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I'm trying to create a rocket launcher similar to what the russians had in WW2 (I don't know the correct name).

I have the Paladin ATGM. Switch the missiles for a light mortar round and set ShotsPerFire to 3. Thats fine so far. Nice area bombardment. Spread is worse enough for not making it too effective. smile.gif

One problem: how do I get a smoke trail? If I switch to the TOW model file it just flings the missile around (with no trail) and taking the TOW animation with the light mortar settings doesn't work at all.

I had hoped to be able to use the missile animation and just stop it after a second (faking the burn phase of the missile) and let the thing just fly ballistically.

Any hope for that Clay?

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Great! Getting a smoke trail for a projectile flying over half of the battlefield will definetly look cool! smile.gif

My intention for this unit was to provide the poor planetary dwellers with no orbital support some cheap area bombardment capabilities. A rocket launcher rack strapped to a paladin seems fitting. Slow speed, slow turret rotation, slow reload, long range, big bang.

It would have a low trajectory so it couldn't shoot over high hills.

Nebel(=smoke)werfer(=launcher) - no Iceman, I wanted something that makes dents in other things smile.gif

But I really like to see Clay mention smoke grenades!

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The Nebelwerfer was used to fire rockets, not just smoke.

I'm not completely sure why it was called Nebelwerfer, but smoke=Nebel is not the reason ("fog" would be a better translation anyway). The Nebelwerfer was invented by a man called Nebel, but there is the story that the Nebelwerfer got its name by being distributed to the chemical weapons troops.

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Ok, you got me to look it up. smile.gif

Wikipedia tells me that the german rocket scientist Robert Nebel was one of the developers but it was not named after him. That device was part of the 'Nebeltruppe' which was a disguise for a chemical warfare unit.

The Nebelwerfer was really a rocket launcher. See some pictures here:


The correct name for what I thought was a Nebelwerfer is 'Nebelmittelwurfanlage'.

What I wanted is this:


But I think I'll go with the six in a circle design because that makes the shot animation easier - yes I know I'm cheap smile.gif

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Ok, so here extra for aittam a preliminary version:


Heres a screenshot:


Its obviously lacking a turret and some decent settings (ammo is 100, reload 1 second). Happy bombing.

Oh and does someone have a good source for nice military soundfiles? Nothing against the missile launch sound but I would like to have something more, well, screeching. smile.gif

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Aah, the joy of being loved for making an area bombardment device! ;)

Some questions for Clay:

Is there a way to have two different models/textures for loaded and unloaded gun? The missiles in the launcher would be visible thats why I ask.

Sketchup puts textures in a separate directory and this is mentioned in the .obj. DT expects all textures to be in the main /data directory though. Is this a bug or a feeature? I just need to know, its no problem to copy the files.

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Hi Aittam-

I had to add the katjuscha to another inventory.xml file - the one poesel used didn't work for me - the engine complained about invalid XML just like before. If you still need help, I'll post a copy of the inventory.xml that works for me tonight.

Just out of curiosity, are you running under windows?


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Originally posted by poesel71:

Strange - I've made the whole thing under OSX and it runs fine here.

jdevlin - what did you change?

i'll try one more time stay tuned in ten minutes the answer

hre when it crashed twice:

this is loading Battlecreek:

COB: Loading texture >DropTeam.app/Contents/Resources/data/Team1ArcticMBTGunLoiter0.png<

PHYSICALOBJECTFACTORY: Loading DropTeam.app/Contents/Resources/data/120mmAP.physicalobjectgroup

PHYSICALOBJECTFACTORY: Loading DropTeam.app/Contents/Resources/data/120mmHEAT.physicalobjectgroup

PHYSICALOBJECTFACTORY: Loading DropTeam.app/Contents/Resources/data/120mmHE.physicalobjectgroup

PHYSICALOBJECTFACTORY: Loading DropTeam.app/Contents/Resources/data/SmokeGrenade.physicalobjectgroup

CRITICAL: The XML file is not valid

and the same for Icefield

[ September 21, 2006, 02:45 PM: Message edited by: aittam ]

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