix a problem it cannot see. That it's happening to you and a few others is disconcerting. And I certainly don't doubt the veracity of your claims. Obviously something is wrong somewhere. And that problem affects a very small number of players and has so far gone under reported and unresolved.

Your info regarding V1.08 is something that may help BFC to narrow the search. And I will report that. As you may know, Steve @ BFC has recently been commenting on this issue. So they are aware. Hopefully they can track down whatever it is.

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I too get this behaviour with the 1.11 patch and all qb maps removed before the installation of the patch. Not in every battle, but it seems to happen more often than not.

Is there still someone looking at this?

Perhaps when you play a QB battle you could first save it. Then if the problem hits you could send me the save.

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Ive played around a bit more and found some things out that might be helpfull. When I load up a quickbattle and the loading bar comes up, in all battles that were bugged it halted at around 70%, mainly at exactly 77%(of course it resumed the loading later, but it was a noticeable delay after reaching 77%). When a battle is loaded correctly this bar is constantly filled, especially with the small and medium battles i tried.

The next thing i noticed is when trying to save the game before hitting go it shows a weird file name in the save window. I cannot save the game without renaming the file. (see attachment)

Now, as Mark suggested, I created savegames and another strange thing happens: when loading it the game wants to have the password for the player. As this was a single player game i never set a password, so i cant open the file.

Ok, the attachment file is too small to see anything, so i uploaded it to imageshack, hope this is ok:qbfehlerja4.jpg

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Sorry late to the party.

Have you tried just bypassing the 1.08 patch completely.

That is, to reinstall from the CD's and apply the single patch to bring it to 1.11 standard and bypass whatever glitch you may have encountered whilst applying the intermediate patches?

A clean install would also rule out any possible mod related issues.

This approach has worked fine on both my Windows PC and MacBook Pro both running XP Pro SP3 (the MacBook Pro is using Boot Camp). I must also add that I'm running the BTS / BFC version, not Paradox.

These clean install are purely production (i.e. no Beta's involved) just used the CM:SF CD that I bought and the USMC CD that I bought and then installed the "CMSF_Marines_v111_Battlefront_Patch.exe" after the CD's were finished.

Both machines can happily run Quick Battles.

The only other thing I did "post install" was to remove any non English folders/files as they aren't my native language and they just take up space on the hard drive from my point of view.

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Good Day

I did mention that I was experiencing the same issues with Quick Battles, .. in the general discussion area, .. but, I'll re-iterate here, .. and note some other observations I have made since my previous posting.

I purchased and downloaded CMSF and The Marines module (combined), .. from Battlefront, .. on Monday. I also downloaded the Marines Patch version 1.11

Installed version was 1.10 ... I launched the game, .. did the License thingie .. changed my options etc., .. and exited.

I then installed the 1.11 patch, .. and re-launched the game. Battles and everything else seemed fine.

Tried a Quick Battle, .. and that's when I started having problems. I was experiencing the same symptoms as many others on this thread, .. including the stalling at 77%, .. and unable to Save the Game, .. given the gibberish in the File Name field, .. which cannot be deleted or changed.

Now, .. being new to the game .. I set the difficulty level at .. Basic Infantry.

Played a few QBs now, .. where I essentially have 4 Abrams Tanks, .. and have tried Attack and Meeting Engagement scenarios.

As soon as the Mission starts, .. and I 'START' the game, .. as soon as I select one of the Tanks, .. the other 3 either disappear completely, .. or I get the '?' icon, .. where the other Tanks should be. Double clicking on any Tank (select all), .. brings them all back again.

Anyway, .. once having advanced somewhat, .. and have made contact with the Enemy, .. I get '?' marks for them as well. Occasionally, .. the '?' will change to the identified Unit Type etc..

BUT, .. I'm in 'Basic Training' level, .. and, it should be displaying 'Identified' Unit Types at all times.

Another thing I noticed, .. is that, even though I have selected "Basic Training' as the difficulty level, .. if I exit the QB, .. and/or Exit the game, .. the next time I go back into a Quick Battle, .. it defaults to the 'IRON' difficulty level. Huh? ... it should be retaining the previously set Difficulty level, .. as it does in 'Battle'.

... Could there be some glitch in the Difficulty levels??, .. that is causing these problems. Not sure if it would affect the File Name issue though.

