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Three things you want most in addon


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-Infantry Squad tactical AI behaviour. Like squad MGs lying surpressive fire as the rest of the squad assaults, tactical movement using cover with squad mates covering the advance of the others, some coordination when attacking, and that kind of things. It would be great for the player experience so we don't have to micromanage to the absurd, and it would improve AI performance as well, because it currently uses infantry very very bad, like banzai charges.

-More realism in armor vs infantry combat. Currently tanks have 360º degree visual capabilities, while in real life they had very limited visual angles. Also their MGs are way too effective, in RL tanks wasted tons of MG ammo because it was very hard to aim to small infantry targets with them, specially when moving. Tanks also smash soldiers wen passing close to them (even if they doesnt really touch them) and when passing over trenches. In RL, a dug in soldier in a solid trench may have survived just going prone as the tank passes over him.

-Better scenario design. Not fighting against absurd odds in frustrating acts of futility. Better balanced and more dynamic and replayable.

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How bout' just 2-things

1. Infantry being able to enter buildings. In addition, and sort of along the same lines after building entry, but I think infantry should be deriving more benefit from cover and/or concealment.

2. Ease and stability in multiplayer mode. Perhaps an online game room where folks can drop in and find opponents and play -- ala "gamespy" or whatever.

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1) Infantry being able to enter and use buildings.

2) Random battle generator

3) Full blown easy to use map editor (elevation, streets, rivers, lakes, buildings, trees, bushes, grounds should be changeable)

Normally one of my 3 favourites would have been the recording/play back function - but it was stated already by Madmatt (after confirmation of 1c) that it could only be in a possible ToW2..... bummer :(


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Flanker15 and nachinus already laid down my 3 points.

My point 3.5: Enemy surrendering and or retreating, making a stand, retreat further etc pp.

Battles not lasting to either last cowboy or indian ;). Maybe a trigger with a little randomness like : If casualties >50% chance for retreat 75%, if casualties >75% chance for retreat 90%. A morale factor for the battle group so to speak. "Seeing neighbouring platoons wiped out = bad juju = less enthusiasm to attack ;)...

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1 ) Infantry entering and fighting from/within buildings.

2 ) The mission generator needs to be easier to use. User-generated missions have been thin on the ground with TOW, compared to Combat Mission Shock Force, which has a thriving forum. TOW needs its own Quick Battle Group (.....Mishga, are you there?)

3 ) Victory and defeat dependent upon objectives and minimum remaining forces, rather than the last man standing. Retreat option would be good too.

Thank you for asking smile.gif

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Originally posted by CharlieMike24:

3 ) Victory and defeat dependent upon objectives and minimum remaining forces, rather than the last man standing. Retreat option would be good too.

Thank you for asking smile.gif

Sorry -- I actually do have three on my list. Add CharlieMike24's #3 to my wish. The fighting to the last man thing does need to be addressed. Perhaps Force Morale Levels -- or objective driven constraints -- or even a timer.
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I agree with Nachinus:

- Infantry squad acting as a unit, with proper AI tactical behaviour. The squad leader should not wander away from his squad. The squad should move coordinately.

- Tanks operating in two different modes: when the commander has his hatch opened, they have good visibility, but when the commnader has his hatch closed, then the visibility is restricted to the proper angles provided by the vision slits.

- Better scenario design. No puzzle-like scenarios. No fighting against absurd odds. Better balanced scenarios.

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1) Building entry,combat and various types of buildings (2-3 level),objects to create urban warfare.

2)Better Los calculations using cover and limited vehicle vision. Fog of war so defensive trenches, sandbags not seen until use to recon.

3) Varied landscapes, lakes to cross, dense forests to fight in,defend in. Marsh, mountains.

these 3 would make a huge difference.

Other cheeky wishlist to add if possible too :

-use of smoke

-Small Assault boats

-sandbags,foxholes,defensive objects

-ability for amour to carry troops onboard

-on map mortars

-surrendering infantry option

-injured infantry unable to move without medical attention.Various states of condition e.g minor,serious,critical ect..

-medics to retrieve injured

-engineers to clear and lay mines

- open and closed hatches and visibility restrictions

-turn based player multiplayer option

- AI improved so enemy retreats instead of banzai charges to the last man.

Sounds like you guys at battlefront are really doing your best to make this game everything a player would hope for. Most of this wishlist would seem to be in the process. Combat mission had most things to cover peoples needs but i'm convinced theatre of war is going to take strategy to a new limit of realism.

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Three things

1. Random battle generator - with random map & ability to select units.

2. Consistent campaign - where the same units carry over from battle to battle.

3. Supply/ammo trucks - I hate hunting all over the map for a bazooka or rifle ammo.


Infantry in buildings

On map morters

more units types and vehciles

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1) Area target (may be wide/short) for MG. Now they are pinpoint weapons firing till the target is dead. So no suppressive/killing fire from side to side against advancing men, the real use of MG.

2) Buttoned and unbuttoned tanks with related LOS degradation

3) random generator and/or easier battle design tools

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1/ Enter-able buildings (yay!)

2/ On map mortar teams

3/ Random battle generator with user selectable units based on points available (which the user can set) This would allow anything from the max units the engine can handle to squad v squad battles.

Thanks for asking. Even if they don't get in, it's nice to be asked smile.gif

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1) Option to flee/cease fire (so you do not have to replay and can continue the campaign with your units)

2) No units popping up in the play area (off map respawns) The engine can do it so why don´t you use it?? (a improvement compared to the CMSF engine)

3) On map surrendering (like in CC series)

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