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Semi-official 'work in progress' report


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The stand-alone addon will be more realistic than ToW, with the tank vision system for example.

It will bring new units players were craving for (mortars, smoke & double-purpose flak guns). Remember that most of us didn't understood why they were not included in the game.

We really need the LOS tool to be efficient (ok, I know you said a patch would add it to regular ToW).

The addon will technically improve the game itself ... to a point it is almost remade.

CMBB & AK were justified stand-alone because they brought new nations and terrains.

On the contrary, ToW now seems to be the beta, with lacks & defects, and the addon looks like the final release.

To be completely clear, I pre-ordered ToW because I had an eye on it for years and I trusted its developpers. Today I wonder if I shouldn't have waited 6 months more to get the stand alone.

I hope my post doesn't sounds aggressive, and if it is, please blame my english teachers.

About the max number of units on map, please believe me : we will all do our best to learn how to command bigger and bigger groups.

Most of us here who started playing CM with small scale battles a few years ago are now able to deal with inf battalions, tanks companies and their supports.

I guess we'll be able to adapt with ToW too !

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To be completely clear, I pre-ordered ToW because I had an eye on it for years and I trusted its developpers. Today I wonder if I shouldn't have waited 6 months more to get the stand alone.
There should be a pricing scheme so that owners of the original version get a discount.

I'm not opposed to paying for the extra work the devs have put in. However, I suspect that as a stand-alone the price will be comparable to the original release... a bit much to ask of us to pay so soon after the original release.

Sounds a bit like the iPhone pricing fiasco if you ask me... loyal supporters get the shaft! :(

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As i said, pricing for customers of original TOW, time of release, even requirement of having original TOW installed will be decided by Battlefront. Don't be too pessimistic - for example, Battle for Moscow campaign was a free bonus for English customers, while in Russia it is main marketing difference between two separate subsequent releases of the game (second being some kind of Gold edition).

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Is the problem of tanks squashing things that they do not touch going to be fixed?

I ask because infantry should be able to place AT mines etc. actually onto tanks, and close assault them in other ways (eg. grenade down the barrel, shoot through pistol ports) but they cannot at the moment due to the fact that they get squashed 6 feet away.

This does not happen with friendly units, presumably to stop them getting squashed, but to be honest I wouldn't mind enemy soldiers not getting squashed as long as they could place stuff on.

I would be willing to pay a hell of a lot for a Theatre of War with all this stuff in!

Top class customer support, if I may say so. I can't think of many other games where the devs actually answer questions put to them on a regular basis! smile.gif

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I have one request in reguards to LoS. Can you change the ability to see others not so much as to their ability to hide but if they are standing they can be seen , kneeling a bit harder, but if they are crawling it seems that it should and would be hard to see a man 300 meters out in tall grass and behind trees and bushes and in the shadows almost impossible to SEE! The game needs the ablity to use your men to sneak up on the enemy. AS of now when I use my men to crawl they are seen from unbelievable distances by the at guns which as far as I can see would not be possible to see a man crawling in tall grass and at a distance of 300 meters? I maybe wrong here but if I can't use sneaking the game is lacking some what in the ablity to let me use my skill to attack?

I have said in the past posts this game is great and it is! I feel that the ablitly to sneak and move undetected should be improved so that I can move men into postion with the hopes that they might shoot and kill the enemy depending on their marksmenship ablity but so far it is not happening.

I have told many to get the game when the new add on stand alone comes out and told them of its great potential these things of which I am speaking would make the game a bit more playable and great to watch when playing.

Thanks for all your great work in making this game and I know you at Battlefront will keep making it the leader in rtt games.

sincely, JMayer

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Currently grass offer no concealment. In the one of the next patches for TOW there will be new LOS system (regarding trees and bushes), but grass concealment will be in addon. We'll try to patch this into original TOW after addon release (we plan to support original as long as possible along with addon containing new systems).

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I am truely impressed on how quickly that you reapond to comments on the forums. It truely tells me that battlefront wants to creat the best game out and by far they have. I have told many of your game and how wonderful it is to have a game made for Mature players ( use your brains and not your fingers to click and play..).