Anyway, .. what I did today, .. was install the CMSF+Marines (vers. 1.10) onto one of my other PCs. However, .. I did not install the Marines 1.11 patch.

Quick Battles now work correctly, .. i.e. at 'Basic Infantry' level, .. I get no '?' and no disappearing units.

However, .. I did notice that I still get the 'apparent' stall at 77%, .. so, not sure how relevant that is, .. to the problems.

SO, .. the problems with 'Quick Battles', .. seems, .. for me anyway, .. to be related to the 1.11 patch.

Hope you fellas can resolve it soon, ... as I do love my Quick Battles .. :-)

Bring on the Brits ... (it's one of the reasons I decided to purchase CMSF) .. I'm a patriot .. :-)



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Hi Mark

Using Windows XP Pro with SP3 on both Machines ...

Machine 1: ( CMSF 1.11) .. Intel E8400 (C2D Dual) .. @ 3 Ghz .. 2 Gb Ram .. GTX 260/216

Machine 2: ( CMSF 1.10) .. Intel Q6600 (C2D Quad) .. @ 3.2 Ghz .. 2 Gb Ram .. GTX 8800

Quick Battles on both machines are set for 'Small' ..

Your machine may have issues loading the file

Doubt it very much indeed, .. as Machine 1 (CMSF 1.11) has a 6 Drive RAID 5 Array .. so, should be blinking fast.

Machine 2 (CMSF 1.10) .. has a 2x 500 Gb RAID 0 Array.

So, BOTH machines are stalling at 77% ... so, highly unlikely that either of my machines is at fault here.

Bear in mind, .. that although both machines stall at 77%, .. only Machine 1, .. running CMSF 1.11, .. has the problems with Quick Battles.



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Umm! ... sorry, .. not sure where you are getting your info, .. but a 6 drive RAID 5 (7200 rpm in my case), .. will load (read) +- 6x faster than any standalone drive. My average read speed is 285 Mb per sec.

Even using 5400 RPM drives, .. It will still be +- 5x faster than a standalone drive.

RAID 5 reads from all drives simultaneously, .. so, .. if 1 drive could xfer at 50 Mb per sec, .. then 6 drives are each xferring 50 Mb per sec, .. and because of the striping across the drives, .. that would equate theoretically to 6x 50 = 300.

BTW, .. the difference between RAID 5 and RAID 6 is that, whereas RAID 5 uses 1 drive for redundancy, .. RAID 6 uses 2. These are not SPARE, .. they are read from as per normal, .. but, because of the methodology utilized, .. you effectively lose the capacity of 1 (RAID5) or 2 (RAID 6) drives. i.e. 6x 500 Gb = 2500 Gb usable capacity for RAID 5 and 2000 Gb for RAID 6.

Even a 2x RAID 0, .. will, on average be twice as fast as a standalone drive (albeit with no redundancy).

In any event, .. the stalling is NOT a hardware issue at all. BOTH my machines stall at 77%, .. and when I stay stall, .. I'm talking +- 15 secs on Machine 1 (RAID 5), .. and +- 25 secs on Machine 2 (RAID 0). Hardly a major issue really, .. but, .. one that a few other people have noticed, ... when running a Quick Battle. Whether it's related to the funny goings on that occur with Quick Battles, .. I can't say.



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BTW, .. the difference between RAID 5 and RAID 6 is that, whereas RAID 5 uses 1 drive for redundancy, .. RAID 6 uses 2. These are not SPARE, .. they are read from as per normal, .. but, because of the methodology utilized, .. you effectively lose the capacity of 1 (RAID5) or 2 (RAID 6) drives. i.e. 6x 500 Gb = 2500 Gb usable capacity for RAID 5 and 2000 Gb for RAID 6.

I don’t recall saying they were spare.

In any event, .. the stalling is NOT a hardware issue at all.



Well if its not hardware then its software and if that were the case EVERYONE would be suffering the problem (assuming you have done a clean installation).

As I and a few others have posted, we are not having any similar issue using the “plain jane” versions (no Beta tweaks involved).

The only time I’ve had a scenario take a while to load are for the larger ones (such as Armour Attacks) but even when they finally do load they run fine.

Good luck finding the cause.

