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Cannot Finish Scenario

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I am stuck in the Dunkirk scenario as the Germans.

The problem is that enemy tanks stay "off map" and fire at my units. I cannot seem to hurt them as hits dont "register" yet their shots hurt me.

I have a saved game where there are two enemy tanks that are damaged (I guess) that I cannot destroy no matter how many hits I get.

So I am stuck and cannot advance the campaign. I have tried reloading but this has happened to me 2-3 times and I am just giving up.

(also is it just me or are those AT guns darn near invulnerable. I have fired at them with 2-3 38t's and they never seem to die).


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try destroying the at gun's with Panzer IV, they have better HE effect. Also in this mission there are a lot of AT gun, you need to distract the AT gun with 38t (because it has better armour, but low Ammo count, so spare ammo on this tanks!), then drive the Panzer IV from other side to the spotted AT and kill it, and after the at gun is destroyed reverse the tank backward, you need to do this for all the at guns which are before the hill in the valley. When all at gun are destroyed you get the reinforcements and then with those storm the hill.

The main thing here is NOT TO RUSH all the forces forward, just use 2 tanks (Panzer IV and 38T), one as at killer, and the other as decoy. Try to use the inf as spotters (no fire command is a must, and crawl).



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I found this a hard mission too, the enemy guns are well placed and the French tanks are hard to kill. Once you've got over the first ridge though it can get easier, take the two french guns and turn them on the far french tanks, race your own tanks into the dip by the river, they draw fire but are hard to hit whilst moving allowing your captured guns to get good hits. As far as the enemy guns, click on them now and then, you'll prolly see the crew is being killed which means its accuraccy is diminishing.

I had to shoot all the enemy infantry left in the playing area which includes a bunch hiding near a house/farm building in the far edge, left side, of the map.

In another scenario I didn't get a mission victory even though it appeared I'd killed everyone, I went back to a "save" and finished it again, but slightly differently, and I won.

The bad news is the missions only get a "little" bit easier after this one! smile.gif


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I dont think you are reading the post.

It is not that it is hard, it is that the enemy tanks are off screen and cannot be destroyed and therefore I cannot advance to the next mission. I have run through it three times already. Sigh.

I would not be talking about returning a game it was simply hard...

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Flatline, the trick is to have after the destroying the AT guns, the tanks with enough AP rounds left to destroy tanks on the hill, first target the tracks of the tank and then the turret. The game usualy end also if the tanks are damaged (tracks blown off), just clear the infantry around the hill.



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  • 2 years later...

Okay fellas, I gave up on this sim a couple of years ago, but am willing to try again. The good man "Flatline" had an issue that I also had/have. No one really answered the crux of his question two years ago, but I'm willing to try my luck again. The issue I had was very similar. I could not progress past the Dunkirk mission. The last French tank beyond the town just could not be destroyed. In one of the last missions I tried I destroyed everything on the map but that one last tank (which was immobilized and physically beat to **ll and back). However, it still showed it was occupied. So...I pulled up two tanks on its flank and rear, and shot every round they had at point blank range - nothing. Then I laborously rolled up an AT gun to about 30 meters away, and fired every round in the gun into the tank - nothing. I even tried using grenades from Infantry to see what would happen. Same results - nothing. I could stroll all over the map, but that one last tank refuses to die no matter what I do - no matter how I play the scenario. Any hints from the Grand Masters?



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I have not played this mission but had similar experiences on others. I found that if you move forward too quickly and put the enemy into retreat mode they will move off the map - thus your problem. I would usually have to restart the mission and simply try to bait them into advancing far enough forward so I could disable them in the playable field. Not sure if this will work on this scenario as I have not played it yet but its worth a try. Frustrating I know.

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Hi MCB, I had exactly the same problem as you, with a sole disabled resisting tank preventing me to finish the mission. Finally, after having pumped a lot of ammo into it to no avail with my tanks and troops quite close to it, I somehow moved them away, maybe to comb the rest of the map (cannot remember). With my pixel soldiers moving away from him the remaining French tanker apparently decided it was safe enough for him to leave the tank.. that thus became unmanned... triggering the victory. Came as a surprise but I was happy enough with it.

So it could maybe be useful to place your soldiers in such a position that the remaining crew may panic but still has a free line of escape to leave the tank, i.e. not surround it completely.

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OMG, if it proves to be that simple I'll flog myself with a Cat'O'Nine tails. I walked away from this game in utter frustration over a year ago because of this scenario.

Can't wait to get home and test this theory.

Many thanks.


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