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Whats up with the sniper rifle ranges ?


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Clean re-install of ToW with the new uber patch added. I try out the new singleplayer covert mission and move my sniper to a position on a hill overlooking one of the road blocks with a half track and guards. I figure I will have a little fun taking out the half track gunner from behind and maybe one or two of the others before moving toa new covered position. Knowing that the sniper rifle has a range of 2000 metres with accuracy up to 800 metres I put the sniper well within the accurate hit range - just a couple of hundred metres or less - and tell him to target the half track gunner. The sniper does nothing despite having a clear line of sight/line of fire downhill onto the half track and prone/kneeling or standing stances have no effect.

In fact rather then shooting downhill from low grass cover the sniper decides he needs to smell the exhaust smoke before he will even consider shooting and moves to within 10 metres or less - which of course gets him shot, whether he is prone/kneeling/standing and in cover and with a clear line of sight/fire.

Even stranger than this the half track that shot the sniper then proceeds to head across the map to the exact hidden position of the rest of my commando team, for which he had no line of sight (hill in the way) and could not possibly know the location (they were not seen by any other enemy troops), and shoots the rest of my team, who are so dumb they don't even try to defend themselves or run away :confused:

This is just totally bizarre :confused: - whats going on ?? I was playing on medium difficulty. If the rest of the game is this crazy I can see it coming off the hard drive pretty quick :(

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Tried again - got a bit further this time smile.gif Took out the whole of the first objective (recon the camp)just with the sniper - not a very likely scenario in real life :rolleyes: . Then moved over to the second objective AA positions and called in arty/aircraft - all went fine, all AA destroyed.

But then a screen comes up telling me reinforcements have arrived and they head straight for my hidden team even though they could not possibly know where they are from the other side of the map (they have not been spotted). They gun down the commandos then go straight for my sniper, who is prone and in a hidden location which they could not have known about in advance, and kill him too :mad:

Playing AI with superhuman capabilities is just not proving to be much fun here :(

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I've answered you on Wargamer forum.

This mission is kinda hardcore, i don't recommend you play it as first experience. It was intended for veteran players (and there is a warning in mission description about difficulty). AI can know where your troops are only by special triggers, by default in doesn't know it.

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I tested this one further by getting to the reinforcement announcement again, but this time I spread my commandos out individually all over the map and in concealed prone positions.

I wanted to see if the scripted reinforcements would find them all without any of them having been seen by the enemy.

Sure enough the two new armoured cars and attached infantry unit travel right across the map and take out each commando individually.

This is surely evidence that the script for reinforcements in this mission gives the AI a cheat by letting them instantly know the locations of all enemy :confused:

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The trigger for the uber reinforcements appearing seems to be knocking out the AA vehicles with artillery and planes - at least that is when the reinforcement message appears.

I will have to try it without the panzerfaust to see if that makes any difference to the trigger -doubt it though.

You can actually win it without the panzerfaust if you can get to the abandoned pzIV next to the AA position (assuming your artillery and aircraft have not taken it out). You can blow away the reinforcements with this quite easily.

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i have play the mission the triger happens when your troop put a feet near the AA base i call arty with my troops out of there and i took the three AA units.

you need any way the panzerfaust to take out some armored car that are around patrolling and on the AA base. If you take the pzVI waiting for you on the bridge is a Stug III and 2 Pack 40 plus a sniper and a HMG in the other side. I am thinking I can be take out with the air support if I got lucky and take the three AA units with arty

:::::: ok i test the mission and I play until the enemy call the reinforcement. They pull back as soon as you get into the tank the real problem is the magnitud of the forces on the bridge

[ February 08, 2008, 11:36 AM: Message edited by: redbear ]

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Wow - so it gets even tougher after the AA :eek: I haven't got beyond the part where the AA are destroyed yet - I can never get to the PzIV. I started the Russian campaign and i'm near the end of that so I will give the commando mission another try when I finish it.

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well i retry to day this mission the nasty surprise in this mission is you have to stop three king tigers if your troops got spotted by the tigers them another trigger comes up and enemy troops comes your way

Man this is a really difficult mission let see if some ideas come to my mind.

