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Battlefront: please info on the new patch


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Hello Everyone.

I thought I would scan the forums and see if anyone is still interested in having the patch?

Well if your interested in the patch I think they should tell you that it will be out soon. The new fixes were added a day ago and testing on the fixes is complete. Not one of the testers have yet found any problems with it. In my Oppinion , it is ready for you to play, they should release it now.

But alas I know it is up to the higher ups to decide. I feel the whole group of people on these forums deserve to have it as it is and then work on the reports you get from them.

I think you will find not many reports will be comming in, only those that come in now looking for better infantry use! Which I highly agree with. The new patch does address some of the inf. issues but still needs work but I feel that is something we can wait for while playing what we do have ready.

So hold tight Lads, soon, very soon.

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Originally posted by Aries:

Rune, nothing personal here. However, don't make things more complicated than they are. Your patch wont be the last, wont fix everything and wont have all the missing features in TOW. One word is enough: delay. I for one, prefer more frequent smaller patches than one monster, not perfect, patch every year.

I must agree... I also prefer more small patches (even with problems), before one huge "almost-perfect" patch. I do not want to insult you, BF guys, but I'd like you to know, you're losing loyal customer... I just do not like promises not to be fulfilled (Said someone: patch will be since end of October, addon before Christmas?) and your SOON strongly differs from my SOON...

Maybe I am in minority (the screaming minority) and most of people like your marketing strategy (Big patch with huge content, but long delays) - if yes, than everything is OK. I am maybe little disappointed, but nothing big - I'll just find products more suitable for me...

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I would like to see the game patch done right, I don't want to play beta tester, I've already done that with too many games this year, without being asked! I haven't played TOW after the last patch, because it didn't address the major issues. If it's gona take another month, so be it!

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Originally posted by pad152:

I would like to see the game patch done right, I don't want to play beta tester, I've already done that with too many games this year, without being asked! I haven't played TOW after the last patch, because it didn't address the major issues. If it's gona take another month, so be it!

Not fun to say but actually you are and will be a beta tester. IMO it is not a big problem per se. However I'd like to know it, since the beginning, and not be treated like a whining child. I've been playing AcesHigh for 6 years since the very beginning. We all have been beta testers of a growing air combat simulation. We all knew it. A lot of bugs and errors, yes, but 3-4 patches, new planes and features every year were enuff to make us happy and loyal. During the last 2-3 years development stopped. One big upgrade is expected but no one knows when. I left. When a game is supported in that way, IMO, it is not attractive anymore.

[ December 21, 2007, 09:00 AM: Message edited by: Aries ]

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I too pre-ordered this game and had to leave it after a short while. The Moscow-patch brought some life into it, but didn't change most of the old problems.

I have been checking these threads out daily for the last month, hoping for a release. Still nothing.

Now Jmayer tells us it's done and ready to go. I really hope you upload the patch before you close up for Christmas. It's due.



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Hi guys, unfortunately Jmayer has spoken a bit of turn and he is not privy to other information.

Let me be clear, the patch is still being worked on and it will NOT be released before the end of the year.

Battlefront.com and 1C are now working on some more improvements and additions to the patch which I think will really blow you away, and this patch will all be for free, but its going to take some time to prepare properly and as such, I can't really give you a firm release date, other than it will be released when it's ready.

We are thrilled by 1C commitment to the future of the game and we think some of the additions we are now working on (how does a quick battle generator sound to you!?) will have a huge impact on what this game franchise brings to the table. But this stuff takes time to do right, and thats what we are doing.

So, sorry if you were lead to believe the patch would be ready in the next few days. It won't be, but when it is released, it will have even more features than we have talked about so far!


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Originally posted by gunship:

why do you guys make it so secret, what will be in this next patch ?

tell the fans whats the status and tell them whats next.

its not good to tell nothing to the community.

alot of games dying that way

We are not telling you nothing, but we are telling you what we CAN tell you at this time. A patch testing cycle and features are often convoluted and ever changing, so as such, its best to only say what is clearly confirmed.

This patch is very large and contains a ton of stuff and I know the waiting can seem unbearable, but thats just how it goes sometimes. Good things take time and if that means that I have to delay a patch release a few more weeks or even months then I have no qualms at all about doing so.


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All I can say is the game is pretty good as it stands. I for sure, have gotten my monies worth.

The patch will make a good game great. Sure I would like it sooner, but I know, because of BF's track record, that they will make sure it is done right, so I am content to wait.

Have a good Christmas, all BFC staff, and 1C too. :D

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BF sounds like used car salesmen! More improvements better features mind nubing visuals longer waits with little to no information from us....sounds like the same old song and dance when this was released. One of the greatest questions that was not asked was if there are all new features then what happens when those those have problems etc.etc.etc until the wondeful add-on comes out and this patch is wrapped up into that. My money is that this game dies and is fogotten waaay before it is offically done...cause it isn't done yet and even with this patch will not be done. Madmatt the longer you dink around the fewer of us will care if this game gets patched. There are alot of games out there that are better than this.

