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How Rude!


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Sgt Popov,

Young, naive and misguided?

Yeah. Thats it. You nailed me

You're saying you're not? You sure post like it.

So is it the boards policy for the admin to call posters names?
I didn't call you names, I simply pointed out that your behavior is at best naive and misguided. I do admit that I don't know what your age is, so that was a presumption on my part based on your behavior.

You're defending someone who has a clear track record of abusive behavior and of not following the most basic, simple rules any civil society should enforce. You apparently think that we should let veterans do whatever they want, including breaking these simple guidelines, simply because they are veterans. As I said in your other tireless and futile defense of a loon, your logic would excuse mass murderers like Tim McVeigh and Charles Whittman. Great train of logic there.

To me this shows that you have a very childlike understanding of what it is to be a veteran and how one should be treated. People should never, ever be given respect and privilege because of what they do for a living; they should only receive it if they have earned it through who they are.

Now, why don't you just drop it? Sabot is out, he will stay out. You are fighting a lost cause for the wrong reasons. Accept that and I will withdraw my comments about you being naive and misguided. If you are over 25 I will withdraw my comments about you being young.


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Originally posted by Sgt Popov:

Well some things never change, once a douche, always a douche :D

Wow, been a long time since I called or seen somebody called a douche. I think it must of been early 80s, like around 4th grade for me. IIRC, a friend of mine couldn't spare the quarter I needed for chocolate milk at the lunch line. So I had to settle for just regular milk that day. It was tragic, but I moved on. :cool:

Thanks for the memories Popov. :rolleyes:

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I think it might be worth thinking through this thing about strong board moderation and whether the moderators would be better spending time on programming.

"Respectable" but rude, abusive, racist, sexist, war-glorifying board; full of religious hatred, do exist. I can only speak for myself, but they drive me nuts! It either brings out the worst in me, or I end up putting half the forum members on my "blocked" list, just so I can read it in peace.

More particularly, some trashy, hate-filled forums have usually stopped me buying the games they like to discuss. If the forum is specific to a company, I won't even buy from the company. It's just too much grief, as you like the support forum to be a discussion between sensible friends.

"Modern war/flight sim" forums can be the worst, but if strictly moderated, some are still great. Go and look on the Lockon.ru forum and see flyboys being sensible and thoughtful("or else"!).

Personally, I have some problems with the forthcoming CMx2 game, because of its setting, and as I recall, I apologised when I reacted to someone's comment. The discussion on that part of this board has also been civilized. I've also found myself apologizing to someone on the CMBB board, for pre-judging him.

A pleasant forum is a treat. It encourages use of the game, as well as selling games, and supporting/encouraging the developers. For me the rule is simple - a horrible forum = no purchase.

Battlefront is always a nice place to visit. So are many forums (NWS, SSG, Matrix etc)and it definitely shows.

I don't know if this is relevant, but that's my fourpenneth (5 cent's worth!).



BTW I am lousy at pretty well every game I've tried. For that, I have to take full responsibility! smile.gif

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I just have to ask myself why there's always someone - or, in most of the cases here - A LOT of people who not only read a post of a, let's say, MISGUIDED poster but react in a most pragmatic manner. I ceased that practice a long time ago, because it simply wouldn't prove successful in any way. There's a proverb in Germany, it roughly translates into 'violence begets reverse violence'. I have the imprewssion a lot of people just try to manipulate others or provoke a reaction out of voyeristic delight. Here they find everything they need and much more...

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Originally posted by Hitori Kyo:

admin u just banned someone on speculation what the hell ? ur going to lose many customers this way.. ur game would want to be good

- Hitori kyo

Nobody loses customers by banning idjits. That's like saying clubs would be better if they let in all the people with glass in their teeth.
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"Max Wünsche



Having been banned myself a long time ago! Ive chosen to step more carefully...


Uhm... now wasn't that a stupid thing to post? Now you've got me to connect a few dots. If you are who I think you are, and I am quite sure I'm right, you are still banned. So I've banned you again.

For you old hands... you might remember a certain Australian who had another (in)famous SS commander's name as a Forum handle. After a string of abusive postings he finally got himself banned when he posted some rather, uhm, distasteful pictures from the Hollocaust. It's gone down as one of the worst, most offensive posts of all times. I'd rather not give him the chance to top his past acheivement."

he doesnt even kow if its the same guy just speculates!