I have told friends I believe in this game so much I will buy theirs if they don't like it. I dont' see how anyone can refuse that offer...

Thanks for the quick responce.

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My mistake. I am glad that 1C has taken over the game when it did. I watched it in progress for years and now am really enjoying it because of the great work you at 1C have done to make it great. I should have known that you were from 1C because of your eagerness to respond to comments .

This game really is Great and I have many games that have tried to reach the mark that 1C has achieved with this game and they have fallen short. My gaming librairy is full of unplayed games but ToW is always played now. Thanks again.

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Enemy infantry gets squashed when it intersects with invisible square of vehicle pathfinding (if the vehicle is moving). The size of this square is determined by model length. If we reduce the square to size of, say, tank width, then infantry to the side of it will not be squashed, but then tanks will start partly moving into each other, houses, etc., with a number of graphical glitches. Obvious idea would be to use rectangle instead of square, but there is no known usable algorithm for pathfinding using rectangles:)

Improvement of collision modelling between infantry and vehicles is planned (maybe checking when infantry intersects with model itself, but this routine will be processor-hungry), but it is unclear when it will be done at the moment.

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Thanks Sneaksie for taking the time to answer in that detail. The level of information in your answers makes me confident for the further development of ToW.

Agreed... We appreciate the time you spend answering the questions. Keep up the good work!
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Originally posted by Sneaksie:


Enemy infantry gets squashed when it intersects with invisible square of vehicle pathfinding (if the vehicle is moving). The size of this square is determined by model length. If we reduce the square to size of, say, tank width, then infantry to the side of it will not be squashed, but then tanks will start partly moving into each other, houses, etc., with a number of graphical glitches. Obvious idea would be to use rectangle instead of square, but there is no known usable algorithm for pathfinding using rectangles:)

Improvement of collision modelling between infantry and vehicles is planned (maybe checking when infantry intersects with model itself, but this routine will be processor-hungry), but it is unclear when it will be done at the moment.


I thought perhaps this was controlled by these two variables in the navigation.ini file:

CrushAheadDist 6

CrushDangerRadius 5

There are different values dependent on size of vehicle. I thought perhaps these were values in meters. If this is not the case, then what do these variables actually effect?

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I just ordered the ToW (both e copy and dvd copy for a friend in Norway) and I have the d/l link here on my web page but need it to go to him in Norway. How can I get it to him? Please let me know because I have told him so much about the game that I want to play him. Thanks for your help.

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Originally posted by SlapHappy:

I thought perhaps this was controlled by these two variables in the navigation.ini file:

CrushAheadDist 6

CrushDangerRadius 5

There are different values dependent on size of vehicle. I thought perhaps these were values in meters. If this is not the case, then what do these variables actually effect?

First value determines distance at which soldiers begin to scatter from any moving vehicle, and second is the distance at which crew abandon guns and HMGs in the presence of moving enemy vehicle. If you set them to 0, infantry will stand still and face their terrible fate.
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Can you tell me why the Wespe won't fire with area fire unless it has line of site? Seems to me that SPG's are supose to be moble arty? That means that at least if you have a man to spot the target the Wespe should fire. Correct me if I am wrong. Thanks

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It probably has to do with the ai for waspes as a stand alone gun rather than an artillery peice, as in an off bopard one that can be called on..

The desingers would need to add a call on artillery from a forward observer rutine and alow waspe and other units... after they add on board morters perhaps the same algorythms could go to all mobile indirect fire weapons as the waspe is only one of several... I was thinking of the hafetrack mounted guns amoung a few.. just my thoughts here.. pure speculation...

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Yes, Wespe and such mobile artillery in the game can fire only if have LOS. They can't do artillery barrage because their minimal ballistic shoot distance is much larger than 2km (maximum map size).

Jmayer, i hope you and everyone here will enjoy new MP maps, force compositions and modes. Mission designers now are finishing new MP maps.

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