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Thank you very much for the information. We would appreciate it very much if you could keep us informed about the progress on the pacth and about the new features. I have been reading the forums quite frequently and during the last weeks it seemed obvious that you were going to release the pacth at least for Christmas. Sincerely, not having the patch (that IMHO TOW really needs!!) for the Christmas vacations is a big dissapointment for me. I also think that smaller but more frequent patches (as you do in CMSF and you did in CMBO) would be also the best policy for TOW.


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Sorry if you feel I stepped on your toes I was just trying to help those who questioned arrival of the game patch to let them know what I felt was going on. It would have been nice had you or BF come on and said something but you didn't till I said something. I was trying to let them know that 1c and BF were working on the patch is all. Sorry again for speaking out of turn.

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Thanks for the info on the patch. I'm excited that Battlefront is committed enough to the game to include additional content. I realize some people are impatient, but it will be done when it's done. I would much rather wait a little longer for a bug-free, or nearly bug-free patch than have it rushed and buggy. Kudos to Battlefront for taking their time.

In the meantime, I'll listen to Shostakovich's 7th Symphony to get myself into the mood. Happy Holidays to all.


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Considering ToW's long history it has been plagued with huge delays and lack of information. How many years it was under developement? When it finally came out it turned not to be a show stopper it was said to be. Now more or less the same seems to continue with patching.

I'm afraid that even if addons and patching turns out to be ok and nice improvements are introduced many of the potential customers have faded away a long time ago.

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Look today a Strategic Command 2 Weapons and Warfare v1.02 Patch was released. But no Theatre of War one there has been this and a CM:SF patch in the last few weeks. I dont want to rant but it is slightly annoying that there are patch's coming out for all other BF games and even for ToW but in Russia but still no english ToW patch.

Also the description of the patch as 'UBER' in my opinion is slighty over exaggerating because these 'fixes' should have been in the original game release 3/4 of a year ago!

And even when it is released i am not getting my hopes up because when the Battle for Moscow patch was released back in JUNE. The only good thing i really noticed was the speed up and slow down of time all the others did not affect me as the performance did not increase etc.

Gameplay Patch issues and additions:

* Map Editor Added (accessed via the builder.exe program or in the ToW Program Group shortcut "Map Builder")

* A new 10 mission "Battle for Moscow 1941" Campaign Added. Accessed via the "Extra Campaigns" option in the Campaign List page

* Various fixes and changes to earlier campaign missions

* Improved logging functions to help with determining the causes of certain crashes

* Hot keys for Unit Formations, Movement Modes, Hold Fire and Hold Position commands added

* Better handling of the Reverse Command for vehicles, tanks, SPG's, armored cars and Artillery units

* Various AI behavior changes to units implemented

* Expanded sound system (hear sounds further away and louder in some cases)

* Improved sounds

* Waypoints added for units (hold 'shift' key when issuing movement orders to place waypoints)

* Units no longer stop when they receive a new order

* LOS tweaks - The visibility conditions through forest were changed

* AI Targeting behavior tweaked so that they can better fire on Hull Down targets

* Game speed acceleration/deceleration feature added (accessed via the "Change time speed" hotkey currently)

* Fixed bug with the units boarding certain vehicles

* Some Multiplayer load bugs during client loading were fixed (more fixes will be coming in future patches)

* Fixed AT Guns not being able to have commands issued in some situations

* Fixed Load Game/Save Game errors

* Towsetup 'Autodetect' functions improved

* Mission Editor "wrong application version error" bug fixed

* Improvements to the gun towing process implemented

* Units now better at holding position when they are in defensive positions

* Various Mission Editor errors corrected

* New "License Helper" utility (called License_Helper.exe) added to help those that had issues with the eLicense program freezing or locking up in the past (see note below)

* New manual "Unlicense" short cut added to game program group (to unlicense game without uninstalling)

* Extensive improvements to Performance and Stability (see note below)

So i am sorry for ranting but i am a bit :mad: with battlefront as 1:C have made the patch and released it and given you the patch in english for QC and i know you cant say about the beta proceedings (why i dont know) but please Jmayer has got the beta and says it is fine so what is the hold up!?

Thanks for reading,


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Originally posted by Zulu:

What part of "Battlefront.com and 1C are now working on some more improvements and additions to the patch" don't you understand?

You can always go on "working on some more improvements and additions". You can also stop at a certain stage, release as is and leave the rest for a (god forbid, it seems) third patch.

I am thinking BFC has no interest in releasing any more patches though. The third one will be the pay-for add-on, I am sure. That's why they keep postponing this second patch. They want to make this the final one, so they won't have to support this version of the game any longer.

It will be several weeks now, without anything. Then there might very well be some problem with these new "improvements and additions", creating yet more delays.

I would be more than happy to pay for a patch today. The way things are now though, I think I'll stop bothering entirely.

[ December 22, 2007, 01:01 PM: Message edited by: Barrabas ]

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Originally posted by Barrabas:

You can always go on "working on some more improvements and additions". You can also stop at a certain stage, release as is and leave the rest for a (god forbid, it seems) third patch.

Dont waste time. Obviously, its a way of developing TOW that BF doesnt seem to understand or doesnt want at all. Not a big difference, anyway.
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