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TCP/IP crashes

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My duplicate prisoners disappeared in the latest rounds of Ham and Jam.

This is a bit annoying as I was count on them for victory.

We have tried to restart TCP/IP but to no avail.

Back to trying to finish it via PBEM.

This is so annoying.

If Mad boyoo is watching I can send save files if required. I guess this issue is on back burn.


[ 10-03-2001: Message edited by: Holien ]

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4 out of 5 LAN games have crashed due to the 'ding' bug in the last 3 days. These were medium map 3000 point INF meeting engagements. I'm pretty sure all crashes were preceded by prisoners being taken. This is annoying! Several wasted hours. I hate to 'put the game away' again because of frustration, but this is ridiculous.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just like to say i also get this TCP/IP Bug.

After the data is sent I usually get that ding and there goes our game. This happens about 40% of the time for us and it is very annoying. This error has been occuring semi-regurlarly for a while and I have come here in the hopes of finding a solution.

My games are on two Windows 98 computers each with 128 meg connected through a hub.

Usually happens to me in quick Battles with 3000 points usually after turn 20. And of course we are both playing version 1.12 of CM.

I hope this helps a little and adds some more validity that this seems to be a common problem.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, got the ding of death AGAIN in a CMMC-related game. I suppose we'll have to LIVE with this bug though I can't imagine it being embedded in CMBB too. Happened in a scenario where prisoners were taken, reinforcments arrived, and with British forces. For me, this combination of variables seems to be the ONLY time it usually happens which is MUCH TOO FREQUENT.

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My 1st experience of the deaded tcp/ip crash was

scenario-x-mas-hermalio at 17th turn I was pounding allied positions going in for the kill

then that ding sound then froze,we treid eailer

saves and didn't work had-dell-p-111-600-vodoo-5500 ag-312 ram,attworldnet dailup,he had chicago/net dailup-he hosted/then scenario,farm&cadthedral-7 turn same thing did eariler saves didn't work and know just recent-

bocage country-but know I have att@home-cable access,I'm hosting-playing different person,he has

local server soulnet-southern-Ill-I'm chicago area

31st turn of 35 a kickass battle as cartman says

on south park-but I play through turn he dosen't his thing downloads the data then freezes then I

get a message that says lost other use autosave,

madmatt says do 1 turm pbem then back tcp/ip,and in all scerarios I had p.o.w's and some with none

all I can say save every turn overwrite the save

but theres is something wrong hope they fixe it

love this game but this does piss me off especially playing hrs on end :mad: :mad: then

can't fixe it,that's bogus-madmatt I've emailed

you before about this 3-4 mnths ago please fix it

cpu is stupid to play and should work on a networking to play 2 cpu's in same room have a cmbo battlefest yeahhhhhh!!!!! smile.gif :cool: playing

clash of titans know 7th turn it happened then next day we tried and it fixed itself or could be

the net traffic/later :D /battle on. j.c.field@home.com

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Just got my Lan working and ran into the capture bug! Did some test and so far have found a few things out.

I only get the ding when it is a crew member captured.

Of course it is the slower computer that gets the ding as the faster computer always figures the turn and sends it to the slower.

Right now I'm going down the list of Axis support troops and overrunning them with Stuarts to get the captures. I could keep playing with captures until I got to the support group which are listed as crew when they abandon there weapons. Then I would get the ding on the slower compter at the end of the file transfer. Hit any key and the game crashes to the desktop. The faster computer can view the movie and even save the turn if I don't crash the slower computer until done.

I would only use one support type at a time per game to test the effect of a capture.

I will continue testing, but I think it will be the "crew" type which crashes the file transfer some how.

This explains one reason why captures don't always cause a crash, must be a crew member captured. I've also seen in one instance if the faster computer hits the "GO" before the slower computer that you could get by some capture crashes, but not on the "crew" one. It seems to crash everytime so far.

I will continue down the list and see what happens.



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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr> but I think it will be the "crew" type which crashes the file transfer some how.

This explains one reason why captures don't always cause a crash, must be a crew member captured. [/QB]<hr></blockquote>

Now that I think back, this actually makes some sense. In the game I mentioned above I had a 17lbr crew captured. I am trying to think back to other crash events but can't confirm or deny this hypothesis other than the last game.

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The "crew" bug is still being reproduced 100% so far. I have discovered away to get the erro message that goes along with the ping. After I see that a "crew" has been captured, I press the "go" button on the faster computer and then press "go" and the slower computer where the "ding" will happen at the end of the data transfer. After pressing the "go" button on the slower computer I then press the "esc" key on the slower computer which takes me to the desktop. The game goes ahead and does it's thing, but now when the slower computer dings I get an erro message.

The first window to pop up is this:

Unhandled exception: c0000005

At address: 005602ac

Then when I press OK I get the second window which is "This program has performed an illegal operation ect." Also you can get the detail information which gives the register and stack dump at the time of the error.

What I have discovered is that "gun crews" and "vehicle crews" produce the same unhandled exception: c0000005, but that the At address: was different. Gun crews is address: 0042ade9 and vehicle crews is address: 005602ac. Of course this doesn't mean alot to us players but maybe the coders will see something here to help.

Still believe that it is the captured "crew" that are the problem, but there are still alot of different options to be tested. Also this is on my two computers so others could have different results.



