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Three things you want most in addon


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The number ONE would be fixed LOS tool, but it is promised to be in patch:)

So, for addon:

1) "Victory and defeat dependent upon objectives and minimum remaining forces, rather than the last man standing. Retreat option would be good too."

2) Suppresive fire for MGs

3) PzIII with KwK 38 L/42 and Flak88

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please get the infantry from standing up to retrieve weapons, change weapons and reload weapons. Nothing more aggravating when a guy stands up to load his rifle or to change weapons.

Add smoke ability from arty, on or off the map.

Button up for hatch views or unbutton tanks for 360.0 view.

Add smoke canasters to Tanks and some light armour, Scouts, halftracks.

infantry sguadleaders carried smoke also.

[ October 18, 2007, 02:45 PM: Message edited by: Wolfseven ]

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That is a tough one to answer.

1) The ability to hide and ambush without being seen a mile away.

2) The infantry being more valuable in game itself and not just pretty to look at , such as being able to sneak up and actually kill tanks with AT granades and not throw them all over the place and hope they hit.

3) Multiplayer type campainges so that you could retreat and then fight agian with reinforcements and supplys. Making it so when you win a battle that isn't all there is but you move on to eventually take over the world. Alas I am sure that would require an overview map and the ability to save battles but I find it would truely make the game much more versital.

I could list other things like better ai control for infantry , smoke, the ability to build defences etc...

ToW is by far the best game to come out in a very long time and I am glad that 1C is taking this game seriously by listening and acting on the posts in these forums. They can keep adding new things and making add ons for many years to come and I for one will buy them knowing this game is only going to improve itself with every addition they put out. Kudos to you 1C you have renewed my Faith that good gameplay is not dead and Games can be for Adaults and Young people alike.

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first suggestion:

A camera that works like the one in the "Total War" series...now you sometimes have to use both hands (one mouse and one keyboard)to rotate and tilt the cam to get a good view / camera angle...which can be annoying sometimes.

The total war cam is far more intuitive and easier to use and would enhance the gameplay a lot. Hopefully this will added in the upcoming patch...

second suggestion:

being able to lay minefields (anti-tank & personel) before you press the "start game" button after you placed the troops etc. I would love the see the enemy running into one of my minefields. smile.gif

p.s. I love the game by the way...I think it will become even alot better after the patch etc with a lot of mods coming out for it etc... I have been waiting for a game like this for years.

[ October 19, 2007, 03:00 AM: Message edited by: GodfleshNL ]

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1. - More variety in terrain. Woods, marsh, hedgerows etc. The ability to place foxholes and trenches in woods and along treelines. The terrain feels too "open" at the moment.

2. - Full blown map editor. Bigger maps.

3. - Dynamic campaign system. Campaigns that cover specific actions instead of jumping from one time period to another.

[ October 19, 2007, 07:08 PM: Message edited by: Manx ]

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The stuff I'd like is:-

(i)Pioneer units able to lay AT/AP mines, clear mines, use flamethrowers, set explosives for bridges/buildings etc & fortify certain areas.

(ii) More & better aircraft. I want to see Stukas screaming in & blowing T34s to bits with bombs & 37mm cannon, P47s/IL2s/Hawker Typhoons showering German tanks with rockets before strafing with guns. Also B20 & B25 would be very usefull medium bombers that could be used by all Allied nations.

(iii) More fortification objects like bunkers, pill boxes etc. Also IMHO trenches & fortifications should be special objects that aren't necessarily visible to the opposing side until clear LOS is achieved ("Is Visible" check box in mission/map editor?) & can be moved/placed at mission start ("Is Placable" check box in mission/map editor, then bought as a unit, otherwise where designer places it?).

[ October 20, 2007, 12:07 AM: Message edited by: Gnasher ]

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Originally posted by Manx:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by GodfleshNL:

My mouse only has 2 buttons and a wheel in the middle ..not a button.

Press and hold the wheel down, move the mouse, camera rotates. </font>
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I'd change my third thing to:

wiser campaings, more like in CC3 - small operations and rewarding player for wise using of units (ie - yout units will go with you into another mission and you'll have only points to repair and upgrade them and to add new units).

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How about serialised battles. By this I mean a campaigns based around a particular battle that you have to get your unit through. Initial thoughts for titles of serialised campaigns are (Imagine under each title 6-16 interrelated missions):-

Market Garden - Landing grounds: UK : battles around Oosterbeek UK Paras v SS Panzer Grenadiers

Market Garden - The Bridge: UK : Frost's battalion aound Arhem Bridge UK Paras v SS Panzers

Market Garden - Hells Highway : USA : battles around Eindhoven UK Paras v SS Panzer Grenadiers & Panzers

Wacht en Rhine - Kampfgruppe Peiper : German : Stavelot battles USA v German Panzers/Grenadiers

Wacht en Rhine - Bastogne : USA : 101st Airbourne defensive battles

Holding the Line - Wiking : German : Battles in the bend of the Don

Holding the Line - Guards : USSR : More battles in the bend of the Don

Kharkov - Soviet Offensive : USSR : Taking Kharkov USSR Guards vs German SS Pnzr Dv

Kharkov - Soviet Offensive : German : German counter offensive German SS Pnzr vs DvUSSR Guards Tank Armies.

Bagration - Mogilev : USSR : Hitler's greatest defeat

List goes on forever, Leningrad, Stalingrad, Zhitomir, Monte Casino, EL Alamien, Warsaw, Salerno, Dieppe, Sicily, Sevastapol, Kiev, St Lo, Remagen, Berlin, Hürtgen forest, each battle as either a free mod or pay for addon with new maps, skins & objects.


Options for all of above in multiplayer.

In fact MP is where this game should shine! Good MP if done right, will make this one of the top played MP games IMHO.

All of the above are with currently available theatres

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1. quick battle generator

2. LOS improvement/tool

3. on map mortars/spotters

Please Please Please dont put ammo trucks in there... this isnt BF1942, who the hell in their right mind would drive a truck full of ammo into an active battle zone and expect to live for more than 5 seconds, and for that matter what self respecting tanker would park up next to a truck full of AP ammo in a fire fight... wouldnt happen... didnt happen


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1. Bigger maps on multi-player. Just give us that option. Hunting is half the fun. Current maps are really tiny even for a tactical game.

2. More realistic LOS for tanks. They really didn't have 360 vision in WWII.

3. Custom quick battles with option to select your own units on a point system. A must for multiplayer games.

Great game by the way. Please focus on Multiplayer as it is the key for this game's longevity.

Over and out.

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Ok I might aswell post three things that haven't been announced that I want in the addon now:

Quick battles with custom armies and objectives etc...

Force moral or something like that, so you don't have to hunt down every last unit to win.

Ummmmmm a Dynamic campaign is probably too much to ask, so how about infantry getting thrown through the air by large explosions?

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My 3-wishes list:

1. Mission Generator for new missions, including option for bigger maps

2. Dynamic Mission Mode with changing AI priorities of targets depend on battle situation

3. More inviromental obstacles for more cover for Infantry and improved LOS sighting and cover behaviour

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