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How do I end the Road To Moscow Chern Station mission?


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In the German campaign, Road to Moscow Mission, I've taken Chern station, but the mission won't end. There's a crippled enemy T34 nearby, but his gun is dead. I've got no AP ammo left to finish him off.

However, I've got four tanks and seven inf in or around the station, and two captured enemy guns (no ammo left). Yet still the battle won't end, so I can't progress any further in the campaign.

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then try to dance arround the t34 and make a campfire some marshmellows and i bet the tankcrew will leave the tank :D

no serious , just like the other poster find some grenades and if they are not there try to shoot just all your handguns at it otherwise load an earlier save and try again.

sorry i had something like this also in an other mission. Restarted an earlier save and tried to save ammo.

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Im affraid this happened to me also but a soviet light tank not a T-34. He was not even on the map as he was a reinforcement. No AP left and only crippled tanks out of LOS. 20+ troops of mine in the station and still no victory. I began liking this game but find i play it less and less already. Also at dunkirk i had to search the entire map for 1 french tanker preventing my victory. Something is very wrong.


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Yeah, I've tried it again, with v similar results. Usually, one or two Soviet tanks left with no ammo, panicking, retreating, coming back again, or crippled. But I use up all my firepower just trying to frighten them out of their tanks, but it never works.

Also there are three active T34's somewhere hidden on a hilltop, out of LOS, but they never advance to engage, and I can't go after them as my ammo gets quickly used up, no mattr how I try to conserve it. Feels a bit gamey and frustrating, as there are so many elements in the game that I really like, but thinks like this prevent me from progressing.

Had the same prob as you, Stone, on Dunkirk map. Had to seek out a single panicked trooper, long after I took the map, before I got victory. Also, have you noticed that the 'Dunkirk map' is exactly the same as the Razor's Edge map, with just different force nationalities?

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Okay. finally cracked it! It was down to sound tactics, in the end - always a good sign. Conserving ammo and men, capturing enemy AT guns before they'd used up there AP ammo, holding back with some units so as to mount a concerted attack on that damn T34, making wiser use of reinforcements. Finally slew the T34, took out the two remaining BT7s with little difficulty, then there was a bit of a hunt to get the last Soviet inf out of hiding near the station, and I'd won.

I think there is a depth and complexity to this game that takes a while to discover - there's a hell of a lot I like about it. At the same time, it can be frustrating when you've clearly won but the victory conditions are not entirely clear and you have to root around for that last hidden soldier. Using quicksave and load is essential, which does give it a bit of a gamey feel, but overall its really enjoyable. Looking forward to many add-ons.

Anyway, on to the next round!

[ April 27, 2007, 09:15 AM: Message edited by: handihoc ]

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One thing I've noticed about the missions is that they are all about the triggers.

For this mission, I got annihilated by the 3 T-34s that appeared on my right flank, and when my reinforcements finally arrived, they couldn't do anything because the other group of Soviet reinforcements with a T-34 and 2 BT17s (or was it 3?) took out my AT guns right away. I had tried to approach from the right flank, figuring I could limit their return fire a bit.

Second time I tried it, I manuevered to the left flank, using PzIVs to fire on AT guns as they appeared while my other units approached that ridgeline directly in front of their trenches. The 3 T-34s on my right flank never appeard, and my reinforcements arrived much earlier. Once my tanks crested that ridgeline, it was pretty much over. I think I lost one tank and a handful of infantry that time.

It seems to me that if you follow the axis of attack as shown on the briefing map, it's a pretty straight-up fight, but if you try to get fancy, you enter a trigger area that calls in enemy reinforcements or an artillery barrage on your heads.

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