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44 yeard old, married, 2 daughters. Attended Avalon Hill's ORIGINS '77 gaming convention at Wagner College in Staten Island NY. Bought Avalon Hill's Squad Leader there (in the 1st Edition purple box!! redface.gif ). Never stopped gaming!

AH games, Napoleonic miniatures ( 2000+ fig 15mm Austrian Army), and WWII micro armor. Computer gaming started with Half Life and Team Fortress Classic. The into all the WWII FPS shotters (MOHAA, MOHSH, CoD1 (ran a team (1st Red Devils) and a server), CoD/UO. Played a ton of Red Orchestra. Also the Total War series (Shogun, Medieval 1 and 2, Rome)

Currently playing CMBB/CMAK and Galactic Civ II. Waiting for ToW's relase!! :D

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50. Started with Stratego at around 10; Risk in High School; Panzer Blitz/Leader in college; Squad Leader and ASL after that (playing my first ASL in a year tomorrow). Got my first PC in 98; East Front/West front, then on to CM. The Total War series has been taking up the majority of my time now.

I hope ToW gets as addicting as Rome Total War/Barbarian Invasion (which I have went back to after playing Medieval Total War II).

My goal is to retire early and FINALLY have enough time to play as much as I want and as long as I want, God (and wife) willing. ;)tongue.gif

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Just pre-ordered, and can't wait for a new game! It looks like there are many here in my demographic. Age 43, I cut my teeth on AH board games back in high school days, Panzer Leader, Panzer Blitz, Squad Leader, and many others. Was also very into military modelling. Avid WWII buff. I spent a few years in the national guard, infantry, of course! But now I'm a desk jockey. Computer games started with the World at War series and TacOps. Then into the RTS games for a while. I didn't catch on to CM until CMAK came out, but was hooked once I got it. Last summer my son convinced me to by WoW (World of Warcraft) and I've been playing mostly that since then. However, I long for the battlefield and look forward to this (and the next installment of CM in WWII). Looking forward to games with you all too!


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Well, I'm 37 and I'm glad to notice that I'm in good company here!

Started gaming in 1981 on the Spectrum at the age of 11 and I think I've played most war games and simulators since that smile.gif Wrote my first own game in 1983 and right now I'm working as a manager of a development department. Serious "all night" gaming is harder these days with two young sons but there's always time for some PBEM shootouts in CM or SPWAW, or a quick online sortie in IL2. My oldest son is starting to like LOMAC so there is hope for some serious family LAN gaming in a few years! Unfortunately he's only five so he's more into "Bob the builder", but my time will come.

See you in the field! /Mazex

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I'm 33, and a longtime WWII Online player, along with pretty much all other games and tabletop wargames in this era. Have a passing interest in the history, but I'll admit I'm just a dabbler.

I'm really looking forward to ToW!

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Haha so lets just say I am in a very select minority on this forum.... Umm *High School Student* I recently ascertained an obsession with World War 2 in my History class and have always been an RTS player who was ticked off by the lack of realism in resource managment and army building at the site of battle. And while ToW isnt RTS strictly speaking, It looks like a really awesome game that i will enjoy alot.

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42 with two daughters in Greensboro NC. Played a little squad leader but really caught the bug with Battle For Normandy (SSI) on my Apple II. Been playing ever since but as with most here found the most fun with the Combat Missions Series. Been out of it for a year or so but am eagerly anticipating TOW.

- Hobo

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Almost 50! On the 16th.... maybe a nice birthday present? Played lots of war games from the commodore 64 & 128 up to the Amiga 500 and the 4000/060 up to the Mac G3, G4, G5 and now the Power Mac (back on CMBO & CMBB) :cool:


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i am 33 years old and live near cologne, germany.. (yep..the bad guys with the Tiger. ;) )

I play Computer Games since 1984 and i play LARP (Live Action Roleplaying).

Good to see a Game Forum where i am able to find people with much more live experience then in other Forums.

PS: Sorry for my english.. my german is much better.. :D

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47, Started out with 25mm figures on a green cloth with books for hills!!!. First real computer hook for me was Panzer Commander, tried Panzer Elite but although the graphics were great it never matched PC.

Found a CMAK demo on a magazine cover and that was me hooked! bought the full game and i have worked my way backwards through CMETO,CMBB and CMBO and i have now scrubbed my hard drive in anticipation for my TOW download. Wife and four girls so i tend to play against the AI as and when i get the chance but i may dip my toe in the water with multi player once i master the interface.

Hope to see you all on-line smile.gif

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And I will be ... exactly 43 upon the first day that we will be able download this game.

You can all thank me for being born on that day.

I Thought I was the only old fart around here. ;)

Glad to see I'm wrong, and that some of the younger guys here appear to be somewhat mature and wise- at least in respect to what types of games they enjoy and why they take an interest in them.

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Seems that a lot of people want to be born on D(ownload)-day!

At least FaxisAxis, WarRaven, Sargon ... Being born on the 18th, I am afraid to say that I have the feeling I stand a greater chance than you guys!

At the end of the day, april 18th is known in my country as "saint perfect"... might be the proper release date for TOW :D

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41 been playing since high school computer class when they taught you DOS and that programming for the artillery game, I see someone made a variant of one called pocket tanks.

Tank Platoon

M1a1 Tank platoon II

Mech Commander

Mech Warrior, I, II, III, IV

Blitzkrieg, I, II



Home World

Close Combat Series




Currently immersed in is IL2 FB 1946

Anything that makes me think hard.

I believe women don’t understand the art of gaming they think we just veg out on this stuff. I tell my wife all the time, just like when you veg out on your harlequin romance books?

“She states at least I’m using my brain”

Those comment I just stare at her and replied you got to be kidding me?

I’m not using my brain I’m just playing a game comment from her.

She’s killing me guys.

Women here the word game and think mindless, useless not brain involving.

Don’t figure?!

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Greetings fellow wargame addicts !

I'm 33 now and remembering Pink Floyd's « Time » lyrics : « The sun is the same in a relative way, But ten years have got behind you, No one told you when to run, You missed the starting gun. » ;)

I also remember that I'm french and started playing arcade videogames when I was 8 or so.

Then it was the glorious (european) 80's with so many personal computer to play with : TI99, Amstrad CPC 464 & 6128, AMIGA (the real and only Queen!). I eventually turned to PC gaming in order to play the best flight simulators around.

I never played that many classic wargames, but I had friends who were very fond of them (SL, ASL, Flat top...). My kicks came basically from roleplaying games (out of topic here I'm afraid) and classic strategy boardgames (DIPLOMACY, CIVILIZATION, JUNTA!, Full metal planète...).

Speaking about PC games, I had a passion for WW I & II flight simulators : Aces of the Pacific, Battle of Britain, Red baron II, Aces over Europe, IL2 series. At the same time, I have always been interested in easy to play wargames such as Battle Isles (Amiga) (a fantastic game, german if I remember well), Sid Meier's Civilization & Colonization, and the famous PANZER GENERAL series.

Then I discovered the STEEL PANTHERS series, which I played intensively on pbm for years, until I downloaded a demo of the first CM. I think it was in late 2002. I was instantly hooked and bought CMAK as soon at it was released, and then CMBB as well :).

Sorry to be so long, but it's a real pleasure to pay a tribute to the fantastic games I was lucky enough to play during my life.

Let's hope TOW will be the next classic on the list !



PS : if you don't know it yet, I highly recomend that you try Naked wars (http://www.naked-war.com/), a brilliant british indie pbm game (2 players only)

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