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Look, it's quite simple. This isn't the Freedom and Liberty Board. This isn't the paid-for-by-member-subscription board. This is BFC's board. It's private. A private board. And what does that mean?

They can act as they see fit. It's a despotism. Enlightened despotism, some might say, but despotism nevertheless.

Your opinion has as little value as mine. And if you don't like the way they run the board, leave, or start your own. Just please, spare us all your inane, badly spelled bleating about how it's all so unfair. You sound like me aged 14.

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Originally posted by Hitori Kyo:

im seriously considering it, i dont wish to play with people of this caliber

- Hitori kyo

Have to say I'm beginning to feel the same way. For some reason I assumed the kind of people who play these tac games were a cut above the usual teenage FPS-whoring retards, but after some of the comments in another thread in the CMBB forum I've revised that assumption.
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Originally posted by Hitori Kyo:

he doesnt even kow if its the same guy just speculates!

And aren't you speculating about whether "Battlefront.com" is speculating? ;)

PS btw it's Battlefront's board. If you read the forum rules you'll notice that banning is not really decided by the forum members, but by Battlefront moderators.

We've all learnt to live with this, why can't you?

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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

Max Wünsche

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Having been banned myself a long time ago! Ive chosen to step more carefully...

Uhm... now wasn't that a stupid thing to post? Now you've got me to connect a few dots. If you are who I think you are, and I am quite sure I'm right, you are still banned. So I've banned you again.

For you old hands... you might remember a certain Australian who had another (in)famous SS commander's name as a Forum handle. After a string of abusive postings he finally got himself banned when he posted some rather, uhm, distasteful pictures from the Hollocaust. It's gone down as one of the worst, most offensive posts of all times. I'd rather not give him the chance to top his past acheivement.

Steve </font>

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Originally posted by Sigrun:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Hitori Kyo:

im seriously considering it, i dont wish to play with people of this caliber

- Hitori kyo

Have to say I'm beginning to feel the same way. For some reason I assumed the kind of people who play these tac games were a cut above the usual teenage FPS-whoring retards, but after some of the comments in another thread in the CMBB forum I've revised that assumption. </font>
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Originally posted by Sigrun:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Hitori Kyo:

im seriously considering it, i dont wish to play with people of this caliber

- Hitori kyo

Have to say I'm beginning to feel the same way. For some reason I assumed the kind of people who play these tac games were a cut above the usual teenage FPS-whoring retards, but after some of the comments in another thread in the CMBB forum I've revised that assumption. </font>
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@Sabot and his "others"...

I haven't followed your career here very closely, but it's my understanding that you were warned by the managment to knock it off. They believed that you failed to do so and you were banned.

It's worth noting that this is a company forum and exists (on the developer's dime) to help them promote their products. That they felt you were undermining their ability do so, has apparently been lost on yourself.

Perhaps, however, they'd allow you to return after a time, were you to contact them back-channel and offer your willingness to "play by the rules." Then again, they might not. It's their call.

@the developer and publisher...

It may be that 1C and BF should consider moving the ToW forum off-site. While there may be some youngsters behaving badly, there are an equal number of CM fans working overtime to sow discord, and undermine embrace of the newer game.

At this point, it would appear as though the "revolution" of years past is about to be devoured by ITS children.

If I were interested in TOW and came here looking for information about it, I'd be so turned-off as to consider simply waiting for it to (perhaps) show up at the local BEST BUY, rather than risk a purchase online of something so apparently controversial.

This can't be what BF and 1C intend, is it?


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Originally posted by Soddball:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Sigrun:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Hitori Kyo:

im seriously considering it, i dont wish to play with people of this caliber

- Hitori kyo

Have to say I'm beginning to feel the same way. For some reason I assumed the kind of people who play these tac games were a cut above the usual teenage FPS-whoring retards, but after some of the comments in another thread in the CMBB forum I've revised that assumption. </font>
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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Only we can know how funny it is when Kettler comes along and Sigrun pisses his pants thinking he's found an ally, cutting loose with "Finally, somebody objective who makes some sense." LOL!


And he even called Andreas an insecure Russian... smile.gif

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Sigrun is pissed that some of the grogs wanted to actually discuss historical fact instead of sitting around Nazi-worshipping with him.