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I forgot to mention that I've been testing with partial fog of war set. One thing that is different this way is that your captured guys remain visible to both armies. Usually when the Axis crew is captured he no longer is visible or at controlled by the Axis player or at least something like that. I'm too tired to run a test to check that out too, forgive my laziness. Anyway after an Axis crew capture I happened to be clicking around on the different eliminated and captured crews. I became interested in the names and kept clicking. Then it dawned on me that one of their names kept changing to a different name. In fact I think it was the captured fellows name and crew number that was replaceing this crews name and number. Maybe one time it would be the right name which went with the vehilce he bailed from, and then the next time this same guy would have the captured name and number. When this captured guy changes sides he's not doing it clean. He's messing up the crew table pointer or something like that, and that not 100%. Sometimes when I went through the list they had the right names and numbers, so maybe that file would work?? After the ding I would check the autosave file, things would really be messed up. Names and crew number different on at least one crew and maybe even crew icons in the wrong place giving rise to the doulbe crews ect. So this file was corrupted and wouldn't play. Anyway another piece I hope to the bug. Followning is a couple test and probably confusing reading:-(!

V1-V7 are knocked out or abandoned and crews eliminated except for V5 which has exited map. Reinforcements arrive. V8 gets knocked out. Crew bails and surrenders. Game doesn't crash next turn. Hey this ruins my 100% ding record. Now what? Reinforcement arrives V9. V9 gets knocked out and crew bails. Crew V9 gets eliminated. Crew V8 is surrendered. I click up through the 9 bailed crews. All are eliminated except 5 and 8. 5 has exited the map and 8 is surrendered. The problem is that now crew 8 and crew 9 are getting mixed up. Crew 8 when he surrendered lost his name and just became "crew" so when I click on crew 9 it says instead that this is crew 8 with crew 8 name. And then I discover that crew 8 and 9 are laying together both eliminated under the V9 vehicle. Now this is enough to confuse even a computer:)

Game of course dings and crashes. I reload the AutoSave and look again at the crews. Crew 9 has disappeared and crew 8 has taken his place eliminated. There is now no surrendered crew and no crew 9. The AutoSaved game doesn't work now either. When I press go it crashes again. Of course we see why, it is corrupted.

Another test. First turn V1-V5 eliminated. Second turn reinforcements, 5 81mm mortars. T1-T5. End of turn 2 has T1 knocked out with dead body, T2 knocked out with dead body, T3 knocked out with captured crew, T4 knocked out with dead body, T5 knocked out with captured crew. Names weren't swapped and nothing looked unusual but hitting go caused the ding. Restart with the AutoSave and look at the crews again. T1 knocked out with dead body, T2 knocked out with dead body, T3 knocked out with dead body and also has a surrendered crew, T4 knocked out but now has no body with the mortar which it did have before the ding, T5 knocked out with dead body and also has a surrendered crew. This one isn't as clear to see the reason, but it is still messing up around the captured units and causing the program to lose track of the icon pointers and or names or something like that.

This should narrow it down enough on this part of the bug I think to find the faulty code. There may be more than one bug here after reading back through all the post on this thread, but just moving the surrendered guy around in the order of crews could cause all kinds of different results I'm thinking.

This is tedious stuff. I think I'll knock off for awhile.



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Another victim of sh!tty TCP\IP service. I dont get dings, I dont even capture anyone, because it craps out when I hit GO on the setup phase. Just*poot* gone. Says system error, connection to internet was lost, or some such drivel. PBEM sucks ass in comparison to talking trash realtime. There doesnt seem to be much interest in this by BTS ( Except Maddmathew?) but its no fun wiping the CPUs out every time, and waiting for PBEM can get aggrivating to say the least. So whats the deal? Who has it working on a regular basis, whats your system config, what ISP, ect? HELP!

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  • 4 weeks later...



Know you guys have been trying to work with this but haven't see anything of late from you and you indicated you would keep us updated on this bug. Believe there is some good testing info now in here regarding captured AT crews causing crashes. Can you please give us an update?

Given the same engine, can we expect this bug in CMBB?

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Though I'm not The Bald One™...

This bug will definitely be looked at for CMBB. Efforts, I'm sure, are being made to find the root of this bug to quash it. Captured crews are definitely one way to consistently duplicate the bug and there may be others (though I don't know any details about them). However I don't know if a patch will be made for CMBO to address this problem. My guess is that there will be one, but only at some point after CMBB is released.

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  • 3 weeks later...

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by LeBlaque:



Know you guys have been trying to work with this but haven't see anything of late from you and you indicated you would keep us updated on this bug. Believe there is some good testing info now in here regarding captured AT crews causing crashes. Can you please give us an update?

Given the same engine, can we expect this bug in CMBB?<hr></blockquote>

CMBB is BASED on the same underlying game engine as CMBO, true. However, it is NOT the same engine in of itself. All the networking processes were vastly changed and updated along with pretty much everything else and as such this is not an issue with CMBB.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Madmatt:

Actually we are listening and watching...I have been doing my own testing on this matter myself...More to follow...


I have a saved game with this phenomena. It was a CMMC battle, and was quite the pain in the rear to PBEM the turns after this happened. If you want the file I'll send it though we will have to get the alled pasword sent to you if you need it as I do not have it.

In short, there were at least one captured allied vehicle crew in German possesion. First time I ever ran across this problem.

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Thought I found a new bug. Came here to ask about the dreaded ding after a download playing TCP. Somehow even though misery loves company I don’t feel much better.

One thing though, a German truck crew had just surrendered the turn before the crash…around turn 18-20.

Now the game can only be played by PBEM and cannot go back to TCP?

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You can exchange a turn via PBEM and then you can return to playing via TCP/IP. I can't remember the exact sequence to do this, but you'll need the saved game from the last turn and open that up as the PBEM file (probably from the computer that was processing the turn - your opponent if you were the one to get the 'ding').

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