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Things that could improve TOW!!!!!!


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I'm going to steal a page from Nachinus' thinking and throw in an idea.

It would be great if squads could be set up with pre-orders to perform squad maneuvers based on macros that could be tied to an "action" button. TOW already has the capability of manipulating individual soldiers within and separately from the squad group (something CMSF lacks). What it does not have is the ability to "program" a more complex maneuver which can be easily selected during combat. For instance, one macro could be: Light MG element stop and provide suppression fire while one half of remaining squad assaults left and the other half right.


One half squad provides suppressive fire while other half crawls to trenchline 30 meters ahead.

The user would have the ability to select from about a half dozen different macro groups at any one time and these could themselves be changed in an "editing" application.

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SlapHappy, that is an impressive thought and a feature that would put ToW into a complete new league of tactical games.

The idea of having a certain set of macros to command a squad or even more than one unit, could give the player a whole new freedom of gameplay. Especially with the ability to customise these macros too. I would dream of an editing application, as you have called it, that could be worked on outside of a scenario. Save your macros, share them, or, smile.gif keep them as your secret tactics in MP-mode.

Looking at your example of the light MG element providing suppresive fire and two half squads advancing. I see either a certain need for ToW-AI to be able to pick the light MG (obviously), pick the soldier with the most amount MG ammunition and have a decent setup for the two half squads (e.g. not all your troops with grenades on one side and the guys with rifles on the other). Or an manual/semi-automated feature to select your troops in real time...... I guess it would be fine to have the manual selection of the according soldiers in a first step - and maybe in a later stage the possibility for an automated/semi-automated system.

The more I think about something like this - the more I like it.


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It just seems to me that the ability to control individual soldiers in a squad element is wasted if you cannot issue complex orders easily via the game interface. The raw materials are there...prone, kneel, stand positions...fire on area, or on target. But the ability to wrap them up in a number of different permutations with easy one-click access "perform this maneuver" is lacking.

Again, it's just another example of how the game feels like it was moving in the right direction in concept...but somehow, simultaneously, feels....unfinished.

The gaming media are always spouting off about the "glut" of WWII titles on the market. What they neglect to notice is that hardly anyone has really gotten it right. I'm not sure if this is a circumstance of developers who simply use the WWII genre to cash in and deliver shoddy titles...or because they lack understanding of the wargaming concept and cannot translate it successfully from the tabletop to the CPU. I suspect it is a little of both.

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1. a sort of biocular-Modus, when one makes the personal view (by pressing Return), which focusses the view 3 or 4times up. Because it´s boring shooting always at red points. One should have the possibility to get the enemy optical closer. :cool:

2. The infantery-units and sometimes the light tanks are too vulnerable. They should be able to stand a longer shooting. Chains of tanks are also too weak. They break too easily. Without the possibility of reparation the the heavy tanks are too vulnerable this way. Very strange is the weakness of AT-gun-soldiers. This gun got always only the chance for 1 or 2 rounds of shooting before they were whiped away. :mad:

3. The possibility to make an ambush. It should be possible to hide units (up to a cetain distance). smile.gif

4. Gras should also deliver some hiding. ;)

5. There should be a sort of automatical quickbattle, which developpes everytime a different map, like there is in Combat mission. This is the reason of the longlasting interest lots of people have in Combat mission. smile.gif Also the free choice of units in this quickbattle would be very good.

6. Infantery should be able to positionate in houses and should have some cover in it. :rolleyes:

7. Mines, light fortification and resupply of units! ;)

8. a support by ASE or Gamespy, maybe an own Multiplayer-server would be nice! At minimum an integrated Chat-server, where people can meet for MP-gaming :D



If there will not be some fundamental changes, this good game will be a torso and will end soon, because of lack of motivation .

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I find sometimes I'm moving all over the map trying to manage the battlefield and can't really enjoy the detail of the game. Having a the ability to set the game for 1 minute "turns" would be great. It would be like CM but I feel it would make to game more enjoyable. Also make the game playable via email.

VCR replay would be great too.

Just an idea.

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Originally posted by SlapHappy:


I'm going to steal a page from Nachinus' thinking and throw in an idea.

It would be great if squads could be set up with pre-orders to perform squad maneuvers based on macros that could be tied to an "action" button. TOW already has the capability of manipulating individual soldiers within and separately from the squad group (something CMSF lacks). What it does not have is the ability to "program" a more complex maneuver which can be easily selected during combat. For instance, one macro could be: Light MG element stop and provide suppression fire while one half of remaining squad assaults left and the other half right.


One half squad provides suppressive fire while other half crawls to trenchline 30 meters ahead.

The user would have the ability to select from about a half dozen different macro groups at any one time and these could themselves be changed in an "editing" application.

That is an outstanding idea slaphappy... that really would take TOW to the next level. It would definitely make assaults more enjoyable. I think that at the moment there is a bit too much micro managing to really enjoy cinematic aspects of TOW

Is writing code of this sort something you think a modder could create? or something that would have to be given in an update... perhaps even a new version... TOW2... geez that that could be 2011 before we see something like that :D

Top idea anyway, I can definitely see that being implemented at some stage

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I would like to see an option, perhaps in the option-menu, that the halt-position is default after a move!!!

I don't want to stop manually my tanks each time after a move-order.

What i noticed too was, that the Anti-Tank-Guns (in "normal" difficulty at least) were almost never destroyed, only the crew several times. If i see, that the tank turrets are much more vulnerable, i think that is not balanced.

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What would do infantry good would be some lower walls. Not as high as now but about breast high or a bit lower so that you can shoot standing or kneeling from behind and you could have hard cover AND be a small target.

Also a CM like "move to contact" order would be good for the little guys. At the moment they move to death without going for cover. If there was a squad logic which said, "most mates are already mown down, better stop running this direction" it would help a lot or maybe a squad moral value should kick in.

Another thing I have to investigate further is that sometimes experienced/ elite tank crew seem equally adept with their small arms and fight your own infantry with their rifles and sub machine guns with deadly accuracy over quite big distances ?! I lost three adept rifle guys engaging one Antonio Banderas pistolero over a distance of about 50 meters ... :eek:

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Originally posted by Stoppelhopser:

What would do infantry good would be some lower walls. Not as high as now but about breast high or a bit lower so that you can shoot standing or kneeling from behind and you could have hard cover AND be a small target.

AND to be able to climb over the walls as well!
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