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Originally posted by R33GZ:

open the mission editor and give your troops uber skills... possibly change their weapon loadout to include some AT assets

Kinda cheating... but if they AI is gonna fight dirty, then might as well play them at their own game I reckon ;)

Yea you are right jeje. well actually i have two pack 40 and two panzerfaust i am looking to posicion my guys for a rear shoot on the firts tank.

Thanks for the advices.

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I stoped the Panzer Lehr campaign to play this mission.

I´ve won in Veteran mode, after a couple of saves smile.gif ),like redhear said, there is that couple of enemy in the bridge, I´ve taken the infantry and AT crew out with the sniper, then discovered the AA and took them with the artillery, bombers and some nice sniper shots, then, I moved some of my infantry men the same way the sniper into the PzIV, took the armoured car and bmw and the stug from the AA position, and then moved the PzIV to clear the outposts, then moved the PzIV near the compound and send the commander and the two HMGs men to the hill near the compound (I think that this originated the trigger to make an infantry counterattack from the coumpound), since I had my HMGs in the hill and the tank right in front of the entry it was some way easy to kill them all (I´ve got two panzerfaust shots anyway, lucky of me that it doesn´t killed or damaged my tank). Then I moved the tank into the hill near were the AA were and waited behind some bushes (I´ve allready seen were the King tigers would come smile.gif ), before I´ve killed the last infantry, I´ve moved all my men near that outpost, and when I kill him it was time make my men run towards the two AT, but only filled the one near the house, the other one I´ve waited 2 men near the one across the river, then it was time to work with the 3 sites trying to catch the tanks in the rear with the PzIV. I´ve won the battle, making an attack on 2 of the King Tigers that were immobilized near the bridge with the tank. Ended with only the tank and the sniper.

Hope I helped.( Oh, and it to took me about 3 and a half hours to achive that smile.gif )

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Originally posted by redbear:

This missons remind me the hiding and dangerous game and old game.

Hidden and Dangerous (free deluxe version) is still the best coop. game out there...

Played the original Campaign twice with a friend and once the free mod-campaign named bertgold :D

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I think the reinforcements mentioned in the first post "know" where your troops are because at the same time they enter the map a German observation plane starts flying above the place. Unless you can rush to one of the AA to shoot it down, you are in a bad situation indeed if you did not manage to man the Pz IV. In addition, it seems that if you apply the orders strictly, do not go close to the AA position but observe from a distance and call arty strikes to do the job, the said reinforcements do not show up and you can walk in mopping up afterwards quite easily, and of course pick up whatever piece of weaponry may be deemed appropriate (which means AT primarily).

Also, while people write they found Kingtigers previously struck by Panzerfaust hits abandoned by their crew, I think it is more a question of the crew members being fatally injured by the blast and thus being dead after a short while (you know, when the individual pictures of your crew / passengers fade out). I never saw one man bailing out of a Panzerfaust / Panzerschreck-stricken tank but saw their icons turn grey a few minutes after my hits.

Another observation, the Russian attack planes do not attempt anything against the Kingtigers because they are canon-armed Sturmoviks and do not have enough punch. I understand it is planned to have rockets on such planes in a future development, which should change things. In the meantime, at this stage, Surmoviks and their likes can attack and destroy less armoured targets, such as the half-tracks or the armoured cars.

Around the bridge I did not get an infantry counter-attack. I must not have triggered it.

I won the battle with four men killed stupidly in the last stage : they got crushed by an amok Kingtiger near the small compound. Other casualties are two wounded.

Playing the mission led me to understand the very high value of the "scouting" skill. Sure enough, when playing campaign missions, I will pay utter attention to give priority to increasing such skill for my survivors in the reward phase.

Also, while I never got or go into the usual complaint about LoS/LoF, I think the inability of AI to detect by sound diminishes the overall realism : in this very stealth mission, I could spread havoc on a German position with grenades and firearms and still catch the next German position, a few meters away, completely off guard. I reall enjoy the game anyway.

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