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Originally posted by Son of Hamchuck:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Chazman:

Unless they had a radio, how are they going to transmit the info back to the rest of the troops?

Why standard issue carrier pigeons, of course. :D </font>
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Yeah Joabru I agree withh all your points and don't find some of the replies really helpful. The game fails to provide essential tools to the player especially when determining line of site. And should convey more situational event information to the player as it happens.

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Originally posted by Joabru:

Why do my tanks rotate all the time? I've set them behind a hill looking at the bridge, anything crosses and I'll hit em. Problem is they keep wanting to rotate and face the hill once action starts. Why? they cant shoot thru the hill it's daft. Even if they could 'My' order should be above all otherwise you've lost the players trust. I want them to face they way I set.

I've noticed this to. Why do they do that?


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Originally posted by BFawlty:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joabru:

Why do my tanks rotate all the time? I've set them behind a hill looking at the bridge, anything crosses and I'll hit em. Problem is they keep wanting to rotate and face the hill once action starts. Why? they cant shoot thru the hill it's daft. Even if they could 'My' order should be above all otherwise you've lost the players trust. I want them to face they way I set.

I've noticed this to. Why do they do that?

BF </font>

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Originally posted by Nikki Mond:

The game fails to provide essential tools to the player especially when determining line of site. And should convey more situational event information to the player as it happens.

Yep.. Played some more but just found things getting worse I'm fighting more with the game than the enemy. See what the patch brings but after reading the forum and seeing a lot of criticism being bashed by both Battlefront and some other forum members I'm not sure problems I see will be fixed.

Customers called 'Whiners' by BF is not the way to go. Many issues seem to be downplayed and rather than confront problems in the game it's turned into an attack on the complainer. This ecalates until they get banned.

The game is broken imo. problems should have seen as you recieved builds during its development and helped 1C correct major issues before release.

Anyways, I've said my piece, hope things get fixed it and will keep an eye on that first patch.. It has potential!

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What's up with people who don't seem to like the game that they continually have to pretend like they're being hunted down or bashed. A whopping total of THREE (3) people were removed from the forum for posing abuse, insults and threats, not for posting their opinions.

The fact that criticism is receiving replies by people that obviously have a different opinion shouldn't be a very shocking relevation, either. I have not seen one attack on the complainer, only counterattacks on the three trolls which went far above voicing criticism.


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"What makes you think radios aren't simulated Chazman. That's why you see opaque icons"

Historicly the Russians had hardly any radios at all, their tanks actualy commuicated between each other with flags, like they did with ships.

If a couple of infantrymen go scout out 300 hundred yards in front of the rest of the troops, just how did they communicate back to them, with no radio, and have all of the spotted units become visable to them??

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"I have not seen one attack on the complainer"

Come on Moon, I have been called "cry baby", "whiner", "troll" and "Liar" multiple times, by mulitiple people, and just about every other thing one can be called, all for having the temerity of voicing my opinion of the game.

Your Battlefront fans are really rabid in their defense of your company, problem is, I'm a battlefront fan also, my crime is, I just don't like THIS game in its current state, to me it is almost unplayable.

I am anxiously awating it's patch, and also your latest modern warfare game you are coming out with.

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You, Chazman, have a great track record of about 1% of posts on topic (the game), repeating the same one or two posts about the game over and over, with the other 99% consisting of unwarranted jabs at BFC and 1C or playing out your crusade to convince everyone who likes the game as is that they are "living in denial". No wonder people are calling you that. If you were actually voicing your opinion of the game, people would be addressing your opinion instead. From the little that you have written about the game so far, I am not even sure if you have ever played it.

As for communicating - besides radios, people would use binoculars I guess.


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Screw the communication realism. I want a game I can enjoy, and if anyone made a game that focused entirely on realism it would go under because it simply wouldnt be any fun for the large majority of people.

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Originally posted by Chazman:

...Historicly the Russians had hardly any radios at all, their tanks actualy commuicated between each other with flags, like they did with ships...

Chazman, while this is true for the beginning of the war, where only the company leaders had radio equipped tanks (71-TK-3 or 71-TK-1), it changed with the ongoing war. By summer 43 approx. 75-80% of all T34 were equipped with radios for communication.


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Originally posted by Normal Dude:

Screw the communication realism. I want a game I can enjoy, and if anyone made a game that focused entirely on realism it would go under because it simply wouldnt be any fun for the large majority of people.

Yeah, there's a line between realism and gameplay. But the comms issue they talked about sounded pretty good for the next gen CM engine (it that's still around).

Basically if one unit spots an enemy, he gets marked on the map like usual. But if the player targets that enemy with another unit, the targeting unit has to respot the target (with an increased chance) before engaging. Make it more of a "there's an enemy 50 M ne of your pos" instead of a "there's an inf hiding behind the fourth bush from the left" type comms. Or you can do an area fire right away also.

So a dose of realism without making the game more complicated or less playable, but also reducing gamey tactics like the suicide scout.

Anyone who has been swamped by 4+ jeeps in CM know all about that, added realism for added enjoyment.


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