Oh. When he said that other thread, I thought he meant there was a thread about ToW. I was interested to see the commentary. But your excerpts are quite enough. I get his name now too. Thanks.
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Originally posted by Prince of Eckmühl:

@the developer and publisher...

It may be that 1C and BF should consider moving the ToW forum off-site. While there may be some youngsters behaving badly, there are an equal number of CM fans working overtime to sow discord, and undermine embrace of the newer game.

At this point, it would appear as though the "revolution" of years past is about to be devoured by ITS children.

If I were interested in TOW and came here looking for information about it, I'd be so turned-off as to consider simply waiting for it to (perhaps) show up at the local BEST BUY, rather than risk a purchase online of something so apparently controversial.

This can't be what BF and 1C intend, is it?


I think your concerns are valid and well stated, even if none of my business. But perhaps that is the point. When CM came out - a thinking man's game, as it were - it attracted a very specific demographic which the developers happened to fit into as well - that being the 30 somethings who grew up with PanzerBlitz, Squad Leader, Ambush!, ASL, Muzzle Velocity, M-1 Tank Platoon, Steel Panthers et al and were very happy to see their fav subject matter treated in a combination of ingenuity, realism, and playability.

They also formed a penchant for talking to each other, and many have been here for 5 or 6 years now. Without any statistical analysis, it has been suggested that the average IQ of the forum regulars surpasses any national median - not because CM makes you smart, but because the type of game that CM is attracts smarter people. I have no way of knowing if this is true, but a look at the people whom I interact with every day here suggests I would not be surprised to learn that it is.

It is also a very broad-minded forum in which serious historical issues are tackled day in and day out. Sure, one could go the the Third Reich/Axis History Forum or to Feldgrau.net for detailed info on the Germans, or to any number of specially tailored fora for specific conversations on Italian tanks, Canadian Army uniforms, British tactical air cover, but for a general meeting place of veterans of the age of board wargaming and 386s, I know of no other place where I personally feel so comfortable and know that my peers do as well.

That said, we are perhaps a little overprotective, or perhaps we feel the need for others to pay some dues first before telling us that the Soviets were subhumans or that Otto Carius is somehow a paragon of virtue to be admired, right up to naming ourselves after bits of his uniform. Garbage like that, I feel, drags the forum down and diminishes a place that some of have invested 5 or 6 years in. This is not a universally held opinion, just speaking for myself. It also provides some entertainment while we wait for the next big WWII themed release - it has been a long time, after all, since CM:AK.

So forgive us if we scoff at "SS_Belt_Buckle" or "Otta.Carius.w00t"; we don't mean to scoff at TOW in the process, nor deter anyone from making a purchase.

Aside from my arcane pamphlets on uniforms, there are other bonafide published authors here - Mr. Yeide comes to mind - not to mention Lorrin Bird is (or was?) a regular contributor, plus enough history degrees to choke a horse. TOW is certainly a different demographic but I think the BAs are of a mind "we were here first."

Your suggestion to outsource the TOW forum - I don't know, has advantages I guess. Or the CM crowd can simply learn to treat the TOW forum the way it does the Peng Thread... smile.gif

[ October 10, 2006, 08:55 AM: Message edited by: Michael Dorosh ]

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

So forgive us if we scoff at "SS_Belt_Buckle" or "Otta.Carius.w00t"; we don't mean to scoff at TOW in the process, nor deter anyone from making a purchase.

It should also be noted that the same kind of people were initially attracted here by Combat Mission, years back, and got thrown out, clearing the atmosphere quite a bit. Including that boyo who found satisfaction at posting pictures of burned corpses from Auschwitz. What was his nick back then, Micheal Wittmann or something?

If you're strict, you might lose some childish annoyances. While if you let the SS Clowns dance on table, a wholly different group of clients will lose interest.

[ October 10, 2006, 09:00 AM: Message edited by: Sergei ]

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Originally posted by Sergei:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

So forgive us if we scoff at "SS_Belt_Buckle" or "Otta.Carius.w00t"; we don't mean to scoff at TOW in the process, nor deter anyone from making a purchase.

It should also be noted that the same kind of people were initially attracted here by Combat Mission, years back. Including that boyo who found satisfaction at posting pictures of burned corpses from Auschwitz. What was his nick back then, Micheal Wittmann or something? </font>
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