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Sorry, .. but I'm beginning to get a wee bit peeved by your responses.

Well if its not hardware then its software and if that were the case EVERYONE would be suffering the problem (assuming you have done a clean installation).

Did you NOT read my 1st post in this thread.

I bought CMSF+Marines on Monday (this week) and installed. I then installed the Marines 1.11 Patch.

Quick Battles ONLY do not work correctly. Battles, Campaigns etc are working fine.

On a 2nd machines I did the exact same NEW install, .. BUT, .. did NOT install the Marines 1.11 patch.

Quick battles work FINE on this install.

As I and a few others have posted, we are not having any similar issue using the “plain jane” versions (no Beta tweaks involved).

No Idea what the heck this means!! ... are you saying you have CMSF only, .. and NOT the Marines Module?

Good luck finding the cause.

Umm, .. I think it's Battlefront that need to find the cause. Something is wrong, .. a few people are experiencing the same problem.



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No Idea what the heck this means!! ... are you saying you have CMSF only, .. and NOT the Marines Module?



No I have the “complete set” (CM:SF and Marines Module). The comment relates to earlier posts in this thread where other posters suggested the reason why Beta Testers were not having problems was because we were using some “special” version.

I’m just confirming that in my case (and the other Beta Testers that have responded) this is not the case.

Ergo if we are all using the same software then we should all be suffering the same problems and quite a few of us aren’t.

This is part of the frustration as “we” aren’t having any such issues, whilst obviously some people (including yourself) are having issues with effectively the same software.

Hence my suggestion that it may have something to do with hardware.

Sorry if somehow this upset you.

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Hi Mark

No, .. not upset at all. The nature of your posts suggested that, .. whatever the problem was, .. was MY problem.

You seemed fixated on the 77% stall issue, .. which, in itself .. may not be a/the problem.

I am/was more concerned about thingies disappearing (like most of my Tanks) during a Quick Battle, .. the Question Marks floating about (Basic Training), .. and the inability to save a Quick Battle.

Anyhoo, .. no harm done, .. I appreciate you trying to help anyway. .. :-)

Hopefully the issue will get sorted ...



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I said previously:-

Bear in mind, .. that although both machines stall at 77%, .. only Machine 1, .. running CMSF 1.11, .. has the problems with Quick Battles.


I uninstalled everything, .. and re-installed CMSF+Marines Version 1.10 ... (no patch), .. and still have problems with Quick Battles.

Now, having played around with it a whole lot more, .. I sometimes get crashes as well. Once it gets to 77%, .. it sits there for a loooonnnng time, .. then crashes. A couple of times with the same offset value .. i.e. 0001ceb8 (App Name: cm shock force.exe)

A couple of times, it has just crashed out to the desktop, .. without any errors at all.

Seems very intermittent and inconsistent.

Thus far, .. I have had no problems with Battles or Campaigns.



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Just to make sure i uninstalled CMSF today and then reinstalled everything(that is CMSF, Marines and Marines 1.11 patch-no mods). The problem still occurs. The next thing i noticed is this: to get a working savegame of this i tried 2-player hotseat because of the password issue i had with the saves i did earlier. Now here is what happened: when the game loads up, im not asked to enter a pw. It looks like singleplayer, except of course when i hit go sides are switched, what was meant to be turn based switches to realtime.

What is interesting as others have noted, the ai moves the units. I can issue orders but they are soon overwritten with ai-orders. Now its actually interesting to see how the ai deals with the units ;) , what kind of movement orders it gives etc. Could this be some sort of leftover from testing the AI during betastages?

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I can say the problem as described above is back for me as well ...I mean after installing 1.11.

With Marines and 1.10 (didn't they come at the same time?) the QB problem had seemed to go away for the most part, I think it would crop up on rare occasions.

I can't find any combination of QB setups that seems to trigger it. I did notice after Drescher described the 77% pause ...it is the same here. Setup a QB, watch the loading bar and if there is a pause at 77% loading (which isn't a really long pause) as soon as I get to the game screen ..I hit the big red button to start the battle and I am shifted over to the red side as if I had chosen to play Red, which I had not. Before hitting the big red button to start the battle. I tried to save game with the same results as described above.

On the QB's that load correctly ...the game plays fantastic with 1.11. The regular scenarios all play great! Never a problem.

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